Chapter Fifteen - Secrets Come Out

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Death has always revolved around Emma, all of the people she loved and cared about ended up knocking on death's door. It was no surprise she was a mess after Dumbledore's passing. The only constant in Emma's life now is Matteo and their friends but fear had consumed her heart. Terrified that Matteo was going to end up just like everyone else, dead. She couldn't bare the thought of living without him. 

Pansy was done with the moping, death was death and she was ready to move on. It had been a few weeks since Dumbledore's passing and Emma was finally returning back to her normal sunshine self. Thank God, Pansy thought. Hermione on the other hand was in the anger stage of heartbreak. And the rest of them were just numb to the whole experience, when you grow up with parents like theirs you get pretty used to disappointments. 

The group of friends were all sitting around each other in the common room. Pansy was on Theo's lap as he rubbed his hands up and down her arms. Blaise in his normal chair right in front of the fire. Matteo sitting on the couch watching Enzo braid Emma's hair as she sat in between his legs on the ground. Life was finally getting back to normal for them. 

"Okay that's it. We are having a party this weekend." Pansy announces to the group as they all looked at her with mixed expressions. 

"Is that kind of daff, Pans?" Blaise asks her, earning an eye roll from her pretty face. 

"It's a fuck it party." she says proudly. 

"A fuck it party?" Enzo scrunches his face in confusion.  

Pansy huffs "Yes like fuck this shit sucked, but we are done letting it control us so fuck it lets get drunk." 

Blaise looks at Theo, "Your girl is mental" he tells him, Theo flips him off. 

"We should invite the other houses. Everyone needs to let off steam" Enzo suggests, Emma tilts her head back to look up at Enzo smiling, "That's a really nice idea Enzo" 

He felt his stomach dipping at the way her warm smile lit up her face, it's been a while since her smile met her eyes. She looks over at Matteo "fuck it?" giving him a wink. A flirty smirk curls his lips, "fuck it." 

Word spread fast about the party this weekend, Pansy was in momager mode. She enlisted the help of a bunch of second years to get snacks and decoration. She had seven years get as much booze as they could find. It was all shaping up to be the biggest party Hogwarts has ever seen. The only issue they had, making sure they didn't get caught. 

Saturday night....Pansy oversaw the set up making sure everything was to her perfection before she felt comfortable enough leaving to get ready. She froze at the door when she saw Emma. "My god!" she  whistles at her gorgeous friend. "Emmy I can see your tits!" 

Emma gives her an eye roll. "You said fuck it party, love." 

Pansy closes the door behind her before heading over to her dresser. "Do you want Matteo to fight tonight?" she questions her. 

Emma raises an eyebrow, "It's a bit of a turn on" she laughs ducking when Pansy throws a pillow at her. 

"I'm all for wearing something sexy, I just never expected to see you in scrapes of fabric that barely cover them perfect tittys!" she winks. 

"I don't plan on wearing this long" she grins mischievously at Pansy. 

The common room is packed, all different types of houses drinking, laughing and dancing. For once they were all together for something fun. "Jesus" Enzo chokes on his drink while Theo pats Matteo on the back "Good luck tonight" he warns him. Matteo's brows pinch together confused. He follows the boys gaze, noticing most of the other boys in the room were all staring at the top of the stairs. 

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن