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⋆·˚ ༘ *second times a charm ⋆·˚ ༘ *

     THIS WEEK WAS NOT THE WAY DANIEL WANTED to start his race prep in France. It was far from it. Due to the rumours that had spread during the one-week break, he had been occupied with multiple meetings and press along with paparazzi asking questions. To top it all off, Maya wouldn't even look at him.

"You really messed up." Micheal, his performance coach, spoke up from beside him

"You think I don't know that? They've all been giving me dirty looks. I don't even want to be in the same room with Kimi right now."

"We'll luck is not on your side because your press conference will be with him, Lando, Seb, Lance, and drum roll please, Maya!"

'Kill me now ' he thought in his head

"You have two days to prepare for that but as of right now, you need to get your act together."

"And how do I do that?"

"Get breakfast, work out, and try talking to Maya Richards, it's already shitty enough that you didn't call her."

"I was busy trying to bury the rumours I didn't even have time to look at my phone and I've already gotten an earful from my mum."

"Oh I can imagine, just try talking to her okay?"

"I can try but it seems she had enough fun with Lando last week, I bet he can't wait to rub it in my face."

"Show him it bothers you and he's going to taunt you and use it against you. Show him it doesn't and he's going to have his guard up a lot more during the race."

"You're right."

"I'm always right."

After their conversation, Daniel went to get breakfast and skipped the workout to meet Maya but ended up bumping into Hanan.

"Great Hanan- Ha- Hanan!" He rushed towards her until she stopped

"What can I help you with?" Her tone was so cold he was doubting talking to her. Hanan was a scary person when she wanted to be. Her eyes were so sharp it could cut you and the way she carried herself told you she meant business.

"Look I know I fucked up but I swear I didn't mean to."

"Yeah and I'm stupid. It's not that hard to stay celibate you know."

"I don't mean to hurt her, it happened so fast and I want to fix it but I know she'd ignore me if I tried and she's been surrounded by all the guys so I want to make it right."

"Why didn't you call her?" Her tone was still cold

"I... I don't know. I was panicking and my media team was trying to get everything under wraps as well as making them sign NDAs and stuff. It got too much and took up all my attention."

"So you're guilty."

"No, yes, look, I'm a dirty person sometimes, I was shitty wasn't I?"

"Damn right Ricciardo, I swear to God I'm so close to decking you right now. What you did was unacceptable."

"I know I know, look I'm really sorry."

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