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The drive was unnervingly quiet. Just the low hum of the car driving and quietly switching lanes. Making the small tickticktick as Dave switched.

The rain has stopped crashing, and now it is only a soft drizzle. Only a few clouds are left in the blackened sky.

Dave's eyes gazed over towards the clock. It read 2:45AM. He sighed. He had no idea he was out this long.

He even doubts that Kurt is even located there. But the drummer wasn't going to give up, he just felt this ... feeling to check there.

Half-way there, Dave pulls into the small town that is close to Aberdeen. He sees a payphone and makes a mental note.

' Definitely should call Krist. '

Dave thought as he pulled onto the side. He checked his gas mileage, and sighed in relief. Since he hasn't burnt as much as he thought've.

He exited the car. Switching it off as he approached the little payphone. He grabbed out a quarter from his front pocket and slipped it inside.

Grabbing onto the phone, he leant it against his ear. Using his head and shoulder to hold it in place as his fingers are dialing the number.

It rang a few times before it is finally answered. An exhausted sigh can be heard into the phone before the familiarity of Krist's voice spoke up.

"Gahhh, hello?" Krist spoke into the phone. "Hi! It's Dave." Dave responded.

"What's up? Found him?"

"Not in Seattle." Dave replied, twirling the little cord between his fingers. On the other line, Krist sits up from the couch.

Krist's hair is a bed-head mess, since he has crashed from drinking and watching TV. Using the alcohol as a way to cope with his dearest friend of being missing.

"Not in Seattle.. wait, Dave where are you?" Krist asks. Dave laughed softly as he replied. "Almost to Aberdeen."

"What?! Why'd you be driving all the way out there?" Krist raised his voice a bit, somewhat in shock.

"Look, I don't know! I just have a feeling he's there." Dave replied, glancing around the darkened area.

The only light is the little lamp-post with it's glowing yellowy light above the drummers head.
And a small faint blue glow inside the little payphone area.

An exhausted sigh from Krist came in response. "So you're baseing this off of a feeling?"

"Yes." Dave responded. "Look– i– uh, I gotta go. Payphone is being an ass, telling me to insert another coin and i don't have one."

"Okay. Well get back here safely." Krist responded.

Then the automatic message came into Dave's ear, 'if you want to continue the call, please insert another twenty five cent priced coin.'

Dave slammed the payphone back into it's spot. Shaking his head as a little yawn escaped out of lips.

He kicked a small pebble out of his way as he went back to the car. He got inside and started it again.

His eyes gazing at the clock. Shaking his head, he knew it was fucking late. But he didn't want to stop.

He needs to find Kurt.

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