Heartstrings. (Fluff)

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prompt: single dad! Alex introducing you to his lil girl for the first time. Also, her letting slip that he loves you before he tells it first.
As you stood there, your hands sweaty and your thoughts a bit too scattered for your liking, Alex was by the door with an affectionate smile, trying to ease your nerves. You had been together for a few months, and over time, Alex made it clear that he always had his little girl waiting for him at home. While you loved hearing him talk about her and how sweet she was, it was evident that he was apprehensive about introducing you to her. You understood and let things unfold naturally, giving him the space he needed. But as time went on, your anxiety grew, and thoughts like "what if she doesn't like me" kept filling your head.
You knew what was going through Alex's mind. He had never introduced anyone to his daughter after her mother left, and even though you assured him that you didn't need time, he still gave you space to get accustomed to the idea. Most of the time, it had just been the two of them, a strong bond pair from the beginning. This made you consider that he might fear her getting attached to you only for you not to be what he expected at some point. He had been hurt before, it was expected that he had his guards on alert.
And now, there you were, with some flowers and a box of chocolates for the dark-haired little head that was behind him, peeking between his long legs. "Hey," you thought of calling him by a pet name, but hesitated. He chuckled, kissing your forehead and pulling you into a hug, "Hey you, pumpkin," he said, holding your face to see if your weak smile reassured him that you were okay. His eyes did their job of softening you.
You couldn't explain it, but Alex felt like home to you, and you were afraid and somewhat selfish to think that his daughter might not like you, making you lose that feeling. "Come ‘ere, little one," he held her in his arms, facing you. She had dark brown eyes, like an adorable cartoon character, and her hairline shaped like a heart, just like her father's. She had an open and excited smile for you, which calmed your heart a bit, even though it was still pounding in your chest. "So, Arabella, this is daddy's girlfriend," and she nestled closer to him in an adorable way.
"Your dad said you like flowers," you showed her the arrangement you brought, with various colors. She seemed curious about you but was also shy. "And chocolates," she glanced at Alex, who kissed the top of her head attentively. "Daddy doesn't let me eat too much sugar," she said softly, with the same accent as him, but her words were a bit mumbled. "Oh, I took care of that, and he approved of my choice," you shook the package at her. "But you'll have to share them with me." She looked at him, quite unsure, and then gained his approval, opening her arms, asking to be picked up by you. Her eyes were still fixed on you in a funny way. She hugged your neck tightly, cuddling up to you, and while still in your embrace, she held the flowers in her tiny hands, seeming to like them. You wondered if she could sense how nervous you were.
Looking at Alex, he had a calm and reassuring look on his face, as if to tell you that you had worried for no reason. He told you to come inside while he gathered your things, as your bag was still at the entrance, and you would be staying the night. It felt strange to already know the house so well but not having any knowledge of how it was with Bella around. And she clung to you and didn't want to let go, and you liked that feeling, as if you had just made a new friend, which was true.
"Do you want to play with me?" she held your hand minutes before Alex grabbed the chocolates and asked us to wait until after dinner. You were amused at how she understood and continued by your side even when Alex kissed both her and your head before saying that. "I can, sure," you replied with a smile.

