Freshness. (Smut) Part 2 of 2

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Alex strode into the hotel room with heavy footsteps, his muscles tense and visibly strained. He spotted you lying on the bed, clutching your phone and appearing agitated. Approaching you, he made his presence known by gently but firmly taking the phone from your grasp. His gaze was tender, but you had already noticed him entering and disregarded him, which made it bitter. He was aware of this, and while he wasn't exactly angry with you, it intensified the throbbing in his head over the situation.
"Alex, I wouldn't intentionally upset you, y'know that, right?" you said, sitting up and placing your hand on his face. By now, his beard was longer and his goatee sharper, exactly as you had imagined. It was thick and without gaps, as someone your age could never.
As he allowed you to, you sank your fingers into his skin in a comforting gesture. He let out a heavy sigh and placed his hands on your waist, inviting you to come closer to him as if to say that he wasn't mad at you.
"I know, babe," he said, his voice both soft and commanding, a hint of irritation present that piqued your curiosity about this side of him. His fingers traced firmly over your torso, gently but firmly guiding you onto your back and causing your body to sink into the mattress. You chuckled, anticipating what was to come, and he nuzzled into your neck, dragging his nose along your skin and breathing in your scent with a soft grunt.
"I know you know better than that, but I still need to make sure you're aware of it because I didn't like what I saw, babygirl," he said in a low, addicted voice.
"Why not?" Your bright eyes trailed over him, your fingertips tracing his face. You wanted to memorize every part of him, the promising wrinkles when he smiled and how he had the furrow between his brows marked in a rigid look over your body. He kissed your cheek, dragging his stubble against your skin, making you cling to him with legs and arms, he chuckled. He had barely touched you and could already feel your pulsating chest against him.
"Because he wouldn't satisfy you like I do, he's not the kind who deserves your attention, babygirl." He brought his body so every inch was on yours, so you could feel him completely. His hands went to your jaw, holding your gaze to him and with his face close to yours, he added, "And by the way you were down there, I think I'll have to fuck a remind into you." He was already excited about it, and spent the last few minutes until he went up to you thinking about what he would do to you. So yes, he was already heavy in his pants and wanted to make you feel what you could do to him until you were properly wet.
"Daddy?" You sighed between open mouth kisses. He pulled your panties, leaving your dress up to your waist. Alex ignored your words, just soaking up into your mesmerizing noises and bit his lip at the sight of your legs spreading as he rubbed his bulge into you, the way he knew you liked it.
"D'you think he could read your body as well as I can? D'you think someone so young and vain would be so good for ya, lil' one?" He tugged on your hair, hard enough for your head to follow the movement and then your swollen lips parted in a silent moan. "I'm sorry to break this to you, but no one is going to make you feel this way but me." The words were slow and paused as his usual, yet it affects you all over. You felt wetter by the second and couldn't help but thrust your hips into him.
He chuckled, respecting your time as you swallowed hard and processed everything, waiting for you to say something to him.
"No one would be like you and I know that, daddy." You nodded your head, your voice shaking with anticipation. Alex reciprocated by kissing you deeply as you pressed closer to him, feeling his body better on yours. He then placed a hand on your back and whispered in your ear, prompting you to turn around.
In no time, you found yourself face down on the soft sheets with your cheek stuck against it.
"You're right, babygirl," you didn't move, staying still, the way he wanted you to. He pulled away clumsily, getting rid of the pants and unders that had already become too tight for him. And within seconds, you could feel him on your skin again. "No one is going to make you feel this good, and I'm 'bout to remind you why." He brushed his fingers between your legs, smearing the entire area as you pushed against him and twisted your face in a cute snarl of annoyance. "D'you think he'd make you that wet with so little, puppy?"
