Evil deep down below.

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I fell to my knees panting, and I was still supporting myself with one hand on the ground. A really nasty thing since there are those hellish vines and that sticky black goo practically everywhere. Nevertheless, my lungs and fatigue allowed me to forget about it for the moment. With the other hand, I grabbed my chest, helping my ribs rise and fall, because I still had the irresistible feeling that my heart was about to stop. As well as all of us. I could hear the heavy breathing of others around me. Everyone also fell to the ground from exhaustion, or argued on the nearest tree to rest a bit after our escape. Fortunately, as it turned out, these monsters were also not famous for the greatest endurance. This did not surprise me because looking at the former inhabitants of the Goldsprings, some people could use a diet. However, it was worse with the obviously better built ones. They chased us a lot longer and almost got one of the boys if he hadn't pulled out a baseball bat in time and smacked the freak on the ugly head. Fortunately, we all made it here in one piece. He's barely alive after that amateur marathon, but most importantly, we're still alive. I breathed on the dirty ground for a moment before finally drawing in one mighty breath of air. It was downright nasty and full of sulfur and decay, but I needed at least some oxygen anyway. After that, I started to breathe a little more evenly. After that, I got to my feet. I was about to wipe the sweat from my forehead, but very quickly I realized that my skin was covered with a mixture of mud and this black goo, so I quickly wiped my hands on my pants. Normally, I wouldn't have soiled my Jeans, although now they're already dirty enough with mud and blood that wiping dirty hands wouldn't make much of a difference.

- Everyone okay? - Denzel asked suddenly, then added: - Are they all here? Nobody left behind? 

I looked around our group. All seven of the remaining people stood scattered along the trail in the woods still recovering. Unfortunately, no one was able to answer me except for the blonde. Melanie sighed heavily before turning to Denzel and saying:

- Rather, they all are. Apart from... 

She didn't finish her sentence, because we all remembered that poor boy who was devoured by those creatures in the sewers. There was this unpleasant mood around. This damn silence, which, however, was broken very quickly by Denzel coughing. We all looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

- Unfortunately, the Grim Reaper took Jimmy too. Many people have died today and many more have suffered an even worse fate...we'll mourn them later when we get out of here. - He said getting up.

Unfortunately, soon after, he almost fell to the ground if he hadn't grabbed the tree against which he leaned again.

- But we can rest for a while. - he said, looking at his watch, saying: - Five more minutes and we're going.

Denzel's words were soothing to me like never before. My feet still hurt and I was only now getting pain from the strains on my thighs and calves. If I could, I would cut off those legs, but unfortunately I still needed them. On the one hand, I wanted to sit down so badly. Unfortunately, I knew well that it would be even worse when I had to move on in the remaining four minutes. Moreover, in the event of a sudden threat, it is better to be upright right away. So I braced myself against the nearest tree and sighed heavily to vent my frustration of the whole situation. Standing and resisting was the only thing I could do now, rest before I had to keep walking again, or God forbid, running again. So I became and leaned up to the branch of a rotten tree. I can't believe she wouldn't even stand next to a wet dog in the past, let alone something like that, but it really doesn't matter to me now. just make it to the end of this madness. It was a blissful moment. So wickedly interrupted when I heard a distant groan. Unfortunately, not a human groan, just one of those devilish croaks. I opened my eyes closed until now to see in the distance how a lonely freak is nailing between the trees. Luckily only one so far. There were no friends of this fat bastard dressed in hunting clothes and a rifle at his side.

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