Part - 3

455 25 11

31 December, 2018

Boring life... I hate everything... I can't be like normal people even if I want that so badly. I want to be like before. Dance like I used to. Enjoy every single thing like I used to.. but maybe that was not in my fate.

I kept staring at the crowd that was waiting for CB97 to appear. Idk who he was. Hyunjin dragged me here along with Felix  and vanished inside the crowd leaving me here at the end.

So basically where I was standing was less crowded. And I'm happy. I won't need to have breathing problems and won't die out of breath.

I sighed. My brown hair has gotten pretty long. The front locks are touching my eyelashes and the back ones are literally touching my neck. I need to cut them ig. Not that I care. I'm just waiting for my days to come to an end.

I lost interest in life after knowing I had leukemia. And the worse part was it wasn't the normal one. A lot happened through the years. A storm flowed through my surroundings. I ripped a lot of things. A lot of feelings and unspoken dreams.

What's the use in dreaming when you know that'd mean nothing at the end? Yeah... definitely.... that's why I stopped dreaming....

My hair's were waving in the air cause of wind. It was December again... the end of it. And whenever this month comes my heart feels heavy. Knowing with the passage of years and months my time to leave is also nearing. These people.... I loved so much... my mom, Felix and Hyunjin... will they remember me after years when I'll finally die?

I kept staring down. Not knowing what to do. If it was the same normal day I used to spend before I was going to be so excited over everything. Like doing little jumps out of excitement and bothering everyone by asking them who CB97 was, how he looked, how he sounded, if he could dance, if he was good looking and if he likes boys as well... But now... Knowing nothing was possible here was I... Sitting alone out of the crowd. Just seeing the crowd jumping and talking loudly about him.

They said he was attractive and that he was the most famous boy of their school as well.

It would be a lie if I say I wasn't excited to see him. But I couldn't jump like them to show it.

Also... Thinking about death makes everything meaningless to me. I let out a long sigh. And just then I heard the music starting to play.



(I looked up)


(His voice... Ok... I was mesmerized... Wow.. but can you blame me? It was so angelic....)

Winter is blowing again
I wonder how much time has passed
Everything has changed besides myself
I get so lonely that it hurts so much
I'm getting lonelier to the point it hurts
I, who still miss you
Am still standing in the same place
Reminiscing about our old days
I close my eyes and remember

Winter Falls (MinChan)/(HyunHo)Where stories live. Discover now