Part 1

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Sixty POV

I was isolated from the world, well from my brothers at least. my most distant memory was of me getting medical shots

You see the Kaminoan's were not prepared to raise a girl. They had everything they needed for a boy but not a girl

I was not raised in the sleeping pods like my brothers. I had my bedroom and the only people I talked to be the Workers, Boba and sometimes my father. But I knew I probably was never going to see the inside of a battleship. I thought I would work in the Cloning faculty for the rest of my life

I was thinking that as a bullet hit my shoulder

As I groaned in pain

"HEY, SIXTY GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS" Yelled Hunter as he shot down droids right and left

Since I was a kid, I thought I would live a peaceful life

But since these guys picked me up from Kamino my life has been less from peaceful

Now I need to get back in the field and stop battle-dreaming

I ran towards Tech to help him out

As he typed up something on his keypad, I shot the droid that was coming up behind him

"Thanks, sixty" He Thanked as he briefly looked up from his keypad and looked back

"I would suggest that you look away from your electronics sometimes" I yelled running away from him

As I ran into my next battle

Small-time skip

As I walked back on the ship and saw the spray-painted on Senator of Naboo Padme and stood there for a second

"I feel back for you Padme, imagine having all of these boy's drool over you," I said and went up to the door as it opened to reveal my brothers having a card game

Normal POV

Sixty walked up and went to sit down as her brother argued about who won the game

Wrecker shouted "I WON"

Crossheir huffed "No you Didn't I clearly won here"

The boys continued to argue as the Holo-projector beeped as she walked into the cockpit as she answered the call

As the clone on the holo-projector spoke to her, she zoned out and all she heard was where they needed to be and what time Soon the clone disappeared as

she typed in the coordinates and she yelled "We are going into Hyperspace boys!"

as she punched it and she fell onto her but as they went into hyperspace.

Sixty went back out and took off her helmet as she watched the boy's (who are still arguing)

As a joke, Sixty yelled, "I WON BITCHES!"

"NO, YOU DIDN'T!" All of them yelled at the same time

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