You crept around, avoiding the old robots as best you can not to set them off or... Break them any more than they are.
They reaked, their bodies made with older material making them easily accessed by molds and bacteria. You cringed and gaged as you twirled your light around carefully. You were sure the draft had to be from here.

Your eyes, however, couldn't help but glimpse at the ruined animatronics. They gave you the creeps... They were so tattered and aged, so modly and muddied, and theyre dead eyes staring into the void didn't help.
But... Part of you felt bad. Once upon a time they used to put on a show, a wonderful, colorful show.

You frowned, your lips curling into a saddened expression. Poor things.

You sighed and crouched down in front of Freddy, staring at his mask. His fabric was so aged, he was almost worse than Chica. Her beak was almost rotted off.

You lifting your hand and reached out.

You pressed your palm against his muzzle and rubbed off some dust that hardened by his eye. You then reached under his mask and through his jaw, gripping something in the back. His endoskeleton. It was cold, your nails digging into something, like a gear. You pushed on it more until you felt it break loose.

You gasped when it laughed abruptly, letting out a hollow, frigid, and empty 'he he he'. It faded out into silence again, and you sighed. You were trying to disconnect his mask so you could see underneath... But now you're a little scared to keep touching him.

You know what you're doing at least, you studied them when you took up the job since this pizzaria had a fine library of all its prototypes and designs. You even read the puppets, but you didn't get much... It was empty.

You sat back on your ass, staring at Freddy. He was massive, you were so small compared to him. He had to be at least 7ft, 7'5ft maybe.

As you stared, gawking at his height and state, you noticed something behind him that you didn't see before...
A crack in the wall?

No no, it's too perfectly lined. It was straight, and it seemed to open really deep.

A door?
You hummed and sat forward, peering past Freddy. His smell burned your nostrils and make your eyes water a little, but you were curious. To your surprise and disbelief, there was in fact a door way.

Now you were really curious.

You looked at Freddy, then the door, then the exit. Is it worth it?
You chuckled to yourself in the relatively empty room.
It definitely is.
You stood and set your flash light to the side, grabbing Freddy and beginning to pull.

Holy shit he was heavy! You were gasping for air before he moved an inch. Maybe thats not that surprising when it comes to 7ft metal giants.

You huffed. It wouldn't have bothered you much, but even when you tried to shut it, the door wouldn't budge either. Though when you pressed your palm against the opening, a breeze drifted through effortlessly.

You grumbled and after sitting there for way longer than you planned, you stormed out.

... Only to come rushing back in with a rope you grabbed from your duffel. Why you have a rope? You used to be in a survival class and they handed out rope for participating in their knots segment.

You tied it around Freddy's neck, torso, and a foot. Then, you pulled. You pulled hard and you tried yanking it quickly until your hands became reddened with blood from the burns you were getting. You sighed, frustrated. You only moved him a couple feet at best, but not enough for you to squeeze in.

Its been an hour now and you're definitely not doing your job... But you haven't heard any... Activity yet, so it's fine.
You can be neglectful just this once. Only once. Please... You just wanna know what's behind the door.

You get up and after pulling your sleeves down to cover your sore, throbbing fleshy hands, you start yanking the rope once more.
It took an entire thirty minutes before you moved the damn thing three more feet. Four would've been just enough, but you only got three before collapsing into the disgusting floor.

But determined, you tried the door and it opened. You then knew why it wasnt closing. And even though the gust of wind that bit your skin with tiny pins and needles pained you, it felt good on your bloodied hands.

You took a deep breath of the chilly air before absolutely kicking the thing in front of you. It moved, it fell over actually, but your legs throbbed.

Another one?
You groaned, the door not even being big enough to comfortably crawl through, so now you'd have to uncomfortably crawl through.

As scary, weird, and unbelievably uncomfortable as this was you were glued to knowing what hid behind this secret door.

So you slithered through, crawling over top of this thing before plopping out like horse shit on the other side.

It took a minute to adjust and slink your arm out the door to grab your flashlight, but you made it. Finally.

You looked around, seeing nothing interesting but a bunch of boxes filled with building materials. They were all most likely for this place, extras they already bought, or maybe extras they thought they needed to decorate this joint but didn't want them after all.
You hummed, sighing and shivering.

There was a hole in the wall, that's why it was cold. Especially being it was still spring, so this hole was... Really not good. How did it even come to be, anyway?

You turned gears in your head wondering but stopped when you heard a soft sound. A gasp or... A whimper.
You shot your head back and stared at the thing that blocked your way in, a robot as you already gathered. It was in less shambles than the others, and it seemed to have fur.

You were confused... You don't remember there being a model line of animatronics with fur...
You crawled over, the space tall enough to stand in, but you didn't bother.
You sat in front of it and brushed your hand across the thin layer of light tainted, greenish yellow. It wasnt bright but you could tell it used to be, now faded to a pastel yellow-green with a darker tone. It had stains, a lot of them. Some mud and rust, while others... Questionable.
Your curiousity flourish.

You dragged your palm up and rubbed it's snout, tilting your head to look for it's eyes.

"It hurts... " Something whispered in a raspy voice, scratchy and weak. You jerked and fell against the robot, shining your light into any corner or cranny or nook or anything. Your heart raced and you felt sweat grow instantly cold the second it came out as your body leaked the liquid.

You whined in horror, not able to find anything. You should leave... Now.

You get off the robot and turn to the little cubby door, peaking through for your own safety.
"Don't...... Go... "

You gasped, looking back again. What was that? Who was that??

Fear became a lump in your throat and a knot on your stomach, your legs itching to run.

"Please... "

It whispered again, your ears realizing. The sound was coming from beside you... From the robot?
You frowned, feeling kind of safe now that you had a vague idea of what it was, and that it wasn't a person. You shuffled over and got on all fours, lowering your upper body to view it's face.

It's eyes looked to you instantly, white, glowing orbs. You must've not noticed because of your flashlight.

"Oh god! " You yelped, afraid it would hurt you like the others.

"Please... " It called, it's jaw unmoving, locked, stuck. "Help... Me.... " It begged.
You frowned and shuddered, biting your lip. You aren't sure what you're talking to, it's freaking crazy. Maybe you didn't get enough sleep.

"No... This isn't real. Oh please this isn't real. I need to go back to the office, get some pizza, some water. Oh god. " You began to mutter your thoughts out loud. You shook, body trembling from the cold and the fear.

"Don't... Leave me.. " It croaked again, beginning to sound like a... Man?
Are you crazy?

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