Part 22

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Sixty blacked out right before their feet as she crumbled towards the floor of the ship, the group stood there in shock before Hunter motioned for Wrecker to pick her up which he did, Wrecker carried her to the nearest bed and laid her there.

Sixty slept as Hunter rubbed his face, as Wrecker looked down on the girl in pity. 

"What did they do to her?" Wrecker questioned, Tech rubbed his temple not knowing for once because they had no records or signs other than a shaved head of what they did to her. 

Omega was sleeping on the shooter chair, as Hunter saw what Kamino did to his two sisters but could do nothing about it.

"You all can get some rest, while I pilot the ship" Tech stated as he pushed Echo off of the Pilots chair, Echo huffed but retreated back to the bunks, and Wrecker followed. 

Hunter stayed near the cock-pit searching for information on the data computer, Tech heard the typing and turned back towards Hunter.

"Aren't you going to be getting any sleep?" Tech questioned, before turning back towards the bay window. Hunter breathed out rubbing the temples of his forehead in frustration, How could the Kaminoans do this? 

"The Kaminoans did this to Sixty, and Sixty was their child." Hunter breathed, he couldn't believe that the Kaminoans did this to their own Child. Sixty was their pride and joy then they pulled this shaved head and made her so weak that she could walk towards them.

"Before they sent us Sixty, Doctor Castor threatened me that he would have our heads if anything happened to his 'Sia'. Then he went and pulled this shit" Hunter complained, he pushed the data computer away and walked towards the cock-pit.

Tech sighed "We may never know, but let's hope that one day we will" 

--Sixty dream...  

she was walking through unfamiliar streets, but then she noticed something and rushed towards it. Sixty felt like a passenger in her dream, she couldn't control anything but experience it. 

Sixty went into an unfamiliar home, toys on the ground, and a child's artwork she navigated through it. 

then pushed aside an object and it revealed a ladder down, she climbed down to meet a woman and a male Rodian. 

The rodian nodded towards Sixty as what sat in front of them was a radio device, that the woman was talking through but soon ended as she noticed Sixty.

"Hopefully soon this reign they have over us will soon end, Tseebo sees if there is any more information you can find" The woman motioned towards the rodian as the Male rodian nodded. 

Tseebo climbed out of the basement, as the two followed. The rodian left the two as the woman sat down to have some tea. 

Sixty followed the women into the kitchen area, the kitchen was very basic but had everything you could need. the women started to make some tea and poured two cups then motioned for Sixty to sit down.

"I'm glad that you have joined our caused, with the information that you've provided it will help us greatly," The woman said.

the woman in front of sixty was wearing a purple get-up and something like a hat to cover her hair,

"It was nothing, but I wonder where is your son?" Sixty questioned, 

The woman smiled "He's out with his father, getting some fruit for dinner"

the dream shifted into Sixty waving to the family, before leaving and walking down the unfamiliar streets once again kicking rocks. looked down into her bag which revealed a red colored wig she yanked off the purple hair she had on her head and put the red one on. 

Sixty sighed before she started to walk Sixty heard yelling, and looked over her shoulder to see the house Sixty was just in was being raided by armored troopers. 

She rushed towards the house but before she knew what happened she felt someone grab her shoulder.

--dream ended. 

Sixty eyes opened wide open, to see a blondie shaking her shoulder
"Oh, I thought you were sleeping" Omega dryly stated

before Sixty stared at her like 'Are you serious right now?'

she stretched her shoulder "My dream was just about to be good"

Omega's eyes opened in eagerness to hear about the dream, Sixty sighed before sitting up to be face-to-face with the young girl

"I had a dream, that I was on the edge of death Hunter holding me by one hand but instead of pulling me up. He pulled a blondie up"

She laughed, and Omega sighed. Sixty heard footsteps lead up to the cabin as the doors opened to reveal a worried Hunter.

Hunter walked over to Sixty and hugged her, as Sixy patted his back "Woah woah there, big guy" 
Sixty laughed 

She stood up from the bed stretching before Wrecker noticed her 

Wrecker picked her up and squeezed her "I thought you would never wake up" he cried
Sixty noticed something before wiggling out of the squeeze she sped walked towards the cockpit and then saw what she hated the most

"I CALLED PILOT WHEN I GOT BACK" Sixty complained, Echo and Tech shrugged 

"You were asleep, so I took an opportunity but you would have done the same" Tech stated. 

Author Notes:

so haha locked out of my Disney+ so a bit of a filler chapter, but once I get back in imma pre-write a bunch of chapters so get ready for constant chapters. also a bit of foreshadowing 

MORE FEMALE CLONES? (SIDE EYE), also sad by his death don't think i will ever recover :( 

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