2 Prompts Blurbs (Fluff)

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"sounds like something you would write.  i saw a tiktok of a mother giving medicine to a little girl and she was reluctant because she didn't want to but the mother was patient and polite until she took it and i feel that alex would be like that with bella."


You leaned against the doorframe, your side resting against it, your breathing slow, not wanting him to notice you there. It had become a habit of yours, finding yourself in corners, observing him talking or interacting with Bella. You liked how he looked at her, a relaxed expression and calm shoulders, clearly there for her regardless of the moment, whether it was a sad one or just sharing something mundane she was interested in. And she wasn't any different, it was comforting to see how much she enjoyed being with Alex, and it didn't seem to be an issue for either of them; not that it should be.

"Come on, Bella." The heavy accent filled the bathroom. You could only see the side of his face. He seemed rested, his facial lines clear, and his skin glowing. It was comforting for you to see him well. She could see you, and although she appeared scared, your smile while looking at both of them seemed to calm her down a bit. She didn't give you away for spying on them. Bella met Alex's eyes, she was nervous, then shook her head, with no words, but not really wanting to leave the room and the conversation she was in. Alex was giving her the time she needed with that, necessary for her to understand, as this would be the first of many medications she would need to take. He didn't want it to be traumatic or something like that.

"I know it tastes bad," he stroked her face, his thumb wiping away a few tears. "But you need to take it, it'll be quick. We can take it slow or all at once to get it over with, you can decide." He showed her the spoon, his face still close, his eyes level with hers, as she stood on the counter facing him.

"Promise me, Daddy?" She furrowed her brow, making you contemplate how cute it was that she was a mini female version of Alex.

"Of course, I promise, my princess." He brushed her hair away from her forehead gently, making sure the time he was taking with this was not wasted, investing every minute for their mutual benefit, both for his understanding of her and hers of him.

"It'll help you feel better soon, I promise." She nodded, her eyes watery, clearly afraid, but still trusting him as she always would. He kissed her forehead, her body gradually relaxing, and then he held the spoon to her, slowly, respecting her.

Her small hands grabbed his, a delicate struggle between pushing him away and just letting him be. You bit your lip, containing a laugh at Alex's effort to not give in to how adorable she was trying to get out of it.

"Slowly, okay?" She waited for him to confirm, and he did. With her guiding his wrist, he let her take the spoon from him. The medication touched her lips, and she made a face, but took a good portion. Alex stepped back a bit, this time chuckling lightly. "I know, princess. I hate it too." He sounded more bothered than she did. He hated having to make her take that. He handed her a towel and a glass of water, she drank slowly, her eyes already showing more calm. It was clear to see how she was experiencing the act of delaying something that wasn't as painful as her mind had made it seem.

Bella dried her face and nodded to her father. And still calm and affectionate, he gave her the rest of what was in the spoon, as she indicated she was okay with it. Then, she disposed of the water down her throat and seemed relieved. "You did well, I'm proud of you." He said with a delightful smile, calm lines around his eyes and his teeth timidly showing. Alex hugged her, holding her small face between his large hands, kissing her forehead and head multiple times, and then she laughed as if none of that had ever been painful. When he stopped, she held his chin and kissed the middle space of his brow, softening his gaze even more, and he hugged her tighter. "It wasn't so bad," she whispered, smiling gently and cutely at him, and he responded. "I know, I promised you it wouldn't be." And gradually, she snuggled into him, her face buried in his shoulder, and he rubbed her back, more kisses planted on her head. "Want to have your chocolates now? I'll let you get some if you want." She expressed wanting to, now that all the brightness had returned to her brown puppy eyes that mirrored Alex's. He allowed it, making sure, "but it has nothing to do with you taking the medicine, okay?" She giggled, back on the ground and running to the kitchen. Soon, he became aware of your presence there. Although he didn't know you were there, he knew you had witnessed everything, and he knew you did this at other times; it might seem odd, but he found it cute.

Alex Turner/One Shots. (Smuts And Non-Smuts)Where stories live. Discover now