Aether - Failing For a Change

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z0mb1equeen Neutral readerGod I'm sorry this took so long also I forgot to ask if you wanted a specific plot 😩 I hope this is alright and I didn't completely read the comment wrong

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Neutral reader
God I'm sorry this took so long also I forgot to ask if you wanted a specific plot 😩 I hope this is alright and I didn't completely read the comment wrong

Will be making more aether ones though I promise 🫡

My legs gave out beneath me, sending me falling towards the hard tiled floor - only for aether to fall faster, cushioning my fall. I swiftly jumped up, leaving my friend in the dust and continuing my sprint down the ministry's hallways full of nothing but occasional paintings and thousands of massive stained glass windows. I was racing Aether to the kitchen, like I usually did. We raced everywhere. Everything was a competition to us. It was always silly things like who could play the guitar solo the fastest, who could tune the guitar the fastest, who could make a sandwich the fastest, whose sandwich looked better, who did papa love the most, who did Sodo hate the most. It never got old and it never stopped. We'd been going for years.

I reached for the door handle only to be grabbed and launched backwards, aether opening the door and getting in the kitchen first. I glared at him.
"You cheated!" I groaned, walking in after him.
"There are no rules in a simple chase," he grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl to his left, peeling it as he spoke, "are you being a sore loser?" He teased. I sighed, quickly noticing the few ghouls stood leaning on the kitchen counters, their conversation interrupted by us.
"Have fun?" Swiss raised an eyebrow, speaking sarcastically.
"Sorry," I waved my hand, walking over to them and picking up some berries from the fridge next to Rain.
"It's 9am," Rain turned to me, taking a berry from my palm and eating it. I dropped the rest into my mouth.
"And?" Aether came up behind me, "we do it all the time,"
"You know some ghouls like to sleep in, right?" Sodo moved his hair out of the way of his face, some quite obvious eyebags drooping from his eyes.
"How about we give you two a quiz, and you compete for the highest scores in a very quiet manner" Swiss tilted his head, speaking to us like we were kids
"Like a pop quiz-?" I rolled my eyes
"We'll do it," Aether interrupted eagerly, dropping his banana peel in the trash.
"What? Swiss are you sure? We're the ones that will have to deal with the constant boasting," Sodo stood up straight.
"It'll be fun! Come on help me write up some questions." The multi ghoul grinned.

They had decided to make about 73 questions on the computer, printing off two copies, a third having the answers. We agreed on 20 questions, but seemingly they couldn't stop themselves. They separated us onto separate tables on opposite ends of the kitchen like we were taking some school test. 
"You're so going to lose," Aether chuckled, spinning his pen in his hand.
"Your words only make it more embarrassing for you when you lose," i taunted.
"Enough, children-" Swiss spoke up
"I'm not a-" we both spoke up
"You may begin your quiz," he waved his hands, walking back to the kitchen counter.

The room was in silence, the only sound being the scrawling of biros. The questions were stupid, basically tests of friendship. I couldn't believe my eyes at the 'what age was Sodo when he started playing bass guitar' how was I meant to know that? I guessed a random number, the same way I had guessed for most of my answers. I thought Swiss would at least try to make them completable. About halfway through the questions took a turn to just being about aether and I. 'What year did Y/n join the band' 'What's aethers favourite song?' 'Where can Y/n usually be found?' 'What did aether name his guitar?'
They were all pretty simple, I knew aether more than I knew myself so it was barely a struggle. I got to the end pretty fast, synchronised sounds of pens being placed onto the table.
"Alright, write your names down on the sheets and I'll find out your scores," Swiss walked back over, taking our quizzes from us.
"I definitely won that. Can't wait to see your face when they say you didn't get a single point," I crossed my arms, leaning back in my chair.
"You never win, Y/n. You just need to accept that," he smiled. He was right. He beat me in everything, it was so goddamn annoying. no matter what I did he was always better at it. I start playing guitar, suddenly he's started too, shredding all kinds of riffs. I time how fast I can get to places, he gets their faster. This time he was going down. I could feel it.

"After careful marking and generous scores, I have your results," Swiss spoke like a live show host. "The winner is..."
I clenched my hands into fists, practically hearing my name on the tip of his tongue.
"Both of you! You tied!" He gave us our papers back, clapping his hands happily. I looked through all my answers. All right. How could he have gotten them all right too? What is the likeliness of that?
"We what?" I just sat there, shocked as I stared at the 100% score.
"You tied! With the power of friendship!" Swiss grinned, pulling me to my feet after noticing I wouldn't stop staring at the paper. Aether walked over with his sheet, pointing at a question.
"That's not right," he admitted, pulling away his paper when Swiss tried to look. Swiss didn't push him, picking up my paper and passing it to the confused ghoul.
"They should both be the same, you two basically had identical answers-"
"No, they got it right, I got it wrong." Aether hid the papers again.
"Let me see-" Swiss tried to look another time
"No," he shoved both papers into his pocket. He was acting suspicious. Had he really got one wrong? Or was he lying? Why would he lie?

"Well I guess, after formal reconsideration, Y/n wins!" The speech was corrected. It made me feel so giddy, so excited. I joyfully jumped on the spot. I'd finally won against aether fair and square. My heart lurched, and before I could even realise what I was doing my lips were on aethers, kissing him like I'd become a billionaire. I soon did realise, though it didn't help that aether kissed back. It made me wonder whether or not I should actually part from him. Being so close, kissing him like we were a couple, it only brought me more joy. I'd always pushed those emotions for him away, but here I was, heart fluttering at our lips touching.

I came to my senses, swiftly pulling away from him.
"Oh shit- sorry- I don't know what came over me," I was red. So very red. Aether just stared into my eyes, in a daze.
"This is so fucking awkward, I'm leaving you two to it," Swiss stepped back slowly, before jogging over to rain and Sodo, pulling them out of the door like an angry mother.
"You don't have to apologise..." he finally blinked, extremely rapidly, but a blink was a blink.
"Yes I do, I basically just assaulted you" I panicked, holding both my hands to my head. His face twitched a little as he let out a snicker.
"No you didn't... and... I liked it" he stepped forwards, grabbing me by the waist, "do you want to try it again," he questioned, our faces inches apart, his breath on mine. I nodded insanely fast, him pressing his lips to mine with no time wasted.

He made me feel complete, all warm and fuzzy inside, made me feel like my heart could explode. I'd never felt so much love before, and definitely not so unexpectedly. His lips moved smoothly against mine, careful yet careless at the same time. Eventually we had to pull away, my weight fully shifted to the hand that held my waist.
"Race you outside," he smirked
"You're on," i furrowed my eyebrows, only to be dropped on the floor as he shot off, "You cheater!" I called after him, still in a mess of emotions. I loved him and he very obviously showed that he loved me too. There's no way to predict what happens next.

Very sorry but expect a few days break because I'm posting more often than usual which is clearing out my mind and making my fics dry as hell

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