"I don't know," Sofia shrugged. "Reflect on my behavior, I guess. But I don't wanna go back to Camila. Can I please stay with you for a few days?"

Amira sighed.

"Please, I'll be good. I promise."

Amira said nothing as she debated letting Sofia stay with her. She didn't mind, but she also didn't feel like dealing with any extra baggage that could come along with Sofia. Not to mention, Amira just ended her friendship with Camila, so things could get awkward.

"Please, I don't want to go back."

"Why not? Did something happen? Did Camila hit you?"

"No, she never hits me; she just gets loud. We got into an argument because Camila got mad that she had to pick me up from school. She called me a brat for getting suspended. She said I was ungrateful, and she cursed me out. I didn't like how she was talking to me, so I got disrespectful and said things I shouldn't have."

"What kind of things?" Amira questioned.

"I told Camila she's toxic. I said she loves running people away and ruining her relationships. I said she's sick in the head. She's a bully like the people at my school, and she needs to re-evaluate herself. She needs to go to rehab and stop walking around with a chip on her shoulder. She was crazy before, but now she acts just like our mom."

"And you told her all of this?"

"Some of it, yeah, but I should've kept my mouth shut."


"Because I only made things worse. I wanted to apologize, but Camila left after our argument and wouldn't answer her phone. She called me a few hours later and told me to get out of her house, so I did."

"You ran away?"

"I guess," Sofia shrugged "I just wanted some air, but then I found some money in my pocket and got on the bus."

Sofia then explained how she fell asleep on the bus and woke up when someone told her to get off. She then went to a different bus stop and waited. When another bus came, she tried to get on but realized she didn't have enough money. Sofia walked around for a bit before running into some creeps. She ran from them and got even more lost. It got dark fast, and that's when she started calling people.

"I actually felt better when I was walking around by myself. I knew I could call my brother if I needed him, so I wasn't worried. But I panicked when he didn't answer. I called Jonathan ten times, but he never heard his phone."

"And that's when you called me?" Amira noted.

"Yes. The reality of my situation sank in, and I got scared."

"Did you ever think to call the police?"

"No," she shook her head. "I didn't want to get in trouble."

"Okay," Amira nodded.

"I know what I did was childish, and I regret it."

"Sofia, you are still a child, so I get it."

"I'm fourteen, though; I should've handled the situation better. Camila only told me to get out because she got drunk. I should've never taken her words so seriously."

"I understand, but she also shouldn't have said that to you."

"I know," Sofia grumbled.

"Does Camila know where you are?"

"She called me earlier this morning when she realized I wasn't home, and I told her where I was."

"You told her you were with me?"

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