Part - 2

436 22 2

3 January,2018

"what happened to me, mom?" Minho asked his mom with a slightly cracked voice as his throat had a sudden lump of fear. He knew it before asking her this. He heard it that day when his mom was talking with the doctor. Yet he wished he had heard wrong. And he was totally fine..

Mrs. Lee for a fact knew there was no profit in hiding anything if she wanted to not make things worse.

"You have AML leukemia."

Minho went silent. He knew what leukemia was. That means he didn't hear wrong. He always thought how the patients having this disease might feel.

"You hid things from us, didn't you?"

Minho looked down biting his lips. "I'm sorry mom. I was scared. But I promise I thought they were normal nose bleeds!" Tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to fall.

"I'm not talking about that min. Explain what happened with your weight. And say the truth." Mrs. Lee said with a cold and serious tone.

Minho got a bit scared and thought his mom would scold him. Still he spoke the truth.

"I gave them to Felix and sometimes threw them out of the window. I'm sorry mom... I just lost my appetite and couldn't eat them all." He teared up more and his vision went blurry cause of tears.

"Oh Minho." Minho's mom broke in tears as well and pulled her son for a tight hug. "I'm sorry that I didn't pay much attention to you before. Only if I was a good mom. But please Minho, you know we love you a lot. Please... For us... listen to what I say now? You have to follow some routines from now, ohk? And have to leave some precious things you loved a lot. It's for the best Minho. We don't want to lose you. You will listen to what I say, right?" She sobbed.

Minho nodded, sniffling in the process, knowing everything was about to change.

"You have to leave dance. Cause it makes you breathless. I agree it can be a great exercise for you. But you can't make yourself breathless. You can dance if you think the steps won't make you breathless and you'll be fine. You can't eat ice cream if the coldness isn't bearable for you. You have to make sure you don't catch cold. Your blood cells are weak and won't be able to fight against illness. You have to avoid everything that makes you have problems in breathing. You have to leave eating too cold or too hot food. I know they are your favorite; but for me, Felix and Hyunjin.... please min... Try to listen to me... "

Minho's heart cracked. He wanted to obey his mom but at the same time the things she told him to avoid were the things he liked or loved most. But maybe he loves his family more and he needed to do the best for both his family and himself.

It was the only way he could survive long...

Winter Falls (MinChan)/(HyunHo)Where stories live. Discover now