Chapter 11

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Taehyung and Jimin were now sitting on the couch.

The foreign pheromones were mostly out of the house.

"So? how was it?" Jimin had asked excitedly, happy his friend had took this scary step towards the goal.

Taehyung was hesitant about what to say.

He himself doesn't know what he truly thinks about it so how can he tell someone else how it was to him.

'Was it scary? yes, was it making you happy? hmm I was happy I succeeded to take the step, my omega was happy to meet his alpha but I don't think I myself was happy, rather I felt frightened at first.

Was it unbearable? at the beginning it was because of the fear I had, though I don't think I'll be able to get used to being around alphas but-

"Taehyung? are you ok?" Jimin asked worriedly as Taehyung was lost in thoughts.

"yes? oh umm I guess it was scary, really scary and unbearable at first.

I was scared the whole time but as I got to see that he's not that scar, the fear decreased but not completely, I don't think it'll ever go down around any alpha." Taehyung finally concluded.

"That's clear that it won't go down immediately, it'll take time but I'm so happy and proud that you did it, I really am.

You'll see that with time, it'll be ok." Jimin hugged him and continued "I think that Jungkook is a really good person for you.

I saw the way he tried to control himself from hugging you, the way he sat in a bigger distance than he needed, he gave you your space.

The way he released calm pheromones, both me and Yoongi could smell that.

He really respects you and loves you, I saw the way he looked at you when you didn't see, it was always for split seconds but my eyes ain't deceiving me, there was pure love in his eyes, not to talk about the fact that he asked if he could sit next to you." Taehyung noticed the distance they sat in a distance, that was helping him to deal with the situation.

He also noticed his pheromones that were also helpful in a way.

Taehyung also thinks that he's a good person but he just can't see him as a good alpha, ever since what happened to him, every alpha is the same for him, he can't change it no matter how much he wants to.

"He is a good person, but I can't see him as a good alpha, no matter how much I try, every alpha is the same for me.

And I was able to get through this only because you were there, if you weren't there, it would have been different, I'm sure of it." Taehyung wouldn't have succeeded to go through this without Jimin there, someone he's comfortable with.

"I saw that the both of you exchanged numbers, does that mean you two will keep on talking?" Jimin asked him with a happy hopeful tone.

"I don't know honestly, part of me tells me to try but other just tells me to stay away.

I'll think it over." Taehyung has concluded.

"If you decide to continue with this, let me know, i'll come at any time." Jimin said while smiling.


Jungkook and Yoongi were in the car, Jungkook needed to get back home to finish his undone work so Yoongi drove to his house.

"What do you think about him? is he really your mate?" Yoongi asked Jungkook who sat next to him all happy and excited.

"What do you mean by if he's really my mate? I told you he was, I felt it and this meeting just proved me right, the feeling that screams at me he's your mate, the way my alpha got worked up whenever he saw him and even more when I sat next to him.

I was really happy, I still am, I hope to meet him again.

Now that I got his number I think this turns into a positive answer, I think he agreed that we'll keep om talking though I'm not sure he will respond to me." Jungkook said while smiling, leaning his head back.

"I think he will if he gave you his number, he wouldn't have given you his number if he didn't intend on talking? he just needs time to get used to this.

He didn't interact with any alpha since it happened, I believe that if you give him time and space he will be ok, he was like this with me at first too.

He didn't even get close to me, he only met with me when Jimin was there to persuade him to come.

Even at the first meeting all I could smell from him was fear and uncomfortableness, the guy is really scared.

It took him a lot of time to get used to me and let me into his house when I needed to and when Jimin wanted me to come and celebrate Taehyung's birthday and stuff.

I'm telling you, it's ok, you two will be ok." Yoongi tried to calm Jungkook and tell him that it's ok.

"He also said that he's not looking for a relationship and that if he does decide to continue this than it'll only be friendship, I know I sound stupid but I just can't let the concern I have that we won't be in the kind of relationship I want us to be in, it sounds selfish but I just wanna be with him, I wanna hold him in my hands the whole time, to kiss him, to hug him, to cuddle with him, just to be with him.

When I imagine us together my heart skips a beat and my alpha is also excited, I get excited and I can't stop my emotions and my excitement.

I really love him hyung, I will make sure to leave a good impression on him, make him fall in love with me out of his on will, I won't force nothing.

I won't give up on him, I will never." Jungkook was stubborn and once he decides he wants something, he will get it and Yoongi knows it.

"Just make sure to not be so ecstatic on the start, you'll scare him away." Yoongi supports his friend and he knows him way too well to know that he won't give up until Taehyung will tell him he fully rejects him, and he knows that despite all his stubbornness, he's a gentle guy inside.

He can't force people to do things if they really don't want to, he respects them and Yoongi admires him for that.

Yoongi has arrived to Jungkook's house and dropped him off.

"I know hyung, trust me, I will tell you in a few months no matter how much it will take that me and Taehyung are a thing, that I succeeded.

Just wait and see." Jungkook said with a smile but tone is promising as he left towards his house.

Suddenly Jungkook turned around and said "Oh and hyung, thanks for the ride." and then he turned back to his house direction.

"Idiot." Yoongi said and drove off to his house.

To be continued...


Authors note!

Are you also excited and Jungkook is?? cause I am!!

Do you think Jungkook will succeed in his plan to make Taehyung his? or Taehyung will decide to not even give him a chance?

Read to find out!!

And as always, please take care of yourselves and stay safe!

One last thing, thank you for reading my work! cya in my next chapter!

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