Whats next?

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For those wondering whats next in terms of the story, Well aside from another break where we meet the kids and learn abit of how the world changed, etc. etc. etc. 

Ya know all that wholesome family stuff, which will be fun i promise. Afterwards will be the start of the songs which will start with VAMBRACES INTRODUCTION ! 

And what better way then with a studio sound check of a awesome classic BIG BALLS! which will be used to introduce the band and what they play which so far the members are 

Conner Kent. 

Wally West

Megan Morse

and finally Artemis Crock

Can ya guess what parts they will play in the band? Go ahead itll be fun to see how close ya get. 

Now as for the Sabaton songs that will be played afterwards as well as the history segments which we have creatively called VAMBRACE HISTORY! Which will give ya folks a glimpse into the war from a historian perspective. 

anyway the songs going forward are as followed....for now. 


Resist and Bite 

Race to the Sea 

and finally 40:1 

Now if you want to see and be kept up to date on the playlist as it updates as well as offer your own thoughts in terms of Sabaton songs going forward then please check out the link here and off up your thoughts an ideas for the Liberation war and why that sabaton song would work. and NO! We are not doing the final solution, before you even start. 


Anyway hope yall enjoy the lineup and i look forward to your ideas, picks, and anything else going forward. 


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