Chapter 14

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Two weeks ago was Valentine's-cum-Carat day.

It is customary for Korean women to present gifts such as chocolates to their partners or love interests.

NBSB-certified (no-boyfriend-since-birth), Denisse gave each of her beloved SVT boys the same box of chocolates for Valentine's.

Well, almost the same.

Two weeks later would be White Day.

It's the day when people who received Valentine's Day gifts can reciprocate.
A month after receiving gifts, Korean men can return the favor by offering a gift to their significant other.

It is the boys' turn to give gifts to the girls they like.

Since Denisse's birthday, Jeonghan couldn't help but feel downcast, missing his chance to give her the present he prepared.

If Seungcheol hadn't asked boldly, he might have stayed, holding on to Denisse, probably with both hands.

He wouldn't have left them alone.

For Jeonghan, White Day would be his chance to make up for that mistake.

He asked Joshua to accompany him as he searched for a flower shop in advance.

He wanted to place an order for the particular bouquet he'd be giving Denisse.

Seungcheol entered the same shop where the two were.

Joshua spotted Seungcheol scanning the displays, looking extremely agitated.

He walked over to him, leaving Jeonghan alone with the shop owner.

"Coups, what are you doing here?"

"I'm on the hunt for blue roses. The few shops that have them were already sold out. I only have two weeks left. What about you?"

"I'm here with Jeonghan. He's also buying a bouquet of bl—- "

"Who's it for? Your blue roses." Jeonghan asked curtly, cutting off the rest of Joshua's words as he joined them.

"It's for Denisse," Cheol responded without hesitation.

"You're giving Denisse flowers? On White Day? Really? What for?" Jeonghan fired questions at Cheol like a prosecutor aggressively badgering a guilty defendant.

"Ummm...geunyang. How about you, who's the lucky girl?"

"My soulmate," Jeonghan stated flatly without elaborating.

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, his suspicion roused as he didn't notice any girl Jeonghan interacted with often enough to earn that status.

He looks keenly at Jeonghan, his eyes trying to read from his smug expression.

Remembering past dating rumors about him and a member of their sister K-Pop group, he wondered if they were true.

Sensing the brewing storm between SVT's Mom and Dad, Joshua arranged a heart-to-heart discussion.

"Since it's already lunch, let's all go eat. We'll have energy looking for your flowers after."

Realizing the time, they agreed to go to a nearby restaurant.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol sat across from each other.

Joshua was seated on one side between the two, like a referee ready to restrain MMA fighters about to go at it.

After eating through lunch, they rested for a short while.

Joshua felt like he was watching his parents bicker, both avoiding eye contact.

Getting CloserOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora