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As the drummer is driving around the place, it was an ominous of silence. The clouds began to cry out there rainwater.

Dave flicked on his window wipers as the rain is hitting his front. The rain is rolling down the panes.

But Kurt was no where in sight. He drove down the streets, and just.. nothing.

Maybe Kurt wasn't in Seattle?

That thought popped up into Dave's mind. He stopped at a red light. His darken honey-browns gazing up at the red glow of the light.

"If he's not in Seattle.. where could he be?" Dave asked to himself. That's when his heart dropped.

Only one other place in mind, which he is highly doubtful about this. The light switched into it's LED of green.

Dave pushed on, driving the car towards the gas station real quick. He asks for regular and hands the employee a $20 bill.

Exiting the car for a moment, he walks into the little Shell's convenience store.

The doors automatically opened. Chiming the little ding sound as he entered. It startled him back into reality.

He walked around the isles, grabbing a case of just some cheap ass alcohol. A bag of lays potato chips. And then went to the front.

Setting his items on the little counter. The woman working the register looked about to be in her mid 50s. Her bags underneath here eyes, her wrinkles, and she just looked overall like a typical older smoker.

Her crackling voice spoke up after she scanned the items. "That'll be $15 and 34 cents."

"Oh! Can I add a pack of cigarettes to the order?" Dave piped up. Trying to be as nice as possible as he grabbed his wallet out. From his back pocket.

The woman rolled her eyes as she walked over to where all the cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and oons are.  "Pick your poison." The woman croaks.

"Winston's." Dave responded. She sighed as she grabbed the pack and then walked over. On her little worker badge, it read the name "Debbie."

Debbie scanned the little package of cigarettes. "Careful with your lungs kiddo, these sure are dangerous. My daughter Susan is addicted to them too."

Dave laughed awkwardly a little in reply. Watching as Debbie puts all his items in a small grocery bag except the alcohol case.

"Oh, and don't drink and drive. That'll kill you." Debbie stated. Dave sighed, "wasn't planning on it.."

"Good. You behave now." Debbie smiled as she watched Dave grabbed his paid for items and then left.

Debbie watching Dave go with a cold look in her eyes. The store's doors closed as made the sound again once Dave has left.

The drummer shuddered once he felt the cold Seattle air hit him. The rain hitting the top of his head as he approached his car, once again.

Entering it, he thanked the employer that filled his car for him and then started it.

He tossed the case of alcohol in the back seat. The little bag resting in the passenger.

Driving out of the Shell's gas station, he makes his way to the freeway and started to head into the direction.

The direction of..

Aberdeen Washington.

Missing - Kave Where stories live. Discover now