Bella grew more comfortable around you, showing you her room and a toy tea set that Alex had mentioned before. It was clear that her showing you these things meant she liked you. But you still had some doubts; it was still early in your relationship with both Alex and Bella.
Alex took charge of dinner, which made you a bit nervous around Bella. She was sweet and delicate, and you could see how Alex was a good father. He was attentive, making sure you didn't feel like Bella was solely your responsibility, even though you wanted to be there for her.
"You're pretty," Bella said shyly, her cheeks turning pink as she tucked her hair behind her ears. It seemed like she was confirming something she had already suspected. "Did he tell you that I'm pretty?" Your stomach fluttered as if it were an abnormal feeling to hear that he had spoken about you to her. While you knew she had knowledge of you, just as you had knowledge of her, hearing it directly from her was different.
"He talks about you a lot," she continued, playing with her doll. She noticed your interest and found a cute way to bond with you. At some point, you wondered if Bella might feel jealous of you or if you were competing for her dad's attention. However, she seemed unfazed. It was like Alex had painted such a loving and admiring picture of you that she had fully embraced. She was curious and well-mannered, while you felt more like a playful mess.
"He talks about me?" You asked curiously, unable to hide your excitement. She nodded, whispering, "I can tell you more, but it has to be our secret." She seemed happy with her plan, indicating that she had been thinking about having this conversation with you beforehand. It was her way of forming a friendship with you, and you promised to keep it a secret.
"Are they good things?" you asked, semi-closing your eyes. Bella put her hands over her mouth, blushing immediately. "Yes, they are," she confirmed after a pause. "He really likes you, a lot." You listened attentively, continuing to play with her doll's hair. She avoided direct eye contact, as if she were revealing one of her biggest secrets. You wanted to hug her; it felt strange that anyone would ever doubt choosing her.
"He always comes home happy after spending time with you. I love seeing him happy," Bella said, getting closer until her body leaned slightly against yours. "I also love seeing him happy, Bella. He's always beaming when he talks about you too," you replied, feeling more connected as she looked into your eyes with newfound confidence. "Really?" she asked, wanting confirmation for something she probably already feared to know.
"Yes, absolutely. He talks about how excited he is to come home and see you, or he shares lovely moments he had with you. He loves you so much, and I don't think he could ever stop talking about you even if he tried. It brings him so much joy," you assured her. Bella beamed, feeling happy to know that her dad talked about her to you, understanding that you were important to him.
"I really wanted to meet you, and I'm so happy it's finally happening," you sighed, and she nodded, sharing your excitement. Looking around, she met your gaze again and continued, "He said he loves you, so that means you're like family, right?" You raised an eyebrow, realizing the difference between feeling loved and hearing the actual words spoken. "He said that?" She blinked, seeming unaware of the impact of her words. "That he loves you," she confirmed, her nose turning a shade of red reminiscent of Alex.
You felt momentarily frozen, circling the words in your mind. Alex had never said it explicitly with words, but through countless gestures, you knew the immense love he held for you. "He does mention it a lot too, but I feel like I shouldn't have mentioned it," Bella said, and you laughed, gently holding her face to ease her worries. "If you don't say anything, I won't either." She smiled back, convinced it was a good plan. There was a warm pause, and it felt cozy, like forming a little secret bond between the two of you.
"And do you love him?" Bella asked, and without hesitation, you nodded, feeling your cheeks turn hot. She beamed, throwing herself into your arms, seemingly even happier about it than you. Before her excitement could overwhelm you, Alex called for both of you, leading to a confirmation of your pinky promise, even with him watching. You vowed not to say anything, and even when he looked only at you for more information, you remained composed, leaving him feeling a bit of jealousy over your special connection with Bella.

You felt stuffed with food, and Bella didn't seem any different. Alex never failed to satisfy, especially when it came to food. He sat beside you at the table, your arms touching between bites, and Bella cheerfully ate in front of you. It felt like finding a comfortable spot to relax; you wanted to experience this more often. When Bella asked for more, Alex didn't hesitate to get up and serve her. Her side of the table had a plastic tablecloth, and he let her eat freely, even if it got messy and took longer. He would be there with her at the table until she finished. He never failed to smile at her; it was evident how much he enjoyed being with her. Alex didn't seem to mind at all; he did what he thought was best for her without complaining. It was hard to imagine them arguing or getting too much into each other's minds. When he needed to correct something she had done wrong, he stayed calm, getting down to her eye level and speaking with an engaging voice, and she seemed to understand. There were no tears, no tantrums, no misunderstandings. They hugged, and everything was fine. It was heartwarming to watch, and it made you admire him even more.
"You look tired, babe. Want to go upstairs and rest while I finish up 'ere?" he asked, brushing your hair away from your face and kissing your forehead. Indeed, you were tired, feeling a bit disoriented, as if in a dream. Bella grumbled in disapproval, and Alex chuckled. "She won't leave us, Bella. She'll still be 'ere in the mornin'." That reminder made you feel comforted in a wonderfully cozy way. "She needs to rest; I'm with you all day. She just got off work to be with us," he explained, and the girl nodded, letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm okay," you laughed, dismissing Alex's concerns. "I'll just change quickly and be back in no time, I promise." Bella perked up at the idea, and you didn't want to go to sleep without saying goodnight to her. However, you also didn't want to be intrusive and take up all their time together. Even though they seemed not to mind, it was still a concern of yours. Alex had told you once that he used to put on some music and sometimes read stories to her before bedtime, and although you'd love to see that, you were afraid of seeming like an intruder in their special moment.
"I've prepared fresh towels and soap upstairs, just in case," he informed, wanting you to feel comfortable. You had been there before, and it was always like this. Now you were beginning to think it was a paternal instinct or something. You hugged him, burying your face in his chest; you had been dying to do that, but you were balking at the invitation. He laughed, kissing your face and holding you close. As expected, he waited for you to release your arms before letting go of the embrace. As you looked at him, his eyes softened, full of love at your sight. Bella covered her face with a funny smile while looking at both of you, as if to say, "I told you, see?" Alex chuckled, glancing between the two of you. "What's this all 'bout, girls?" You shook your head, looking at Bella. "I can't tell; it's our secret."