"No, daddy. Just you." You shivered as you felt his fingers stretching you inside, you literally melted, closing your eyes tight. Your neck started to get sore from the position, but you still wanted more of him, like so badly. "Please, I need you." Your hands gripped the sheets and he laughed at your despair. His fingers were longer and thicker than yours, they fit so well, it was unfair that he was shaped for you.
You moaned at the lack as he took them off, lifting your hips a little to make it easier for him to settle on top of you. Your body spasmed without even having him yet and he thought it was cute how you begged for him with no words needed. He lined up with you, holding onto your hair so that your face was turned to one side and your ear was free for his lips, then gripped your free hand, trapping you tight in your place.
"Am I 'urting ya, babygirl?" He asked. Your hips pressed to his, and then he let you wrap yourself around him as you murmured that you were fine. With his mouth brushing your cheek, he plunged into you, making you sink into the mattresses. He kissed you, tears already starting to well up in your eyes, and kept strong from holding steady as he slipped deep into you and his whole body was shaking at the face of it all.
Your fingers got the sheets tighter, as your whimpers were louder than ever, so he took it as a sign to go easy, until your husky and tired voice got through to him. "Harder, daddy. I can take it," the contrast of the sound of your words to the meaning of them was so drastic that it made him take a deep breath to hold himself for longer.
He nodded, still completely glued to you and he ran one of his hands down your body until your clit could get some attention. You were so sensitive it was impossible not to squirm each time his body collapsed into yours, his fingers on you was the entrance to a climax. "Sure, puppy. You can take it all, right? 'Cause you're my big girl, aren't you?" You couldn't speak and your moans were so incessant that you dropped your face onto the mattress for your own good, Alex was still holding you in place and you expected marks on your wrist next morning. By insisting on the question, making your lower belly tingle, you nodded, getting dizzy right away with him filling you up to the cervix in lazy thrusts and helping you to form a puddle under your bodies.
"Fuck," You failed to breathe well, eyes blurry and tears running down the corners. Alex wasn't much different. Still, he looked better off than you, or at least acted like it. His arms wrapped around your waist, and kisses were being glued to your shoulders as you felt him slide down your legs. It was enjoyable and you wanted to stay like that for longer.
The silence cradled you comfortably for a while, until the cozy weight of his body was lifted from yours. He turned you over, stroking your cheek and before he asked, you answered. "I'm fine, you didn't 'urt me, I'm still your big girl, daddy." He chuckled, disbelieving that such dialogue could be so adorable.
He shook his head, kissing your forehead and letting your noses touch. "Nah, really. You're pretty much my babygirl, I 'ave to care 'bout you."
Your eyes closed solemnly, and in a few minutes he left and returned with a damp cloth. He cleaned you up in his gentle way, stroking your stomach while being careful not to push you hard as you were too sensitive.
He sealed his lips to your waist and it warmed him to hear your smile and feel your fingers in his hair. He was sore, just like you were, and he wished he could curl up beside you and fall asleep right there in your arms. Unfortunately, he would have to leave soon because he would be missed.
"I wouldn't do that to you, not even in front of you like that, I don't think I'm like that." You sounded uncertain, something that was his fault and he felt broken. The boy there was the least of the problems, the issue was that Alex couldn't be placed in a hopeful context by your side. And it was getting into his skin.
"You're not, babygirl. I'm sure you're not," he assured, hugging your middle tight, comforting his head on your chest as your hands sank into his locks. "The thing in question is more 'bout me and my insecurities."
"But you're so hot, daddy." He chuckled humorlessly before silence voided your ears and then you understood.
Once again you had your heart tightened by the possibility that he wouldn't stay, regardless of your wishes or words or how much you saw yourself living next to him. If he didn't see you by his side, you couldn't help but live with it.
A few days or perhaps weeks ago, Alex would have been nervous and his heart would have been pounding in his chest as he went to see you, like a proper needy dog. Now, he had a warm mug of tea for you. He was worried, and the way his leg was shaking while he waited for you to open the door gave him away. He was sure that you could handle yourself and didn't need him or anyone else, but he didn't want you to be alone, especially when the only news he had of you since earlier was that you were feeling unwell, locked in your room.
