I swear from this day on forward that Camzi will not waste another tears, she will only shed tears because of happiness, that’s all.

Then I looked at to Steve, then said thru my mind, “Steve, here she is, Camila is here now, feel her, hear her, you don’t want to hear your daughter cry, am I right? So wake up now, don’t waste the time, it’s time for you two to reunite, I know you’re waiting for this day to come that you will see your daughter again. A man named Shawn, the same bastard man that I talked to you about is in our custody now, I promise you he will not go unscratched, no, he will not walk to this earth again. He’s the one who make your daughter suffer for a long years, wake up and open your eyes, the long wait is over, she’s here now. Your daughter is here.”

I looked at to Camila, she’s probably telling him how her life goes on since she was a kid.

I don’t know how long we stayed there but I know that Camila is tired.

“Love, come on, let’s eat first then you rest.”

“I want to stay here, can I?”

“Of course, you can, I will bring food here and I’ll assign some men outside the door.”

“Lo, I’ll wait for you here, I don’t want anyone.”

“Okay,” and I kissed her forehead, “wait here, I’ll brought your food.”

“Come back, okay?”

“Sure,” I was about to turn to my heels when the door opened revealing Angela, “hey…”

“What’s up? I brought food, I’m expecting that you will eat here together with your father.”

“Thanks, Angela.”

“You’re welcome.”

Angela handed me the food tray and she left after.

We ate lunch together and after that Camila stayed the rest of the hour inside the room. She promised me to stay inside until I come back for her. That’s my cue to visit the bastard.


The four waited for me to come down then we headed to where they put Shawn.

As expected they put him to the special room or more like I say is an arena-like room.

We entered that room, a few computer equipment was all in that room, high technology then a glass wall where Shawn can be seen on the centre tied up on a metal chain, blindfolded.

Together with Diana and Alex we went down to approach Shawn while Angela and Norma stayed in the room they can see it all from there.

The securities greeted us when we went out of the room then they’re back to their position. We descended the stairs and I saw him moved straining his ears to listen then he shouted.


Then Alex said, “really? You can’t even beat one of our men, remember?” then he looked at to me, “oh, we made a show here, tried him, you know.”

I shook my head smiling then said, “you better make sure he still have energy for me.”

“Of course.”


“He’s dead,” I simply answered.

“Wait, I know that voice and you’re just saying that because you’re afraid. You don’t know him.”

“Same as you to us, you don’t know us too,” then I ordered Diana, “bring his dead body here,” I said.

Diana followed and ordered men to pull the black bag that was on the corner.

“We have a surprise for you, Mendes, we’re sure that you will regret that you were born in this wonderful world.”


“Ooohhh, I’m scared,” Alex teased.

Then they laugh.

I love it when Alex teased because the enemy will surely in rage, determined to know on who we are.

“Hey Mendes, remember what I say on the night you passed out, I have a surprise for you that I’m sure you will be glad and thank me for the rest of your life in hell.”

Then I was the one who pulled the blindfold out of his face. I saw him adjusted to the bright light by blinking a few times then lift his face up and his eyes widened.

“Hello, Mendes,” I greeted casually.

“Michelle Fuego,” and he smirked, “an angel to everybody but you’re truly a devil.”

I smirk back at him, “same as you, happy to see me?”

And Alex said, “remember her face very well because she’ll be the last one you will see.”

Then they back out a little.

“You said that you’re one of Diego’s men,” and I pull the black bag in front of him, “and I guess,” and opened the zipper, “this is the Diego you’re referring to, he despise you, you know,” and I chuckled.

Shawn widened his eyes, frozen in his spot while looking at Diego, dead inside the black bag, bullet hole in his head.

“Now you know who’s more fearsome than Diego and you know what Mendes, you’ll be the next inside this black bag, want to know why?” and I zipped back the bag, closing it then stood in front of him, “you made a mistake that you will always regret and even in your next life if God forbid, no, if the devil forbid you, you will remember those mistakes you’ve made while you’re living.”

“I’m living a great life.”

“Oh yeah?” and I pulled my phone out of my pocket, “I want to show you something,” then I found what I’m looking for then I showed Shawn the picture I want him to see, “pretty isn’t she?” and I smiled when I saw the smiling face of Camila together with me.


The metal chain clang while he’s trying to advance towards me, and I didn't budge from my spot.

