𝟎𝟎. a starry night

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( strawberry moons. )
❛ a starry night. ❜


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THE STARS WERE INFINIT. The astral embodiment of rebirth and creation that danced in the graveyard of their burning brothers and sisters amongst the night sky; an endless valley of unreachable beauty that even struck heaven with a cord of envy. They were a blossoming ray of divinity suddenly traversed through the blanket of night, twinkling with such mischief that Artemis couldn't help but admire their delicacy from her pedestal on the earth below.

The spheres of silver she possessed for eyes danced around the constellations, winking at Sirius' mesmerising grin and admiring gemini's snickering twins. She hummed a light breath as she looked to the skies — the stars seemed extra bright in the frost of the December night, glittering in expectancy from their place in the above.

the blessing of autumn had long past and winter had begun to swallow the earth in it's icy breath, leaving traces of frost in it's wake. A cold chill shrouded the atmosphere, yet the goddess of the hunt paid no mind to December's kiss. Instead, she continued to stare into the abyss of twinkling lights that painted her night.

A faint smile pulled at the corner of her lips as her eyes trailed over the shooting rays of light glistening down at her with unmistakable amusement. They existed so far into the distance yet the goddess was sure they were born to drip their golden tears into her palm.

The sight was beautiful, Artemis concluded. They shone in the maze of their patterns, painting constellations upon the skin of the small bundle in her arms.

She registered the quick vibration of rustles that echoed within the plethora of trees behind her, followed silently by hesitant footsteps. Her gaze turned downward to the moving weight in her arms, a fond ache awakening behind her matching eyes of silver.

"Hello, Zoë." The goddess greeted, though her back remained facing the girl. "It's nice to see you again, I've missed your company." her voice dripped like spring raindrops through the night air, tender with softness yet rich with warmth; a trail of goosebumps dared to prickle at Zoë's arms at the sound.

"...my lady," a voice of feminine elegance reached her ears, tinted with uncertainty, "art thee sure thy decision is wise?" The lieutenant asked delicately. Of course, the huntress would never choose to disagree with Artemis' decision, she was simply unable to grasp why it was necessary.

Satisfaction sank it's teeth into the night as the deity nodded in approval, her mind lost in concentration as she turned to face the, currently, smaller huntress. Though her gaze stayed locked onto the smooth bundle she held securely on her arms, she felt her lieutenant's own watchful stare fall onto the child, surprise residing within her irises.

From where she stood only six feet away, bow and arrow in hand and her wide eyes entranced with thought, Zoë Nightshade couldn't deny the strangeness that occurred on that cold December night. It was strange to see the goddess in such a form, older with maturity as she graced towards a noticeable clearing that lead to a rather reserved neighbourhood.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐬, p.jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now