His breathing softened when he saw you opening the door, only your nose poking out and looking tired at him, who had nothing more than a silly smile to offer you. "Can I come in? I wanted to see you. They said you'd be restin'," he spoke softly, with the same usual velvet tone that made you melt. You closed the door, unlocked it, and then opened it for him. You were wearing his white button-down shirt, the same one you had stolen one of the times you had slept together. After all, you wanted to collect as many memories of him as possible, material and immaterial. He grinned foolishly at the sight of you, and without saying anything, you could feel that it made him happy. You enjoyed it. "You look good," he said before entering and then hugging you gently as if he could break you with any carelessness.
"But you're burnin' hot, lil' one." He looked at you worriedly and you laughed, thanking him for the comment. He blushed, but you deflected, not wanting to embarrass him even though you loved it.
"I need to lie down, my body hurts and it's hard to focus on not getting dizzy while standing." He listened attentively, taking his empty hand to your waist to make sure he got you. You were hiding it well, but you were still surprised that he had actually gone to your hotel room just to see you sick.
He helped you with the pillows, supporting you halfway sitting and halfway lying on them so that you looked comfortable. You thanked him, feeling good to have someone there. It was so sweet of him that it made you light at the mind, at least.
He stroked your face with the warm hand that had just come out of contact with the cup, which was slightly closed, and you could feel the comfort of it in a soft sigh.
"Is this for me, Al?" And although your face showed no signs of illness, your voice made it clear how exhausted you were, and Alex wrinkled his nose at it, as if he could feel hurt by your pain.
He had forgotten about the tea, luckily it hadn't had time to get cold. "I got it for you, I thought it'd help. I don't know how you feel 'bout tryin' to drink somethin', but I think it would be good. Did you take any medicine?" You couldn't help but genuinely smile at how spontaneous he seemed in looking out for you.
You picked it up, indicating for him to sit on the bed with you. Yet, before joining you, he made sure you didn't burn yourself with the paper around the mug and didn't drop anything. When the liquid entered your throat, it was as if you finally felt good, at least for certain seconds.
"This is good, what is it?" You forced yourself to speak, and Alex, realizing this, asked you not to do it, putting his hand on your waist and stroking the area. It was comfortable to a worrying degree. "And I'm on meds, it's okay."
"It's peach." He whispered after you insisted on talking and commented on how British it was of him. You got cozy next to him, still giving him all of your attention. His eyes roamed your arms and the open buttons of his white collar shirt on your figure, but in an affectionate and comforting way, like you were only his to look at. "Can I lay on your chest?" you asked, and although he rolled his eyes at your persistence of using your voice, he opened his arms to you. He was warm, the heat of the day still lingering inside, but he found comfort in seeing you smile softly and snuggle into him under the blankets.
He kissed your forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment before pulling you closer. "How long can you stay?" you whispered, your nose nestled into his neck. Your hand slipped beneath his shirt, seeking out more of his warmth, and he shivered at how cold your fingers were.
"I can stay as long as you need, babygirl. I'm free for the rest of the day." You could hear the smile as his words filled the air. And then, you settled into a comfortable silence, one that was intimate and yet loud wrong given the circumstances.
"I like you, a lot. It's more than just sex, I want you to know," he murmured, like a secret in your ear. It was a truth that Alex had been hesitant to voice, believing that verbalizing it would hurt you more in the long run. He knew he was probably right, but he couldn't help but want to tell you, especially since it was what you wanted the most from him.
You squeezed him in a tighter hug and smiled against the fabric of his chest. He, too, felt happy and relieved. "I like you a lot too, daddy," you whispered, before he could cover your face in kisses and urge you to try and rest.