“You didn’t expect it, aren’t you?” and I looked at to the picture with a smile on my lips then I let Diana and Alex glance at the screen.


“She’s so fucking gorgeous, a one of a kind, rare,” and I stuffed back my phone, “and oh, she’s here somewhere in this place where you are now but lower than her, because she’s on the higher ground, I brought her here, she’ll be your present but of course on watching you die and let me tell you, you were in her mansion and oh I almost forgot,” I said in amusement while pacing back and forth slowly in front of him, “she give herself to me last night and repeatedly this morning, do you know how sweet and heavenly her moan is? Man, it’s so erotic that you don’t want to pull out of her and never stopped because it’s so fucking amazing, so delicious,” and I stopped face palming myself when I remember something, “sorry man, I forgot again, you didn’t know all of what I am saying because what you always hear from her is her cries, her pleas for you to stop because she felt disgusted and wanted to run away from you,” I said without tearing my eyes off him, “she even said, if she can, she will tore off her skin that is tainted by you, but I made sure that it’ll be changed, replacing yours with mine, I already marked her and she loves it.”

And I saw a paper in front of me in my peripheral vision I saw Diana’s hand and then she slap the paper back to Mendes’ face, I later realized that he wanted to spit on my face and Diana was quick to cover my face with a paper.

“You’re really quick Diana, I like that.”

Diana smirked and said, “no one messes with us,” and threw away the paper.

“Right!” Alex agreed. Even our men that is together with us here.

“How’s your feeling, being left out, trampled you repeatedly, kicked out of the company by me, hidden from your enemies, being disgusted by my Karla, despising by your own boss.”


He shouted, wanted to be free so he could attack me. But I never stepped back, head to head on with him.

“She’ll never be yours, I know what you did, Karla told me everything, every details and with that every single details she said to me, every scars, every broken bones, every cries, every pain she feel, you will pay with high interest, every inch of her skin that you marred, you will pay, what you did to my woman expect it to happen to you because you fucking deserve it, the devil will surely be grateful to me because of my gift to him and that is you, your time is up.”

“You can’t kill me.”

In quick draw I pulled my gun and fired it in between his bare feet without breaking eye contact with him.

“I can and I will because of what you’ve done to my woman is unforgivable and no one messes with my family, Jack, you don't know what I'm capable of.”

I saw his jaw tightened and I smirked, “surprised? You think you can cover up your evil doing? You’re immature, fucking dumb idiotic brainless asshole coward small dick man, it fits you.”

And I’m glad of what I saw in his face, anger, hate.

“Better start praying in every deity you know but right now only the devil can hear you and excitedly waiting for you,” then I raised my gun toward his chin, “I really want to kill you right now, but I think that’ll be easy, one death is not enough of what you’ve done to my Karla, you deserve a slow and painful death, slow torture per se, I’ll make you suffer that you will want to go back to the past and correct everything,” and I shook my head, “no, wishing you were never born,” and I put my gun down and tuck it back on my pants, “but not today, we have a special day and I don’t want Karla to wait up for me, naked in our bed and always ready for me.”

Alex then put the blindfold back.


“God is still good because he let me find Karla,” that was my last words to him before I left him.


“YOU will not tell him who you are and Mila’s true name?” Norma asked me when we went back to the room.

“He didn’t deserve to know.”

“I thought I will see you in action today,” Angela said in disappointment.

“You’re expecting that Steve will wake up now that Camila is here, am I right?”

I heard Diana asked then I sighed because she’s right and I nodded, “yeah, I know Steve will want to see the man suffered in his very own eyes, who hurt his baby girl and I also want Camila to see him suffer, it's the only way for her to be free.”

“You think Camila will want to see him suffer?” Alex asked, “she might seemed a nice person who doesn’t want to see a human being died in front of her eyes.”

“She must and I already told her that the asshole will pay.”

“You’re right, if she wanted to stay with you she must embrace it,” Diana said.

“Diana is right,” Norma agreed.

“I hope so,” is the only thing I said.


I went back to the room where I left Camila, she promised to stay until I came back. When I opened the door, there she was, her head lied on the side of the bed with her eyes closed holding her father’s hand. Then I remember what Alex and Diana had said, the realization hit me hard.

MAFIA'S LOVE (Camren Original)Where stories live. Discover now