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⋆·˚ ༘ *dead end⋆·˚ ༘ *

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dear diary,

Something is terribly wrong or at least something terribly wrong is going to happen, I just don't know what.

... / - .- -.- .. -. --. / -- .

dear diary,

the other day we were looking at maps with Esteban Mick, and Pierre. they were trying to figure out how far we really had to travel during race season and putting pins on the destinations.

at that moment I realised a lot of stuff. firstly, we went back and forth a lot firing these races which kinda suck and secondly, reading maps is a lot easier than it looks, I see why pirates had secret messages written in maps because as easy as it looks, not everyone knows like it's blind to the naked eye or the answer us right in front of you but only a select few can see it.

it's pretty cool nonetheless, maybe one day I'll be able to do the same.

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dear diary,

In the middle of it all, I have come to love
To love what is given and what it's not
To love the cracks and little things
That have really fought

The love becomes suffocating
But I'm a good way it seems
For no one would come close
To how things have been deemed

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dear diary,

in all honesty, i hope i am able to live and breathe and do what I want and all in all be free. I want to be happy, that's all I ask for and I am, especially in this sport.

I have Kimi and Seb and their families of course, I've got my mother to Hanan and her family to Carlos and his family, the entire grid, including Mazepin and Giovanazzi, who truly are amazing at heart. I should ask Mazepin for more cookies from his family actually.

Then most importantly, I have Daniel and his amazing family who took me in with open arms. I'll always be thankful for that and Scotty of course, it's a 2 for 1 when it comes to him and Daniel.

I love them all, I do this to keep them safe.

NOTHING MADE SENSE ANYMORE AND THEY WERE GETTING sick of it. Alex, Lily, George, Lance, and Lando had stayed up alongside Hanan and Saif reading up to 16 different diaries each trying to find anything that could possibly help Maya.

Some of these entries had nothing to do with last year at all and it was just Maya writing out complete gibberish as well as poems and as much as they all loved her they really wanted to strangle her.

"Find anything?" George asked

"No, there's not a single thing that could help us."

"I found something, about Ryan." All heads whipped to Lando who held up the page he had skimmed over

"Dear diary, Ryan Ambrose, if that's even his name, has been lying to us this entire time."

"Wait what, when was that written?"

"2 days before she disappeared. Did anything seem off about her after the free practices that day? Or even before that?" Saif asked

"No she was, she spoke with Amna and Layan, they had breakfast together and then Daniel picked her up and they drove to the track." Hanan explained

"Yeah, Daniel and I arrived at the same time so we walked in together with our arms around her shoulders." George added

"Yeah, then I met you guys and took Maya to her garage to get ready."

"After Maya and Hanan left, we didn't see her for a while until she showed up with Lance and Lando."

"We talked about the normal stuff, nothing out of the ordinary except for when she was called into the Alpine hospitality by...Tom." Lance clarified letting the realisation hit them.

"Gosh, why couldn't she write in order of the pages that came after." Lily asked desperately

"Maya just opened up a random page and started writing sometimes and when she realised there was something in the next page she went to the next available one." Lance said, frustrated.

"We're not going to get anywhere, Lando finish reading the page." Lando nodded to Saif's request and started speaking again

"The scholarship? It was a lie. The entire thing was a lie to make me trust him and tell him everything and now I can't escape him. I can't escape them. I wish I had told Carlos now but I fear it is already too late, I fear that by the end of the day, everything I had worked so hard to move past will crumble and fall on me like an unstable building, crushing me under my problems.

All the nights I pretended to be asleep so I wouldn't face his wrath are more vivid. The yelling and screaming and overall violence, it- wait, I can't read it, it's like it's been erased."

Alex sighed before he spoke, "Perks of using a pencil to write in the diary I bet."


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