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"If this purple ooze was injected into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream it's feasible that we're I go pinpoint a singular isotopic signature, I may be able to use it to track their location." Donnie explained, while I stood by him.

"We find them then we find Shredder. Put them all in shackles." Casey sat down his stuff, and walked towards us.

"And as long as we all have our hockey masks, what could go wrong." Raph grabbed Mikey's ball popping it, while he did sit ups on some poles, jumping down.

"Seriously? Now I'm taking wardrobe advice from a bunch of Swamp Things...hey! Living in an underground amusement park, and have, forgive me, the most pretentious names ever."" Casey looked at Mikey since he was bothering his mask.

April, and I looked at each other, as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uh, excuse me, we named them." I gestured between April, and I.

Casey quickly turned his head, when he heard rustling. "Hey, guys? Nobody move. Don't move!" He scolded Mikey.

"There is a giant rat back there." He looked behind Raph, and Mikey, while Splinter was doing something, listing to music.

"Yeah, we've uh..." Raph slowly turned around back towards Casey.

"Seen him around here before."

Mikey nodded going with Raphs plan, while Leo mouthed no.

"There's only one way to get rid of him. You got to get low." Raph got low, while Mikey did the same. "Low!"

"Yeah. When you go at him, you got to go fast, and you got to go hard." Raph said, while Mikey grunted.

Donnie, and I looked at each other, and shook our heads at the two.

"We believe in you, Casey Jones. It's all you, bro." Mikey encouraged him.

"Exactly. We need you to get him." Raph patted his back.

"Three, two, one, go!" Mikey counted down, as Casey ran towards Splinter, with a yell.

Splinter quickly jumped, grabbing his foot with his tail, making him fall. Splinter spun in the air, and got in an fighting stance. "Giant rat, one. New guy, zero."

Raph, and Mikey laughed fist bumping each other.

"I can't believe it was that easy. I almost thought he wasn't gonna do it for a second."

The turtles laughed at him, as I sighed, walking towards Casey, while we all leaned over him, on the ground.

Mikey, and Raph dabbed each other up over Casey. "Good stuff. Good stuff."

"We should really have people over more often." Mikey said as we looked down at Casey.


"You're leaving?" April asked Casey, as we followed him out.

"If I can find my way out of here, I am. You know I was doing just fine tracking Bebop, and Rocksteady, and then you two just T-boned my existence. So now I'm gonna find them or I'm gonna go down swinging."

April looked at me and lifted her hands up at him.

"Casey." I tried to stop him.

"No, it's like they say, if you want to get work done, don't spend time at the zoo." Casey quickly stopped looking at the big truck.

"Tartaruga brothers?" He read off the truck.

"That's the—that's the truck." He stared at the truck speechless.

"It was them. Who are these guys? And who are you, because you sure can kick ass." He asked staring at me, as April explained.

"These four, and my sister have done more for this city than you will ever know or they will ever take credit for. So if you want to go down swinging, these guys, and my sister, hits harder than anyone." April walked closer to him, as he stared back at me, while I gave a slight smile.


I stood by Donnie, as he did some experience, I didn't really wanna talk to him, so I let him concentrate.

"All right, Donnie, you got this." Donnie encouraged himself, while he talked to himself.

"Wait...that would mean...is it really possible?" Donnie looked up, and paused for a moment as I got up.

"What is it, D?" I asked standing closer to him.

"I will be right back, I've gotta go tell, Leo something." He grabbed the stuff, and quickly ran out, as I sighed, going to find, April, and Casey again.


|| 2nd person pov ||

"Oh my god, oh my god. Leo. Leo. Leo!" Donnie quickly ran towards Leo with purple ooze in his hands.

Leo was wiping his Katana's, as he rolled his eyes.

"Leo. Oh my gosh. This is amazing. This is amazing!"

"Leo. Leo, okay. You're not gonna believe this." Donnie stopped infront of him taking a deep breath. "Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite analysis of the isotope? But while I was waiting for it to catalyze, I started thinking, if the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly reengineered...watch this. Watch this." Donnie gestured for him to come close, as he put the purple ooze on his hand, making him have five fingers.

"It could turn us into humans." Donnie looked at his hand in amazement.

Leo walked around, and sighed. "If we could get our hands on more of this stuff, it could be life changing!" Donnie exclaimed.

"We don't need that kind of change." Leo turned back towards Donnie.

Donnie looked down, upset by his words.

Leo looked away, towards the ground thinking.

"Ok...you're right. To blend in with humans could compromise our strategic our advantage. We have a system that works. We shouldn't mess with the formula." Donnie sadly said walking away.

"And Donnie." Leo stopped him, as he quickly turned back around, while Leo walking towards him.

"Listen. You can't say a word of this to the others."

Donnie stared at him, and quietly walked away.

Mikey turned around, and looked at his three fingers.