Bella didn't take long to fall asleep. You ended up adopting one of Alex's loose button-up shirts and more comfortable shorts before joining them again. Unfortunately, you had missed Alex telling stories to her, but you arrived just in time for Bella to ask you to choose the next vinyl record. She was tucked in bed, and Alex was sitting at the end of it. You looked at him, and he simply nodded, "go ahead, babe." So, you picked one of his own vinyl records, making Bella giggle and Alex roll his eyes. As the songs started playing, you encouraged her to hum along, and soon you were both imitating his gestures and accent, making Alex laugh and blush a bit. "Don't you love daddy's singing voice?" you whispered, and she nodded enthusiastically. Soon, you were pretending to be catching each other's kisses, just like he did on stage. Alex watched you both with joy; it was comforting to see that you got along well, and your worries had been for nothing. Bella fell asleep around the third song, and you couldn't wait to do it again, maybe on any random afternoon just for the fun of it. Before falling asleep, she had held your hand, and her fingers had been entwined with yours ever since. You kissed her hand and observed her for a moment, her expression peaceful in her Batman pajamas. She was a pocket version of Alex.
"She likes you," he chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, begging to be touched. Alex kissed her forehead, said goodnight, and covered her better. Then he kissed you, his warm hands lingering on your waist. "Did she tell you that?" He nodded, and you imagined that by now, Bella would have spilled the secret. "She did, but she didn't need to. You can tell by how she's 'round you." He felt his muscles relax; Bella was fine and sleeping, and he no longer had to worry about her reaction to having you with them. "She was worried she'd fall asleep before you came back to say goodnight to her." You furrowed your eyebrows. "Alex, god, she likes me." He laughed as you hugged him even tighter, and he wrapped his arms around you, wishing he could merge into you somehow.

You had talked between kisses and caresses until falling asleep, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, and your nose buried in his neck. The murmurs ranged from nonsensical to more thoughtful things. You mentioned wanting to go on vacation with them as soon as possible, and Alex now knew that you wanted to buy matching dresses for the two of you because you thought it was cute. He found it a lovely idea to keep in mind before finally drifting off to sleep. As your eyes closed, you heard noises outside. The door opening slowly, and Bella appeared with red eyes.
"Are you okay? What happened?" you whispered, going to her without wanting to wake up Alex. He deserved to rest too. "Bad dreams," more tears rolled down her cheeks, and you wiped them away with the sleeves of your shirt. You picked her up, carrying her to the kitchen and sitting her down while you got her some water. "Do you want to talk about it?" you asked cautiously, handing her the glass of water. She drank and then put it down. Then, she opened her arms to you widely, and your heart softened as you took her in a hug. She nuzzled her face against you, clearly sleepy but unlikely to fall asleep anytime soon. You held her close, unsure if you should call Alex or not. "Is it okay if I stay with you until you can fall asleep?" She nodded without saying anything, her heart racing, and her tiny hands clenching around you. "How about we eat the chocolates now? What do you think?" She agreed, and you found yourself questioning again whether it was a good idea or not. But since she accepted, you didn't hesitate. You both sat more comfortably on the living room couch, and she nestled against your chest, helping herself to some chocolates. Then, she began to talk about how she dreamt she was falling off a cliff, and how everything felt so realistic. You listened and comforted her. She had Alex's way of speaking, words well thought out and punctuated, occasionally pausing between sentences but still expressive. Maybe it was because you loved Alex, but you felt love for her too, wanting to protect her and keep her from feeling upset.
"That sounds terrible, Bella," you assured her as she pressed her face into your shoulder, sleep gradually returning to her as she murmured a few other things. "You'll come over more often, won't you? I thought we could have a sleepover party, you and some friends. They always have sleepovers, but it's hard to have them 'ere when it's just daddy and me." Her approach was genuine, but you could read between the lines. "Are there many friends? We could make cakes and other fun treats." You suggested with the same gentle tone. She laughed, her hand gently squeezing your arms. "There are three," she indicated with her fingers, counting her three friends and describing what they were like. You liked the idea and would be happy to do it. Gradually, her voice became softer and less coherent until the last thing you remembered was holding her tighter due to the cold.

