Chapter 12: The Battle of Earth

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The fleet surrounding Beskania departs. The siege of Earth will begin very soon.
Troy and Talio sit in a capital ship. Watching out from the bridge window. They are on route to Earth. "All we worked for. This is it." Talio looks at Troy. Troy smiles, "If you see an Admiral Vurkman, tell me." Troy says. "Alright." Talio replies. "You never fully explained what happened on Ad Victoria." Troy says. "Awhile ago now…but yeah I'll explain. When me and Robard got back I was panicking. Thought we'd get attacked. Robard offered me a drink. Course' I took it, well it was spiked. I blacked out and woke up. Bastard betrayed us, The manor was on fire. After fighting through the smokey manor I made way to the roof. Me and Robard got into a fight. Got me really good, left me for dead. Heh, shot him atleast three times before his ship took off. Thought he was alive, atleast until Marcus said he died." Talio explains. Troy laughs, "Y'know Talio. You're a good guy, and a good friend." Troy looks at Talio sincerely. "You are too man. Only time my boss didn't screw me over, or get killed in front of me." Talio says. "I'm not your boss. We couldn't have done this without you." Troy says. "Thanks. Why say this now?" Talio asks. "Because someone gave me a message." Troy opens a video message on a holo-table.
True Sam stands on the screen. "I'm Alive. Troy…You're alive too. We will meet soon. One last fight, me and you. Just me and you. No holding back." True Sam says. "That is all." The message ends. "Well damn man. Good luck." Talio says.

-New York City-
The city of New York is bustling. Being the capital of Earth. It has seen its fair share of war. Especially when it was almost destroyed by the Eye Spawn in the early 2300's. Admiral Vurkman from the Centuari is here for business. He walks through the capital building. The skyline of New York is beautiful as always, the bright blue sky in contrast to the buildings. The ship's flying by. It's peaceful even in time of the Insurgency. He stops when every a massive shadow covers the city. He looks up out a window. The Reform is here. They begin sending ships down. The massive fleet looms above the sky. The city begins panicking.

Some civilians welcome the Reform soldiers with open arms. Some resent them for the war and for being traitors. Troy and a group of soldiers walk through the now deserted streets. People watch from their windows as the legion of soldiers make way. They are heading towards the capital building.
A group of Alliance soldiers meet them in the street, guns aimed. Troy raises a hand, "Stop!" He orders his men. "Let us go through. No one has to die today." Troy says hand still raised. The Alliance officer speaks up, "There's no way we will let you keep going." He says. Troy quickly puts his hand down. His soldiers open fire and kill the group of soldiers. "Keep going." Troy orders.

Francesca goes in a group with Ferris. Their plan is to sneak into the capital building and shut down defensive systems. Ferris still has his credentials as he is not known to have joined the Reform.
The two wear suits as to look apart of th crowd. They walk up the capital street. Soldiers run up and down the street in panic. They hear gunshots from a few blocks away. "That must be Troy." Francesca says. "Let's just hurry." Ferris says. "Stop!" An officer says. The two stop in front of him. "Yes?" Ferris asks. "Let me escort you to the Capital building. You two will be targets for the traitors." The officer says. The two begin following him.

Talio hides in a disguise. Wearing a suit and a mask that many Aliens from the west wear. It is a Beskan-like mask. He is already in the Capital building. He walks through the halls. Quickly he walks into a closet. Talio pulls out his communicator. "Onasi's?" He says. The communicator buzzes in, "Yes?" Francesca says. "Are you here yet?" Talio asks. "Almost, we have to stay quiet. See you soon." Ferris cuts in. Their communication is cut. Talio radios Tom and Marcus.

Tom and Marcus sit in a capital ship. "Wonder if things are going well down there." Tom says. "Why are we even up here? We should be down there." Marcus says. "Hold on." Tom grabs his buzzing communicator. "Yes?" Tom says. "Fire on sector 12B of New York. Then get your asses down here and rendezvous with Troy at central Square." Talio orders. "Got you." Tom cuts off the call and he turns to the ship officers. "Fire all guns on sector 12B!" He orders. The officers fire all guns on the sector.

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