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Crybaby: you two go to the library often, both of you are respectful and quiet. usually a Karen gives you both weird looks for holding hands and Crybaby will use her powers to scare said Karen

Angelita: you go to the library and split up being that you two have different tastes in books. You two will meet back up and go to a cafe to read

Magnolia: you two try to be quiet and respectful but Magnolia will accidentally do something and you two will fall into a fit of giggles. y'all get kicked out and eventually are allowed to come back

Fleur: she loves the library and will drag you there even when your sick. she gives the best book recommendations and carries your books for you

Celeste: the opposite of Fleur, you have to drag her to the library. It's not that she doesn't like it, she would just rather reread the books she owns. She'll give in and enjoy it when you two arrive

Ben: man lives at the library. The librarians know his name and greet him when you two enter, he carries your books for you and you too give each other book recommendations

Kelly: she secretly loves the library. she breaks the rules (ooh) and writes little notes in the margins to make the next person who checks out the book happy. She'll write things like "pretty" or  "I need sum 1 like this" to make people laugh

A/N: I need book recommendations if you guys have any...also school started (🙄) so my updates will be more sporadic than normal

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