You slowly opened your eyes, the room already bright, and you both were covered. It was still early, but the delightful smell of the kitchen filled the house. You adjusted Bella under the covers and felt relieved to see her so relaxed, sleeping with her mouth slightly open. Even in her unconscious state, her arm clung to you, and it was emotionally difficult to let go, rather than physically. Alex seemed restless, even though he appeared calm and composed on the outside, but you could tell the difference. You approached him as he was cutting some fruits and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your cheek on his body. Having him relaxing under your touch was simply divine.
"Good mornin’, love," you sighed, and he did the same, wiping his hands and turning to kiss you, wishing you a great day. He tasted like fresh fruits and had the scent of toothpaste, still warm from the bed. As he held you in his arms, it felt even better. "I'm sorry I didn't hear her wake up," he whispered, holding your face gently in his hands. He feared making you feel responsible for her, and that thought took up his mind from time to time, reminding him to avoid that. You shook your head, "It's alright, she's adorable, Alex. She had a bad dream, and I could help her. I'm happy about that." You pressed your fingers against his skin, wanting to emphasize how much that meant to you. He seemed to understand, albeit a bit apprehensive. "Next time, I can call you, I just thought you deserved more rest. I'm sorry," you said understandingly, as you didn't mind him worrying about it if that was the case. He chuckled lightly, his eyes on yours, and his fingers moved from your cheeks to your hair. "That's not it," he bit his lip, speaking in the same punctuated and thoughtful manner as his daughter. "It's a bit stupid, actually, but I'm afraid she might think I wasn't there for her when she needed me. Whenever this happens, she calls me, and I'm always there. And I know she called, and I definitely didn't hear it." He saw your expression soften, and he felt your lips meet his. "You're being silly," you gently pushed his chest, and he laughed. "You're doing just fine, Al. You’re worrying ‘bout nothin’. Bella knows you're there for her no matter what. You're a such great dad." You tried to convince him, because it was true. But you knew it would still haunt him, no matter how many optimistic words you had for him. Still, you wouldn't hesitate to verbalize them again. You hugged him once more, this time in a full-body embrace, one of those where you could feel every fiber of the other person, and he whispered in your ear, "You're perfect, did you know that?" You denied it, snuggling closer to his chest, and he affirmed it again. The minutes passed slowly, and the beats of his heart brought you so much peace, and as always, he wouldn't let go until you did first. "She did tell you, didn't she?" You looked at him, and his cheeks gained the famous hues, and he nodded. "Yeah, she spilled the secret," he paused, swallowing weakly. "So it's true?" You said as if you didn't know the answer, and he knew you knew. "Yeah, she did, and she told me it's mutual. She didn't just reveal my secret," he gestured with air quotes on the last word.
You were so close, your breaths mingled with each other, and you could feel his heart racing, knowing he felt yours too. "I love you, Alex," you breathed deeply, as if you were out of breath, your eyes unable to handle the pressure of meeting his and diverting to his rosy lips. "A lot, more than Bella might have told you." He laughed, the tip of his nose touching yours, both feeling like teenagers in high school. "I love you too, so much, pumpkin. More than Bella might have led you to believe."

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