Chapter Seventeen

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It was like time froze at the Burrow. There was a period of time when there was no talk about Voldemort, no talk about death eaters. Everyone was just trying to soak up these last moments together before everything changed. Emma has never seen Matteo so at peace, it was like his soul was happy....content. She couldn't help the smile on her face as she watched him be a normal seventeen year old boy. Something about here, at the Weasley's burrow made Emma feel at home, made Matteo feel like having a happy home was possible.

July 31st......Emma woke to Matteo holding a pumpkin pastry pie, a candle in the center. When she opened her eyes he lit the candle. "Happy Birthday, love" his smile was contagious. "Matteo" her voice barely above a whisper. "I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday." he holds the pastry up to her as she blows the candle out. "I love you. This is already the best birthday I've ever had." she smiles at him. He sets the pastry on the side table as he climbs in the bed hovering over her body. He trailed kisses from her neck down to her inner thigh. It wasn't long before he was covering her mouth as she screamed his name.

Emma and Harry were showered with love and celebration. She couldn't help her tears, she was such a cry baby this year. She has never felt so much love from so many people, she just wishes her Slytherin friends were here with her now. She misses them terribly. Everyone was crowded around the living room as they played games and stuffed their face with cake. There was a knock on the door, Matteo moves Emma off his lap as she watches him curiously. He opens the door as Pansy and Enzo walk through the door. Emma's hand covered her face as she starts crying. Her friends rush over to her hugging her. "Happy Birthday!" they both shout happily. Enzo looks back at Harry "Um Happy Birthday to you too Harry" he says as Harry gives him a smile in thanks.

The friends make their way upstairs where Matteo and Emma have been staying. They spend sometime catching each other up on life since they last left Hogwarts. "I can't believe you guys came here for me" her voice full of emotion. "Are you kidding me! We had to see our favorite girl for her birthday" Enzo says "Besties for life Emma! You cant get rid of us now." Pansy smiles. "It was too dangerous to get Theo and Blaise here." Matteo squeeze's her hand. "But they send their love" Pansy adds. Enzo hands Emma a parcel "Happy Birthday Emmy" she opens the parcel to find matching friendship bracelets for the four of them. "I've already sent Theo and Blaise theirs. Blaise asked if i was mad, apparently friendship bracelets are for little girls. I told him that these were enchanted friendship bracelets. They will never break, never rip, they are pretty much indestructible...." he pauses thinking for a moment. "Well I guess unless one of us dies, then the enchantment will wear off." Matteo gives him a glare as his eyes widen in apology. "Thank you Enzo, I love them." she smiles, passing out the bracelets to everyone.

"Okay my turn" Pansy hands her a beautiful parcel as Emma opens it. A beautiful silk light blue dress in the box. "Pans, it's gorgeous." she gives Emma a tearfully smile. "Something to wear to the wedding tomorrow" Emma gives both her friends tight hugs. She hoped hugging them tight enough would keep them here longer. She didn't know when she would see them next, she fought against her tears as she pulled away smiling at them. She looked to see Matteo holding a small box. She felt her breath catch as she watched him, his smile was breathtaking as he placed the box in her hand. She carefully opens it to see a small ring, tiny emerald stones wrapped around the band. Emma's eyes shot up to look at him. "It's just a place holder, until you let me marry you." he winks. He takes the box out of her hand as he slips the ring on her finger. "I love you Emma. Happy Birthday." his voice tender and soft. "I love you too" she smiles bringing his face to hers, kissing him sweetly.

Emma hated seeing her friends go, just as much as they hated leaving her. All of them were terrified for what was next. None of them knowing if they will ever see each other again. Terrified to admit the fear that Emma will be long gone from this world. "Be careful Emma. Make it back to us all in one piece." Enzo says wrapping her in a hug. He leans back taking her in one last time, he steps back giving Pansy a chance to say goodbye. "You are a warrior. Warrior's don't give up and don't back down. Fight with everything you have and give those mother fuckers hell." they both start crying as they embrace. Emma felt like a piece of her heart walked away, waving goodbye to her friends distant silhouettes. Matteo held her that night as sleep claimed them fast.

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now