He couldn't deny that he was a little embarrassed by how you had transformed a somewhat infamous nickname into a pet name so affectionate that he could almost read your feelings for him solely from the sweet way you said it. He would miss your lips calling him that, and he knew that he wouldn't allow anyone else to use it in the future. It wouldn't make sense coming from any other mouth but yours.
Alex had dreamed about it, but he had avoided mentioning it to you.
He was starting to feel like a teenager with his first girlfriend. In this particular dream, Alex watched you play piano in a small, cozy room with medium to low lighting. You looked like an angel wearing his usual white button-up shirt and green scarf around your neck, with your messy hair. He watched you from the doorway and had woken up to the sound of you playing, intending to embrace you from behind. But, he woke up to an empty bed next to him. That night before he moved to another city and subsequently a new hotel room, Alex still had your scent and marks on his pillow, which filled his mind with thoughts and prolonged sighs full of insomnia, thinking about what it would be like to have morning sex with you if he ever had the chance. Either way, he couldn't resist and fell asleep to his own hands and used pillowcases.
The next day, the band, like the whole team, was free. You hoped that Alex would come to you or would wait until later in the day to look for him. You didn't mind being the one to go after him first, you just needed to see him. However, Alex already had a plan in mind. In the morning, he dismissed and made sure that no one would use the keyboard room, leaving the place free for you both.
And how did he know that you could play? Well, he had looked at your files and resumes beforehand.
Then the plan went well, he called you on the reception intercom, saying that he needed your help with some instruments. You understood, but still couldn't read Alex between his lines. When you arrived, he greeted you as usual, with his serene smile and open arms for you to snuggle into. You closed the door, jumped on him, and wrapped yourself fully around him, and he caught you agilely and kissed you with the same warmth. Between some of his caresses on your neck, you noticed the keyboard in its place.
"Do you need help?" You asked, feeling a little awkward for not having noticed it before jumping on him, not that he seemed to mind.
"No, my plan was just to see you, baby," he kept smiling, seeing your sudden nervousness dissolve, and kissed your forehead in comfort. "Would it be weird if I asked you to play for me?" He asked, studying you with his eyes. He wanted that, but he didn't want to see you uncomfortable, and now that he was asking that, he was cursing himself for having put his desire first. However, you didn't mind, your smile was radiant, and you didn't hesitate to nod your head.
"Do you really want me to play for you? You know you play much better than me, huh? How long have you been doing this, like 30 years or more?" He laughed at your irony, shaking his head in denial before grabbing you by the waist and eliciting more laughter out of you.
With your face lit up, he picked you up and sat you on the keyboard table with him. You settled briefly, with his hands on your waist and your body close to his, which was so intimate and full of clear feelings that, if it weren't for the deadline of your departure, it would have seemed too unreal to be true. He rested his chin on your shoulder, his beard already growing way too much, rubbing against your soft skin while he was showering you in light kisses. Soon, your fingers filled the room with music. Alex confirmed to himself how talented you were; it was like in his dream, if not better, and you looked even more angelic than he had imagined.
He pushed your hair away from your face to get a better view of you and get drunk in your profile in pure concentration. Then, pulling your locks further to the side so that your head follows, he gained more space to your neck, where he placed more kisses all over the bare flesh, making you lose focus and miss some notes. Before joining you in the melody, he hugged you even closer, pulling the scarf from inside his own coat and draping it around your shoulders, making himself comfortable in you and whispering amidst the music. "You're perfect, did you know that, babygirl?" He breathed out, your head falling gently onto his chest. He expected you to take the fabric as yours, something he knew you would, just as you did with the one shirt you were wearing in his dreams.
Your eyes closed briefly, your warm tongue wrapped around his fingers, and soon he found himself holding the breath in his chest as your swollen lips took them just as he'd explained.
"Good girl," he let the air out of his lungs, making you chuckle. Your eyes met his and he pushed the fingerprints in a little more, yet slowly, but you had a reflex and he withdrew his fingers quickly, realizing that his fist was dripping with saliva.
