CH. 3: Blood Drive

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Okay in this Jesse sworn off from drinking from a human but he can still drink the blood


Scott's POV

Today is the blood drive. Normally I don't care for these things, but this year I have Sellie's 6 fanged friends to keep an eye on. The guys, Ethan and his friend, Selena and I have to make sure they don't do anything stupid, and by that I mean me, Benny and my pack, Ethan is afraid of needles and Selena is terrified of blood. I don't know how but she can't see anything more than a small vile full. Just then Isaac and I noticed Jesse and Erica. They didn't notice us; they just kept staring at the line of kids and the blood bags.

'Great, and I thought keeping an eye on Theo was tricky,' I thought to myself as we walked up to them

"Hey you guys." Isaac said to them, as I turned them away from the blood. They both looked like they were going to pounce someone, and the way Jesse's were glowing he seems likely to

"What do you want?" Jesse asked. He sounds irritated, better keep a close eye on him.

"We just want to make sure you 2 don't do anything stupid. Since you guys can't give any blood." I warned them.

"If I were you I'd worry about Erica, Sarah, Jay and Rory the most." Jesse said. I raised my eyebrow since Sarah doesn't want to be a vampire, Jay seems to stay with his no human blood diet, and Erica and Rory, I have no clue on them.

"Why?" I heard Isaac voice the same question I have.

"Well Megan has zero self control, Sarah is still a fledgling and Rory will do anything Megan tells him to do. Plus Jay hasn't had human blood in decades." Jesse told me while never taking his eyes off of the blood bags.

Just then Sarah walked up to us. She was eating a huge bag of chips. "Hey Sarah." I greeted. While Jesse and Erica started to look like zombies from all the blood.

"Sure, I'm fine. Why don't I look okay?" Sarah asked.

"You have like half a bag of chips on your face." Theo told her as he walked up to us. Sarah sighed and whipped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Seeing all this blood is really getting to you isn't it?" Jesse asked as he turned around to look at us, while Megan still watched the blood with hungry eyes.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but Ethan's right. It's like letting contestants from The Biggest Loser lose in a chocolate factory!" Sarah complained.

"Why don't you just skip school or actually drink human blood!?" Jesse suggested, Sarah just glared at him. "Do I have to remind you that your brother did this to me?" she hissed quietly.

"Sarah, do you need some help?" I asked.

"It's Megan, Jesse, and Erica I'm worried about. They don't have much self-control and if..." Sarah started but then Megan turned to face us. She was in a nurse's jacket and had a plate with cookies on it.

"Hey guys! Cookie?" Megan asked as she barred her fangs in a smirk.

Jesse's P.O.V: A Few Minutes Later

"A student volunteer? That's so devious." Sarah told Erica. Scott, Isaac and Theo had left so now it was just Sarah, Megan, Erica, and me standing by the kids and blood.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Megan asked.

"I know right?" Erica asked with a smirk.

"So when are you going to take a sip?" Erica asked. Was curious to know too, though I'm not as pushy, well only when it comes to Jacob.

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