Part 12

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Sixty part 12

"Going for a ride"

Hunter was pulled into the sky by the graphing hook and soon disappeared into the dusty air and we rushed back into the ship.

Soon after hunter sent us his signal and we made our way there and rushed out to hunter as we saw skywalker Rex said something about disarm only but I sat there thinking how'd it gets so dusty as we approached slowly as Wrecker and Crosshair did a rockslide as we slid down the side of the rock to where the general was.

The rock almost crushed General Skywalker as we held the captured the General at gunpoint as they said something to us in an unknown language.

"Tech, translate what he said" ordered Hunter

Tech put on his Electronic glasses and translated the speech "he said he does not want our war on his planet. That is why he took our leader."

"We didn't bring the war here, it was Wat Tambor and the Separatists." Said General Skywalker

As I stood behind Tech with the other guys with guns ready as Tech spoke in an alien language I sat there confused as Tech and the leader spoke in this unfamiliar language

As Rex told him more stuff to say as Tech spoke it to the leader as it came closer to Tech being curious about his glasses.

The leader said something to his people in his language as his followers went off guard as they stood up from their fighting positions.

As Tech translated it for us "The chief says he will provide us with scouts and lead us to Tambor's city. From there, we're on our own."

"Any help is better than no help." General Skywalker stated as we started to follow the leader through the dusty planet.


Soon the leader guided us as far as he could and now, we could only fend for ourselves

"Hope nobody's scared of heights." Stated Skywalker as I followed Tech and kicked rocks, as everyone looked at Wrecker

"Well, I'm not scared of nothing." Proudly stated Wrecker but that proud quickly turned to fear

"I just... When I'm up real high,
I got a problem with gravity."

I rolled my eyes as I kicked and kicked rocks as Hunter threw me a warning glare through his helmet, and I stared at him and kicked one more rock.

Before Hunter could say anything Tech peaked up

"Speaking of problems, I am no longer picking up Echo's signal." as he typed on his wrist pad and Rex turned back to face us

"I... I don't understand, you said it was coming from this city." Rex said while pointing at the City and Tech flipped down his wrist pad and pulled out another one of his tools.

"I can only speculate, but it is possible there's a latency issue with the frequency caused by all these atmospheric disturbances." Tech said while moving the tablet up and scanning

"Or... they sent the signal to lure us into a trap. And maybe your friend's actually dead." Hunter said turning toward Rex

"Well, I can't be the only one
thinking of that."

Hunter crossed his arms while Rex went on the defensive and put his finger up close to his helmet.

"Look, every mission could be a trap. This one is no different. I'm telling you that signal is being sent by Echo himself! He's alive!" Rex exclaimed and Crossheir couldn't stay quiet anymore

" I think you're letting your personal feelings get in the way because you left him for dead
at the Citadel." Crosshair stated as I nodded

If this clone is alive, he's going to need to be on extreme life support and I don't want to be wheeling around a grandpa.

And Crosshair started to walk away from the Clone in denial

"I had no choice. You hear me?" Rex yelled

I got very annoyed, I started to walk towards Crosshair joining him and I turned back towards Rex and fired.

"Oh, I don't blame you. I would've left him for dead too. Besides, he's just another reg." I said coldly and turned back towards Crosshair

when Rex pounced on me throwing a few punches, Wrecker stopped him as he defended me

Why don't you pick on someone, not your size?" Wrecker said holding him in a choke hold as Rex struggled and tried to get out of the chokehold but to no avail.

Wrecker threw him down and Rex got close to him

"You'll be a whole lot smaller when I'm through with you," Rex stated and Skywalker split us up before it could go any farther

"That's enough!" Anakin stated while splitting up the fight
"Sergeant, take your men and scout the area for a tower entrance. I want to talk to my Captain alone."

We split from the Reg duo and started to scout as the wind started howling, and Hunter took off his helmet and faced me and Crosshair

"Maybe you two think before you speak," Hunter said with a finger near Crosshair's face than mine
"And act, I am almost done with you acting up Sixty"

"What about Crosshair?" I argued

Hunter crossed his arms and gave me a dirty ass look "Crosshair doesn't speak up as much as you. You always got a problem with something or don't listen to communications and almost get us killed."

I huffed and Hunter walked away without saying another word while I started to search for an entrance as Anakin talked with Rex.


We found a lift and Wrecker complained about not crushing droids and his fear of heights when the lift went up as Skywalker started to explain NOT to do.

"Remember, this is a stealth mission. No blasting, no blowing things up. Nobody knows we're here."

Then the door opens to reveal droids as they turned to face us as Wrecker charged them yelling

"Intruders! Attack!" the droids yelled

As Wrecker threw them around and smashed them as I shrugged as the rest of us follow suit, smashing droids, shooting them and throwing them off the tower

"Why?" The droids yelled while being thrown of

"Yeah! Hah! Ha-ha!" Wrecker laughed after we killed the droids

"Uh... sorry. I just got excited."


We stepped out of the lift after Rex and Hunter ended the droids

"Where exactly
is Echo's signal coming from?" Skywalker asked, as Tech checked his tablet

"Strange. I just lost the signal." Tech said

"What? How can that be?" Asked Rex, he turned and took off his helmet
"There's no "atmospheric disturbances"
up here."

"Well, I have a new theory. I'm surprised I did not consider it earlier. The signal is only traceable during data transmissions." Tech explained

"Everything is leaning towards this is a trap" I thought, and I stood there with my arms cross while taking in the info.

"So, until Echo dispenses more intel, cannot pick up the signal. "Tech finished as Skywalker stepped forward

"Okay, we're splitting up. Search every door. If someone finds Echo, contact the others.
We go in together, just in case there's trouble."


We ran our separate ways, checking door by door and then Tech contacted us telling where he sees the signal

the others checked out the door while I ran up to the group, as the weird fish dude talked with Rex as I got my guns ready as the droids came up from behind as Hunter threw his blade and I shot them with my AR,

all the droids were finished but then more came from up behind us, while we tried getting the door open as Tech and Rex ran into the room as we shot more and more droids

"I swear if that dude isn't there imma take a skydive off this platform!" I yelled


Authors Notes:
So, I'm trying to figure out the timeline of this book because with the two new things that are coming out that I want to include in this book so I'll try to figure it out as fast as I can!

And also I have found so many old files of books I only did a few parts to so maybe I'll uh finish them!

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