"Does it make me bad?" You asked apprehensively and Alex shook his head. He could tell by your face that you were embarrassed.
"This is normal, nothing's wrong. As much as I imagine it'll get better with time, it is likely to happen, babygirl."
He patted your head, seeing you nodded eagerly. "Okay, daddy. So can I try again, please?" Your eyes were comfortable, as if you really wanted this.
He was still afraid of being something you thought you wanted, but deep down you would regret it, or that in fact you didn't want it and just thought you were obliged. Alex didn't want that to be the case, yet there he was doing your will and helping you figure out how to take him in your mouth. He was trying to make it a good experience for you.
Not resisting you, he let your delicate hands encircle his wrist and he stretched out two fingers, tracing your lips until you took them slowly again. That was like training, and it was your idea, if Alex explained what to do and how he liked it, you would satisfy him. You wanted to make it right for him. He always made you feel so good, he deserved it. "Put your head down a bit further, it'll be more comfortable. You have to wrap everything in saliva and it'll be easier." Your eyes watered, but you followed what he said and it seemed to work.
Alex was feeling swollen and sore, he already thought he couldn't last much longer. As you picked up the pace, managed to take the full length and not choke, you pulled away gently, not messing up his hand this time, and looked up at him happily.
"I know, babygirl. You did fuckin' great for me, huh?" He whispered low, cheeks red. He didn't have to pull you in for a kiss, you did that yourself, throwing yourself into him in a hug and sealing your lips over his until you had him sighing heavily into you.
He let you do as you wanted, your kisses went down to his neck, paying attention to every mark in the place. He liked you like that, he liked that you felt so good around him that you didn't feel bad about being confident. That was hot, just like you smothering him in lipstick. Not wanting to let you down, and knowing he wasn't that loud, he let out a few grunts as he rubbed his fingers to your waist, just to let you know he was enjoying it.
"Shhh," he kissed your lips, going deeper until your body relaxed into his. Your hands were shaking in anticipation and he wanted to make it better for you. "It's okay, don't worry. If you want to stop, that's fine too."
You indicated yourself well, nodding that you understood. You wet your lips, running wet trails down his body. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was just that your head was louder saying that you didn't know what you were doing. And well, you didn't. You stayed on his belly, pressing your fingers into the soft skin and lightly nipping at the spot, as well as nuzzling and digging the tip of your nose into the area as he did with you. You liked the tickle it brought, maybe it was the same with him. As you looked at him, he would smile gently at you, and you would never know how to describe how handsome and hot and pretty he was. His hands were braced at his sides, cheeks reddened and brows arched in concentration, his body, just as yours, seemed to scream for it.
"It's good, I'm 'ere for you, puppy." He assured you after your needy eyes pleaded for his attention. You thought that him driving you through it would be perfect, and minutes before you had told him that, but now you weren't so sure anymore. Thankfully, Alex was cautious, and as his fingers caressed your face and then brushed back your hair, you found yourself calming down under his touch. "Take your time, but that's just how we agreed, babygirl." You chuckled weakly at how naturally friendly that sounded.
You ran your hands down his torso, positioning yourself better. You closed your eyes, managing to feel his attention on you. Alex had his mouth hanging open, and when your delicate fingers cupped him, he couldn't help but let out a heavy, audible sigh. You bit your lip and looked at him happily, the view he had was great. He was hard, heavy in your hands and it was good to know you were the one who did it.
You groped him a bit, admiring how he swallowed hard and leaned his hands behind him, enjoying a better view of you. He had a look of encouragement that made you believe it would work out well. You wrapped your tongue around his tip, sucking lightly, just as he had taught you to do on his fingers. Alex had to stop himself from pushing himself into your mouth and you laughed sweetly. He thought the vibrations you were sending him were good. Excited by his reaction, you ventured to suck more of him to yourself, until his hand became tighter in your hair and he pulled you out, causing a lingering trickle of saliva to run down your chin and he sweetly wiped it away. You eyed him with furrowed brows, irritated but still immersed in the taste of him and how wet you felt.
