"Ya. It's always fun to watch you two get harassed by jocks!" Selena said in a creepy happy voice. She jogged with Isaac and Jacob following her. They are hopeless when they see her.

"Ok that was weird. Why is she acting so happy? I don't even think she was ever that happy." Benny asked.

"It's near a full moon, remember! Her werewolf side will be stronger so she'll get some serious mood swings." Scott told him. "But really Benny, what part of what just happened was awesome?"

"I mean the part where we're friends with David Stachowski! Our street cred just went through the roof! The only thing we're missing is if Jesse actually becomes friends with us or if you start dating Jesse or change." Benny told me. I glared at him then hit him in the arm.

"But we both know that is never going to happen." I told him. "Why would a guy like Theo or Jesse wanna hang out with us anyway?"

"E don't question things!" Benny told me. Just then a girl that was just talking to David walked past us. "Hey you wanna go out?" Benny asked. "I've got the David Stachowski seal of approval!"

"Drop dead." The girl said.

"See? She spoke to me! That never happened pre headlock!" Benny told me.

"Benny there's something about that guy that I don't trust." I told Benny as we glanced over at David. He had just growled at some kid.

"You mean other then the fact that he's huge and popular and totally awesome!" Benny asked me as he started to scratch his head. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is that a flea?" Benny asked me frantically. I looked at him then nodded. "Yep, that's a flea."

Scott's P.O.V

"Come on!" Ethan yelled at the vending machine. He was in the lounge with me and the guys. Just then Sarah walked by and she hit the machine and a bunch of candy came out.

"Is that one of your fledgling powers?" Ethan asked.

"Not a power. Just a perk." Sarah said. She and Ethan grabbed candy and found some seats.

"So where's your Well anyway David won't leave me alone! It's so weird! It's like the lions are hanging out with the zebras or something!"

"Or better yet vampire hanging out with werewolves!" Selena said.

"Who's got two thumbs, three free candy bars and best buds with David Stachowski? That's right, this guy!" Benny exclaimed as he sat down with us.

"Like I was saying its like he's inserted himself into my life!" Ethan said.

"Ya he even showed up at the house one time." Selena said as he put his feet up on a table.

"So he eats all your food. That's no excuse to break up a potential friendship." Sarah said.

"There's more. The guy howls." Ethan said.

"Woo-Hoo free candy bar!" David said. Then he howled.

"A lot of dudes howl. It's a jock animal thing!" Benny said.

"Ya but we don't do that." Liam interjected pointing to both him and me

"Ya but you guys are animals." Benny said. Theo just rolled his eyes.

"I can't be the only one who's noticed how hairy he is." Ethan said.

"So he's hairy. A lot of guys are hairy. It's a hairy guy thing!" Benny said. I shrugged.

"It's basic math. Howling plus hair plus this town equals..." Ethan started but Benny cut me off.

"Awesome!" Benny said.

My Babysitter's a Vampire: Beacon Hill meets White Chapel Season 1Where stories live. Discover now