Chapter Six - Green Like Her Eyes

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Matteo picks Emma up her legs hooking at his waist as her arms wrap around his neck. Leading them to her room without breaking their kiss. He wasn't worried about the what ifs, the unanswered questions about whether this thing between them will last, or the fact that his father wanted her dead.

All he wanted was to know everything about her....her secrets....her dreams....her likes and dislikes....until there was nothing left to uncover...until it was just Emma and just Matteo.

She felt the cold wood door biting at her back while he pushes her against it. Using the door like leverage to keep her in his arms while he opens the door carefully.

Once they reach inside he lets her body slide down against him, breaking the spell they were under pulling apart. Matteo groans the moment her lips leave his, feeling empty.

Emma grabs his hand leading him to her bed, her heart hammering in her chest. The nerves hitting her with a jolt realizing they were alone in her room....

They both lay on her bed facing one another, Matteo reaching out to play with her hair, twirling a raven black strand around his finger. Her eyes roaming his handsome face shamelessly.

"I swear I have tried to memorize every inch of you" he tells her the butterflies going crazy in her stomach. "It was torture ignoring you." he pauses his chocolate brown eyes meet her light green ones. "I'm so sorry" he apologizes, his voice dripping with regret. "From now on we communicate like really communicate." he tells her as she nods her head in agreement.

"Just Matteo?" she questions him, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Just Emma" he answers her.

His hand reaches up to trace the just barely visible lightening bolt scar on her forehead. He hated knowing what that scar symbolized. Hated that it was by his fathers hands. The only good thing that came out of this scar was proof that she lived, she was right here with him. The girl that lived.

"Green." he said as she looked at him puzzled. "My favorite color is green." he elaborates as she rolls her eyes

"How am I not surprised" she laughs "black" she tells him.

He cocks an eyebrow "Emma Potter are you telling me your favorite color is black?" he puts a hand to his chest in shock, her hand coming up to slap him, while her nose scrunches in a laugh.

Matteo's eyes warm realizing that she gave him her nose scrunching laugh, the one he loved the most. He traces a finger down her perfectly straight nose.

"Your nose scrunches when you think something is really funny" he mentions. She watches him taking everything in, tracing her nose, her lips, her jaw, her cheeks. "It's my favorite thing about you" he whispers, her stomach dipping with happiness.

"Sloths" she rushes out, breaking him out of his spell as he looks at her confused before realizing what she was saying.

"Why sloths?" he questions.

"Why not! They are adorable. On my travels I recently saw a muggle magazine and it had sloths. I've been obsessed ever since." She rambles out an explanation.

"Well since we are going with muggle animals then I guess mine would be a giraffe" he answers her.

"Why?" She asks in a giggle.

"Giraffes are majestic as fuck." he tells her nonchalantly.

"So majestic!" she teases him.

"Coming from the girl that is obsessed with sloths!" he scoffs but can't help the huge smile on his face.

They stayed in Emma's room talking for hours, they talked about all their favorites, all their dislikes. Matteo was intrigued by her from the moment she stepped foot in the great hall but after today he was more than intrigued he was down right obsessed with her.

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now