"You gotta listen to me better, I said take it slow, pup." You settled on your knees, looking as angelic as ever. Alex didn't sound like he wanted to impose control or anything, he just didn't want your first time doing that to be with someone who would get there so fast, something he was sure would happen if he kept looking at you. "Can you be a good girl for me, huh?"
You got dizzy at the words, taking the part you knew you couldn't reach into your mouth in your hand and nodded. "I'm sorry, daddy. I'll be good for you," and you were fearless to be. You understood Alex, you felt the same way when he was between your thighs.
You held your fingers steady on him, as you had on his wrist minutes ago, and he seemed to approve. You took him in licks and warm comfort again, feeling his body relax as he throbbed on your tongue. Alex's features were something you swore you could remember forever as his head snapped back and his hands in your hair slackened, he looked like a God. Poor thing, you were making him lose strength over you.
Still sluggish, seeking to savor every second, you closed your eyes on how good it felt and tried not to make it bad again as you took him all down your throat. And then, contrary to what you thought, you managed to get away with it, burying your head into him until the tip of your nose brushed his lower belly and he let out the best sound ever heard. He was a good teacher, you didn't choke on him and just when you thought you were going to, you could almost hear him saying in his tender tone. "Focus on breathin' through your nose, babygirl. Can you do that for me?" As he was making you go steady, just like right there in that moment.
As expected, it doesn't take long for him to empty himself into you. In your mind, you'd swallow every drop, just like he did with you. Yet, as your throat itches on something that was supposed to be comforting, your eyes stinged and soon you found yourself holding back a little cough, at least until Alex got his orgasm like he deserved. You no longer had your lips wrapped around him, but you continued to guide him through it by pressing him, taking your deep breaths and trying to control your breathing right. It was dazzling to see him squirt over your fingers and his own belly in husky, shy moans.
You ran your fingers along his waist, smiling at the tired look he was giving you as his chest rose and fell. "What do you think?" Your question was with a goofy smile, genuinely pleased that you had made him feel good.
He took note of your teary eyes, corners of your lips still a little white stained and wished he could keep you to himself. "In heaven?" His accent sounded thicker, properly addictive and you found yourself wanting to hear more until you got tired of it.
He made himself more comfortable and before pulling you to him, you went to distribute kisses on his belly, caressing his soft skin. As soon as Alex realized what you wanted to do, he stopped you, taking you closer to his chest in soft kisses to your head.
"Look, you don't have to swallow it, not for me and not for anyone else, did you get me, lil' one?" And like the good observer that he was, he knew how to read your discomfort with yourself for not being to do that like no one else would ever.
"The taste and texture, not quite what I expected." He murmured that he could imagine as you hid your face in his chest, he took you in. He stroked your hair, trying to pull himself together to thank you properly for being such an angel to him.
"You did well." He chuckled, pondering your ability to turn such impure moments into something as sweet as you were. "You're always so good to me, make me feel so good, babygirl. No matter the situation, you're unbelievable." He wiped your mouth, kissing your eyes before letting himself get lost into your scent as it filled his nostrils.
His eyes slowly opened, his arm numb and his body slightly sore, though the feeling was good. You were sleeping, snuggled comfortably against his chest. He gently released you, his hand moving to your face as you nuzzled into his warmth. Your expression was calm, relaxed, and you seemed to be made to be there with him. He pushed your hair back a little, noticing how small you appeared in his arms, and he smiled at your features.
With minimal movements, he picked up his phone, switched on the camera, and took a photo of you, even if it was an awkward one, with your messy hair and slightly open mouth, you looked like a perfect angel to him. You shifted, becoming more comfortable in his embrace, and murmured something. "It's okay, you can go back to sleep, babygirl." He kissed your forehead, holding you tighter, and nestling his nose into your neck, taking in your soft skin and smell. Soon, both of you would be asleep.
