Chapter Twenty Five

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There was no time for the Slytherin friends to visit, there was so much all of them needed to say to one another. So much that has happened since the last time they were together. Pansy didn't like the plan to have Emma, Matteo and the rest of the four hiding within the crowd of their fellow students. She's never had anxiety before....but tonight Pansy struggled to let her friends do what they needed. All she wanted was to protect Emma and Matteo, they have been through too much already.

Matteo and Emma stand somewhere in the middle blending into the crowd of students walking towards the hall like robots. Hogwarts felt sterile, devoid of that warmth that use to fill the halls. Emma felt a shudder run through her body at the cold feeling. Matteo's hand found hers as they intertwined fingers, they both needed that reassurance, as long as they were together they would survive. They kept their heads lowered without causing suspicion. They make it to the great hall, Emma watches Snape's robes swish behind him as he walked up to the front. It was hard for her to believe that the same man who didn't alert the death eaters the night of Dumbledore's death that Harry and her were right underneath them the entire time is also the man who has taken over Hogwarts and created this dreadful cold school. If he was truly apart of the Dark Lord's army then why didn't he give the twins away? Why did he tell them to be quiet and then help Draco, saving his soul from forever being ruined. Emma would figure it out, figure out what secrets the blood prince carries.

Snape turns to address the students before him. "Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that, earlier this evening.....the Potter twin's have been sighted in Hogsmeade." Students erupt in quiet murmurs as they all look at one another in surprise. "Now should anyone...student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. and Ms. Potter.....they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore any person found to have knowledge of these events....who fails to come forward...will be treated as equally guilty. Now then...." Snape starts to walk back down the isle in between students. "If anyone here has any knowledge of the Potter twin's movements this evening....I invite them to step" The room is silent as he looks around at all the students with their heads down. Emma begins to move out of her place with Harry not far behind. Students start to murmur again as the twins stand in the isle in front of him. "I have just one problem with your announcement. You see it's Mrs. Potter Riddle now." Emma informs Snape as the murmurs erupt even louder around them. "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies...." Emma begins as the doors to the great room open as the Order members come walking through the hall. Matteo walks out of his place in the crowd standing right behind Emma his eyes narrowed on Snape. "You still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Emma smiles. "And I'm afraid it's quite extensive." Matteo gives him his signature cocky smirk.

Harry takes a step forward glaring at Snape "How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!" Harry shouts at Snape. Emma watches the moment Snape raises his wand she feels that tug on her ancient magic as she was getting ready to shield Harry but Professor McGonagall steps forward shielding both twins, surprising Emma. Their wands pointed at each other. Matteo steps forward pulling Emma behind him his wand up and ready.

McGonagall relentlessly fires curses at Snape that he deflects, one of them he deflects causing it to hit the Carrow siblings effectively knocking them out. McGonagall's relentless curses forces Snape to apparate. "Coward!" she calls after him as he breaks the stained glass windows retreating. The Great Hall erupts in cheers and applause as McGonagall lights the fires on the sconces on the wall. Emma watches the students cheering, the pit of her stomach feeling with dread once more. She had to save them, she had to save them all. A wave of dizziness hits her Voldemort's voice echoing in her mind. "Harry. Emma." both her and Harry fall to the ground as Matteo rushes to her side. McGonagall calling after the twins in concern. " come on baby, snap out of it." Matteo's voice sounded like he was underwater shouting at her. His hands come to her face trying to get her to focus on him. A girl starts to scream which causes the twins to come back into focus. They stand walking towards the girl screaming. Matteo follows silently behind her worriedly. She siting in the corner her hands over her ears as she continues to scream over and over again. Emma watches in horror as students all around her scream and hold their heads. "I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me the Potter twins. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me the Potter twins, and I should leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me the Potter twins, and you will be rewarded. You have one hour." Voldemort's amplified voice inside the castle fades away as all the students step away from Harry and Emma, staring at them. A random Slytherin looks over at the twins "What are you waiting for? Someone grab them!" she says. Matteo stands right in front of Emma making sure she was safely tucked behind him. Ginny gets in front of Harry. Pansy, Theo, Enzo, Blaise, and Rolf all stand surrounding Emma. Hermione, Ron, Draco, Neville stand surrounding Harry. The rest of the order and Dumbledore's army form an even bigger circle around the twins in protection, reassuring them that they are on their side.

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now