chapter 7

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Jin noticing Taehyung's reaction, he immediately told the alpha to stop.

The alpha knew that Taehyung was scared of alphas since Jin told him before they came thus he came forward slowly to not scare the latter.

Taehyung was starting to breath heavily when Jin calmed him down before it'll turn into a panic attack.

"Tae bear, look at me." He said as he cupped Taehyung's face gently making eye contact.

"It's ok, he's harmless, he won't hurt you." Taehyung was now looking at the tall man with the brown monolid eyes, his hair was a beautiful shade of purple.

"He-he's an a-alpha h-hyung, h-how can you b-be sure h-he won't hu-hurt me." Taehyung was now holding hard onto Jin's hand as the alpha took a step back hoping the omega would feel better.

"Tae bear, I know that because this alpha is my mate I met in America."

Taehyung looked at Jin with a shocked expression while he started to calm down but still holding tight onto Jin.

He looked at Jimin who nodded as if to confirm that he's really harmless and only then when Jin saw that Taehyung has calmed down, he signed the man to come forward slowly looking at Taehyung for final approval.

As Taehyung nods, the alpha comes forward slowly, Taehyung never leaves Jin's hands.

The man was now a few steps from Taehyung, still leaving space and said.

"Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon, Jin's mate.

I only heard that you're scared of alpha's, I can promise you I won't do anything to cause you any kind of harm." Namjoon's words were short yet said in a very promising tone.

Taehyung only nodded but decided to trust Jin and Jimin and let him inside.

Taehyung knew that Jin wouldn't mate and even date someone who doesnt have a good heart even if that man was his mate.

Taehyung offered some tea and cookies and went to bring some when he got a positive reaction.

When Taehyung was in the kitchen, he could hear Jimin calling out to him.

"You should warn me before you bring an alpha to my house." Taehyung said, still calming himself down.

"I know, I'm really sorry, I was so excited to see Jin hyung and find out that he's mated and didn't think about that, I'm truly sorry Taehyungie." Jimin sounded like he was truly sorry.

Taehyung felt it and signed, "I'll forgive you but next time which I hope won't be, warn me.

I trust you to not bring an alpha that would be harmful that's why I forgive you, and besides he's Jin hyung's mate, we both know he's picky about partners." Taehyung said and he could hear Jimin sign in relief.

"Yes, I promise this won't happen again." Jimin said and back hugged Taehyung and Taehyung smiled as a reaction.

"I'll go and get the cookies." Jimin said as he took a plate from Taehyung's right cabinet and cookies from the bigger cabinet that was next to the fridge at the corner of the kitchen.

They both came back and placed the tea and cookies on the table and pouring tea for everyone.

As Jin and Namjoon sat next to each other, Jimin sat between Jin and Taehyung and they all chatted, catching up.

"So Tae bear, you're now 18 aren't you? Have you found your mate?" Jin asked curiously.

To be continued...


Authors note!

Sorry I didn't upload in Monday, I was having a sleepover at my grandmother.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as well as the other chapters!

See you in the next chapters!

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