In the morning, he would show you the photo and ask if he could keep it with him.
The show would start in just under an hour. Looking back, the time seemed to have passed too quickly, even though it had been well spent. It still felt like there was more to be said and done, it was indisputable. This was the penultimate concert of the marathon, which meant that soon you would be out of his sight. The atmosphere between you was not awkward, but pleasant as before. You had both chosen not to comment on it and simply live in the moment until something was resolved.
Well, in terms of resolution, you had not properly addressed the issue, both of you had remained silent about it. This didn't seem to be a problem since you were enjoying each other's company just right. He was spending his precious minutes before the performance with you, after having convinced the band that having that moment alone was important for concentration. And as much as he didn't think everything he did was enough, he hoped it was, or that you believed it to be.
As your breath grew weaker, your fingers traced his face, nose, beard, until your hand rested on his cheek. Every now and then, you caught a glimpse of how he closed his eyes and nuzzled his face into your palm. "You're so handsome, daddy," you whispered, admiring the contours of his face. His lips turned up in a gentle smile and he leaned into your touch, cherishing the tenderness of the moment.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist, your usual dress was up and being held by him, as he had his pants down with his unders. The sight of it was definitely messy and dirty, but the clarity of the moment made it so much more than just sex.
He kissed your hand as soon as your lips touched the space between his eyebrows, "Do you think so?" You lazily nodded, working yourself towards him. He smiled at you, somewhat shy, with the tip of his nose red and then your fingers made their way to his chest and neck, stopping at the collar of his t-shirt and holding him tight while you struggled to keep his eyes on him. His smile widened as he licked his lips, realizing that what he was doing was what he had taught you on the pillow night, to alternate between using your legs and hips, so as not to tire quickly, and you were divine. "You're makin' me feel so good, puppy," your forehead dropped to his as he squeezed your thighs to bring you closer to his body. "So fuckin' good." His voice softened you before he could silence you with a kiss, just as urgent and still caring as the first time, as if he ached every part of him to you.
You clung to him, sinking all the way into his lap. He treated you with delicacy most of the time, unless you begged him for more, so being able to do that of your own free will, feeling him fill you up to the brim, comfortable and nice, was wonderful. You could feel him deep in your stomach, even if not literally, you were sure it was like you could tell he did reach you there. His hands were shaking, as were his lips, which failed to emit sounds due to the moans that were so directed that came out as screams into the silence. That made you happy, so you lingered, riding him even more intensely but in less hurried movements. He held you even tighter and you laughed.
"Not funny, babygirl." He sounded sweet, eyes gleaming from the way your body swayed up and down on top of him, you didn't agree. It was good to see him like this.
It wasn't like you were going to hold yourself for much longer, no matter how hard you tried, but Alex could easily read that in you by now. Then, without making a fuss about it, he hugged you to himself right into place, hands firmly around your waist and face to the side, so that even when your head fell onto his chest he could look at you. Your body landed lightly on top of his and soon he was slamming you hard from underneath as you held him tightly to keep your balance. That felt good and was exactly what you needed, it wasn't long before the room was bathed in your infamous noises.
As you both composed yourselves, he kept his eyes on you, caressing your back and kissing your forehead and hairline, like being put to sleep. Your hands intertwined with his for comfort, and you could feel his chest rising and falling in a way that made you feel relaxed. On your cheek, you could feel the dampness of his shirt where you had bitten the fabric to muffle your moans. He threatened to get up and move to a more comfortable position, one where you wouldn't be semi-naked in a sound check room, but you refused, snuggling closer to him and hiding your face, wanting to have him on you for a longer time. It was comforting, like being complete. It was difficult to explain, but it felt good.

Alex Turner/One Shots. (Smuts And Non-Smuts)Where stories live. Discover now