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The flash, Wally West, fastest man alive. He has gone by many names and many nicknames during his time as a superhero and during those times he has seen many things in his life.

Among those has been alien worlds, going back in time to an alternate world war 2, and even alternate realities so it's no surprise he ended up in a theater where they can watch the future being presented by the Amazos who he remembers being androids who more or less became the shepherds of the multiverse.

Which is why he was sitting in a seat of the theater eating some popcorn as he waited for everyone to join them and of course apologize to Hawkgirl and john for his little 'joke' which in hindsight was in pretty bad taste for him to make.

Wally's own personal musings was broken when the doors to the theater open and in walked the core Justice league along with Cheetah however four people were gone which were the general guy that Wally didn't bother to learn the name of, Lex, and finally the two royals of Atlantis which got him curious.

Sitting down next to Wally, was J'onn, who looked around.

"So, M.M, what are you picking up in everyone's heads? Anything juicy?" Wally asked.

"I am not hearing anything, my Telepathy is being blocked, it is...strange, I haven't felt anything like this....since mars." J'onn said.

Wally nods abit as he sees the two twins now infront of everyone, "Now that we have arrived to that for which." The sister begins as the brother finishes, "all of your questions shall be answered."

"Why are there two of you? What is this place? What are we going to watch? Who were those younger kids who were in the band?" Wally continued on, asking more questions.

After a minute and Wally ran out of breath, the Amazo's raised a hand and a cloth gag appeared in his mouth as he opened to ask another question, before the sister cleared her throat.

"You are here to learn about a possible future that is possible. This is an interdimensional universe where we are capable of showing you these without influencing the universe you inhabit. Those are the sidekicks that a version of you had, that formed a band due to events. Now before you ask more, here, let us show you." The sister said, tapping his head.

Wally shook his head, and nodded, taking the gag out.

"Ok, That leads to more questions." Wally said.

"Questions, many questions to be asked, but answers are harder to find, so why not ask the Question." The Question said, appearing.

"Why is the Question a multidimensional higher intellect being that is Schrodinger level of logic of observational existence with shape shifting properties?" Wally asked.

"We can't figure it out, I've given up on understanding it." Batman said.

"Why is Bruce Wayne dressed up like Batman?" Wally asked.

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