Part 23

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Despite the pain in her head and her wobbly legs, Sixty summoned her strength and got up from the bunk. She bent down to the shelving beneath the bunk, where she kept her spare armor since hers was still on Kamino. She took the armor and the red and silver paint.

Sitting with her legs crossed, Sixty began to paint her armor and extra helmet, attempting to replicate her old ones. Suddenly, the door to the bunks opened, revealing Omega, the blonde-haired female clone. Although Sixty had heard of Omega while on Kamino, they had never met since Sixty was older and had Boba to talk to

As they found themselves on the same ship, it became inevitable for them to become talk with one another. Sixty was focused on the armor when Omega walked toward her. Sensing that Omega needed something, Sixty put down her paintbrush and faced her.

"Is there something you need?" Sixty asked.

Omega paused, "Tech wanted me to tell you, that we will soon be exiting hyperspace. But I-"

"Alright," Sixty interrupted Omega, "you may leave now."

Omega wanted to ask Sixty something, but Sixty resumed her painting with her brush. Omega left the area and returned to the main section without saying anything else. 

Sixty leaned back onto the bunk dropping her paintbrush beside her, rubbing her head.

 she knew that Omega was going to be the death of her.

As the group trekked through the farmlands, Omega walked behind, taking in the new sights and sounds of the unfamiliar environment. Hunter halted the group with a raised hand, indicating they had stumbled upon a trip-wire. Omega attempted to step forward, but Hunter stopped her as he inspected the ground. "What are we looking at?" she inquired. Hunter responded  "A booby trap." 

"A single trip wire, That's cute." Wrecker laughed as he hopped over it, but then he stumbled onto another wire, which triggered the 'activation' of several droids. Wrecker drew his gun in his panic and began firing at the droids. 

"Easy, Wrecker," Sixty yelled, attempting to calm him down. Wrecker turned to Sixty, bewildered, and asked, "Was that me?" 

"Wrecker" Sixty groaned, as she walked forward to grab Wrecker within the Droid circle, Wrecker panicked as he began to shoot the droids. 

"Easy Wrecker!" Sixty called out, as a Twelik entered the view of the clones with a reg clone by her side

(A/N me writing this in April and coming back to it in July, I just dislike the details in this episode)

"Was that me?"

The Twelik and the reg emerged from hiding in the mushroom forest, armed and ready to take a shot.  

"What do we have here? more clones that have lost their way" The Twelik noted her and the reg started lowering the blasters. Sixty took a breath of relief since it was just Su Su.

she knew that she couldn't fight in her condition and they were down two clones including her, Omega could barely hold a blaster so if Cut and Su were real enemies they were goners. 

"It's been a while fellas" the Reg clone greeted, Sixty met Cut but didn't grew to close with him since the first time she met Him they were gone and back fast but his wife on the other hand.

"Follow us back to our home, we can discuss there" The reg stated before waving the group along,  Sixty was notably slower than the rest of the group

she had no idea what Dr. Castor had done to her to make her so weak.

Sixty stopped to catch her breath as the group continued forward, tilted her head towards the ground trying to catch air she lifted her head to see Tech waiting for her. 

"Thanks, tech" She breathed before Tech nodded at her giving her some canned oxygen. She took the can and breathed in the air before continuing with the group. 

Usually, Crosshair would have called her out for not being able to catch up with the group to mess with her, and the group would make a joke but with Him gone, she felt like she was still a loner in a group that was her literal family.

Once they arrived at the home,  they took seats at the table while a few of the group stood.

Cut and his wife got them all drinks, while they were doing that the wife commented "I see a few new faces" 
Hunter introduced Cut and his Wife Suu, Sixty previously met them on one of her first missions with the bad batch. 

She remember the feelings she felt when she first met them, Sixty had always thought the clones followed no questions asked but seeing the personality and the life inside these clones really changed her view.

"And where's Crosshair?" Cut questioned the room became silent before Sixty spoke up

"It's complicated." Sixty didn't want to admit what Crosshair had come to, him attacking his family? they have basically been together since they were born and he just turned on them in a snap...
Sixty she didn't want to believe it...

"Rex already warned us about the clone troopers betraying the Jedi," said Cut.  "When did you talk to Rex?"Echo asked

"Well, he passed through yesterday." Answered Cut, you could feel Echo's desperation to reunite with his Brother, Sixty patted Echo on the back for added Support. 

Sixty and Echo were not close, but they helped each other when in need.

"Where was he going?" Echo questioned. "I didn't ask, he was talking about some behavioral implant," replied Sixty. Omega stepped forward towards the table and said, "He must be referring to the Inhibitor chip."

Hunter turned towards puzzled Omega "The what?" Omega 

"The inhibitor chips, the Kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behavior," Omega explained, Hunter turned over to Tech who was typing away on his holo-pad then looked at Sixty

"You never mentioned a chip," Hunter asked, frustrated.

Sixty rolled her eyes, and Tech looked up from his holo-pad to meet Hunter's gaze. "How else did you think it worked?" Tech questioned.
"Hunter, I only knew that because I was-" Before Sixty could finish two children rushed through the doors stopping the conversation and yelling for their parents 

Mom and Dad, the children exclaimed. "There's a ship outside!" Wrecker jumped up from his seat. "Shaeeah, Jek! Remember me?" he exclaimed. The children turned around and ran to hug him.

"Uncle Wrecker!" they exclaimed. While playing with Wrecker, one of the kids noticed Omega and started to ask about her. Suu came over to Sixty, who was watching the kids, and expressed her concern for Sixty's well-being.

Suu noticed that Sixty had a shaved head with bandages wrapped around it and looked ill. "Six, you're burning up," Suu said as she placed a hand on Sixty's head.

She then dismissed herself from the group and helped Sixty to the couch. The girl at first resisted but then gave in and lay down on the couch, looking up at the wooden roof.

"What happened?" Suu asked. Sixty turned to face Suu. "Honestly, Su Su, I wish I knew."

sorry for the wait, thank you all for your support <3 
also episode Cut and Run, this chapter i hope will be edited since i didn't get to proof read it


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