I guess he didn't hear my sarcastic voice.

"I never said Nash was my boyfriend"

"Hurtful" Nash held the side of his heart. "but it's true, she has a thing for Mat"

I looked over to him. "which Mat?

"Mat Espinosa" he was grinning.

"How dare you!" I hit him playfully. "I don't remember telling you!" I hid my face with one of the cushions.

"So it's true?" He got up clapping and jumping up and down.

"I never said that either" I was now red. "you know what, I shouldn't even be here" I got up.

"No!" Beau whined.

"Aw Boo Boo" I fake pouted. "go over my place anytime" I told him.

"Let's go right now" Beau said.

"Aren't you supposed to do something?" I asked him.

"Nash is coming as well"

"No, I rather stay here then get my place destroyed" I say back down.

Mat E❤️:
Justin wants to know if you want to chill tomorrow.

I don't remember meeting someone named Justin..

Mat E❤️:
Justin Bieber ?

You're joking! Stop this right now!😫

Mat E❤️:
I'm being dead serious. Look.

And he sent a picture of the messages. Omg !
This isn't happening !

"Why do you look like you're about to start jumping or something?" Luke asked laughing. I looked up and smiled at him. I showed Nash the picture and the messages and Nash rolled his eyes.

"So Bae is being replaced now?" He laughed.

"Just for tomorrow" I smiled.

I let out a squeal and calmed myself down.

We spent like ten more minutes talking until they went down to business. They were apparently going to start filming a challenge and by what it looks like it's disgusting and hurtful.

Nash started his Intro first and then it was The Janoskians, or should I say Dare Sunday's.

Beau began explaining the challenge.

"We have Heather here today" Beau gestured for me to go in front of the camera but I shook my head. ".. anyways she'll be our score keeper and assistant"

I never agreed to this so I look at James and he was smiling.

They were going to do the paintballs. They had a bunch of questions in a hat that they made me look for or come up with good questions for them to answer. But they had to be hard for all of them so that's what I did.

On another hat was how many feet they had to be to shoot.

I went behind the little tripod and checked if it was recording which it was so the challenge began.

"Heather choose who should go first" Luke pointed to me.

"Beau" I quickly said.

He glared at me but got the question from the hat.

He handed it to me and Luke was obviously recording me. I groaned and opened the piece of paper.

"Okay this is your question." I looked at Beau and he was intensely staring at me. "There are sixty cups on a table. One falls down, then how many remain?"

He looked like he was thinking so hard. This was so easy but he is over thinking it. Ugh. Seriously Beau?

"59" he said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah" he was now unsure but still went with it.

"Let me repeat myself again." I smiled at Beau. "There are Six-tea cups on the table, one falls down. How many are left?"

"59" he answered again.

"Wrong" I laughed. "Five"

"FUCK!" He yelled. "why five?"

"Because I said six" showed him six fingers. "tea cups. not sixty. Six. Tea. Cups" I said slowly.

He went on about how he could've got it wrong if he would've seen it. He handed it to me, not my fault.

Next was Nash. He also got his answer wrong. next was James who got it right because it was a question about me. Daniel went next and he got it right as well. Luke was next and he was so confident. He got half of the question right but still got paint all over him.

Next was Jai. He was so quiet this whole time. He grabbed a question from the hat and handed it to me. Our hands touched for the slightest second but I quickly moved it away because I felt myself go red.

I looked over to James who was smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and opened up the paper.

"What chemical element has the shortest name?" I asked him with a smile.

He thought for a second. "how the fuck am I suppose to know that?" I said annoyed. My smiled faded because he said that towards me in a rude way.

"give up?" I said once again with a small smile now.

"Yeah, you ducking choose questions nobody knows" he said.

"Tin" I answered for him. He grabbed the other paper and handed it to Luke.

"Three steps back"

The game when by for a couple of minutes. They all answered about four questions each. James was first place, Luke was second, Third was Daniel then came Nash and Jai was last place.

"Well, that's it" I said getting up from the chair I was sitting on.

"Want to get something to eat?" Beau asked all of us. Nash looked at me because he know I can't eat out anymore. Unless it's a drink or salads.

"I'm going home" I smiled at him.

"Come on" He begged.

I shrugged. Maybe a drink. "sure" I said. "but let me go change into something else" I said looking at Nash's shirt that looked like I was wearing a dress over pants.

"Okay. Meet you down stairs" Nash said.

I'm glad I have friends like Nash because he understands and acts like a brother.

I felt someone walking behind me but I paid no attention. The elevator came and as I I stepped in someone else did as well. I look to the right.


Today was the last day of school!

Should they get back together or not?

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Also if you want to message me go ahead. I answer everyone.😄😊😉

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