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⋆·˚ ༘ *The New Girl on the Grid ⋆·˚ ༘ *

Goodbye 2020, despite your efforts of trying to tear me down, this year has been amazing. No drama, no tears, and especially no boys.

Scratch that.

There are boys, in fact, there are about 19 of them and I was about to meet them all in an hour or two. We have testing to get to, and yes, I arrived in the dead of the night, so my jet lag won't affect me on the track.

A quick rundown of everything that happened last year. I got into Williams' Formula 1 racing team, I met George who introduced me to Lando who introduced me to Max who introduced me to Daniel, then Sebastian, Lewis, Bottas, and well, you get the gist.

I also got a lot of hate for being a female in Formula one but are we surprised? Men are misogynistic and close-minded. Oh sorry, not men, boys.

This is where I wrap it up, someone's knocking on my door and I wouldn't be surprised to find Hanan behind it. Hopefully, I have an amazing season this year.

Bye diary.

                    MAYA RICHARDS WAS NOT YOUR ORDINARY girl, as cliche as it might sound, she's not and only a few knew of this. She wasn't extremely quiet nor was she extremely loud. She was in the middle, didn't speak unless spoken to, and didn't stop speaking either when she was comfortable with people. She wrote in diaries and had weird ways of capturing moments that she wouldn't want to forget.

She liked dressing up and when she did, she pulled off any outfit given to her. Maya loved to sing and dance and write. She loved swimming and had an unhealthy obsession with Cinnamon and Finding Nemo. She could probably sing every single Disney song and say every word in the Corpse Bride movie but no one bothered to comment on it because it was Maya.

Her relationship with her family was amazing as they always had her back growing up even though it was just her and her mother. If anyone would describe Maya to you, they would never miss out on the adjectives warm and comforting; every driver could back it up along with her mother's family.

Maya was the type of girl to help spiders out, get her hands dirty even though the sport requires that, and talk to animals like they would answer. She did this to plants too. She wore wired headphones and listened to classical music but on days she wanted to get up and get going she would listen to rap songs, especially K-pop ones. She picked up karate at a young age and painted her toes different colours, she saw the world in rose-tinted glasses and always had a distinct scent of flowers.

She had 3 best friends. George Russell her former teammate, the one who picked her up after having a bad race, Lance Stroll her best friend from F4 as they both grew up in Canada, distracted her, and Hanan Qubasi her PR manager and physiotherapist and daughter of the president of the Bahrain Motor Federation, she was the one who did her best to keep her sane. Those 3 were her caretakers. She was their child and they were her guardians.

Occasionally, she would hang out with the likes of Lewis, Kimi and Sebastian who were her mentors and gave her advice whenever they could. Maya was so close to Kimi people often found it surprising how she would talk about him like he wasn't THE Kimi Räikkönen she was talking about.

Maya Richards was the paddock baby. Everyone knew this because everyone saw it. Even Netflix couldn't associate the girl with any drama at first. She was the literal embodiment of summer. Bright and welcoming to a degree.

And when she joined it was clear that she had a whole lot of talent. Her debut was amazing as she made it to not only the top 10 in practice sessions but inevitably made it to Q3 and ended in the top 8 at the race. George was just a place above her.

As the season came to an end, she had gotten 2 podiums and top 10 finishes despite Covid being a quote on-quote 'stupid' as named by her and a few mean comments online, from interviewers, and from people in real life who've managed to have contact with her especially entitled mediocre toxic male fans.

It made sense why she would be on anyone's radar but what didn't make sense was who'd go to such lengths in Abu Dhabi to the point where she was no longer there. Who had kidnapped her and hid her or heavens forbid done something worse? Knowing Maya, she wouldn't be able to sniff out anything sketchy going on around her even if it was pointed out with an arrow covered in LED lights and a huge light-up sign that says


That was who the positively driven Maya Richards and to solve this mystery, we must learn her story and the races that led up to the moments of her disappearance.

NVSH speaks, AHHH the first 
chapter has finally dropped! I 
cannot wait for you guys to read
this because it's so fun to write.

I hope you enjoy it, really, it would 
make me so happy!

Much love x

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