Part 24

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Suu helped Sixty to another room to get some rest while the Bad batch and Cut spoke. She gently placed Sixty down on the bed and saw that her bandages were all dirty from where the group had reached through the farmlands. 

No one POV: 

Hunter placed the back of his hand on Sixty's forehead as she slept, looking distressed. 

He regretted leaving her alone on Kamino after all she had been through and wished he hadn't. Hunter looked around for something to help with her fever, then found a cloth with a facet nearby. He wet the cloth and placed it on her forehead before heading to town with the Deserter.

A few hours later...

Sixty's eyes fluttered open to see the wood roof of the hut before turning to her side to see Wrecker's face 

"She's awake!" He exclaimed throwing his arms up into the air, Sixty rolled back over but Wrecker stopped her. 

Almost started shaking her; he was too excited to see his adventure buddy awake and not seeming dead. anymore, he shook and shook before Hunter emerged from the room next door.

"You're going to yell her ear off" Hunter said before holding out a hand to help Sixty up, Sixty took it.  She walked over to the dresser and looked at a few things on it 

"I'm Glad to see that you're recovering," Cut said before turning towards Hunter and signaling him outside. Both Wrecker and Sixty turned towards each other. 

"Sometimes I feel like we are kids," Sixty said since she and Wrecker were the ones who messed around the most, and were excluded from those talk

Wrecker laughed, ignoring the comment Sixty made before catching her up on everything that had happened.

Apparently, the empire has started something called "Chain codes," and it's almost impossible to do anything now a days without one. Omega was almost eaten by a creature, and Wrecker got a new hat. 

Flexing it towards Sixty, she laughed along but leaned over to peek into the other room, where Hunter was talking with Suu and Cut. She noticed that Tech, Echo, and Omega weren't there and wondered what they were up to. 

Sixty caught Hunter catching a peak at her and Wrecker, with a concerned look on his face, you could tell something was up. 

Hunter came back into the room and whispered something to Wrecker, which caused the lumbering fellow to wander away into the other room. 

"It isn't safe here for Cut, Suu and the kids. They are going to another planet and we are helping them" Hunter said, Sixty guessed something like that was up, Sixty didn't know that the empire was that fast in locking down everything. 

"The spaceport is filled with regs; it isn't safe for you in this condition." Hunter reflected on the girl sitting on the bed with bandages over her head, barely holding herself up for this long, and sat in awe.

She knew she couldn't stumble her way through the spaceport, but she felt useless in that situation. Her brothers were going to help Cut and his family, but she couldn't do anything but sit idly by. 

"So...  What should I do then?" Sixty questioned

"I think I've got an idea"

Time Skip....

Sixty leaned against the barricades, a scarf covering her face, bandages, and baggy clothing as she tried to stay alert. Hunter, Cut, and his family were waiting to get through the security check to board the shuttle off the planet; Sixty could tell that Cut was anxiously waiting for those codes.

Sixty watched from afar as Omega ran to Hunter with the cards made by Tech. Hunter signaled to both Sixty and Wrecker. Sixty took a deep breath before sneaking through the crates at the spaceport to make it to the ship; she took cover behind a crate, and the blaster fired barely missed her.

 She could barely keep her head straight with all the blaster fire being shot around. Wrecker noticed her distress, came around, and scooped her up as the ship door opened; the bad batch quickly filled the ship, making a hasty exit from the spaceport.

Later on

Sixty sat on her bunk, taking medication for her headache while in hyperspace; Hunter entered the Bunk area.

"How are you holding up?" He asked

Sixty sighed. She felt like garbage. She missed Crossheir and was still trying to get her head straight, but she could only ask one thing: "Why are we keeping the kid?" 

Hunter rubbed his face, and Sixty raised her eyebrow at him as he summoned the words to explain it.
"She wants to stay, and we can't let her go back there." 

"She is more trouble than she is worth, Hunter," Sixty complained. She was trying to keep the squad safe, but she didn't know what the empire was going to do next to track them down, and Sixty knew all too well what they did to clones like them.

Hunter gave a small laugh. "Funny, we said the same thing about you" 

AUTHOR NOTES: the way that I started this book when the series was announced and it ended, and I'm only on the second episode? but really goal is to finish this before the year's end, I am glad that I waited cus now I want to add more things that the final season gave us and now I know what the ending is going to be.

I am going to do weekly updates so stay tuned. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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