Start from the beginning

He traced your pearly white satin top which was ornamenting your skin before tracing your neck as you gulped down a lump in your throat.

Making his way up to your visage, he watched you biting your lower lip with your teeth and gazed back into your orbs.

The amber rays of the lamps and lights were illuminating the cabin while the moonlight was filtering through the glass panes before he balanced himself on his feet and started making his way near you.

"What... what are you doing here?" You asked, not breaking your eye contact with him as he slid one of his hands inside the pocket of his pants as you watched him stepping up the stairs towards your desk.

You gulped down as you heard him say, "You were so mesmerized thinking of me that you forgot about our meeting." He declared as you took a glance at the wall clock hung on the front wall, Half past eight.

Taehyung stood across your desk as you gazed up at him before asking, "I was not thinking about you and as far as I know, our meeting got canceled." You declared with your heart hammering against your ribcage.

He raised one of his brows as he leaned in across the table before propping one of his palms on the periphery of the desk.

You scrutinized his gestures as his chest bobbed leisurely, "That was because I got some work but that's not important anymore." You raised one of your brows as you leaned in near him, aligning your visage with his, "How come it is not important anymore?"

"Cause I was f*cking missing you. I don't know why but I did and this isn't me. I thought that it would be easy to stay away from you but it is not. Whenever I am away from you it feels like... a part of me is missing. I can't do this anymore." He thought.

Taehyung clicked his tongue before licking his lower lip, "I have my reasons." He declared to your question as you sighed, "But it's late. We can discuss it tomorrow. All the employees are off for today and, so am I." You said raising your feet from the chair as he scrutinized your movements.

He raised one of his brows as he watched you taking hold of your coat which was hung on the backrest of the chair and taking a few steps, walking past him while he thought of an excuse as he announced, "I am not free tomorrow."

You crumpled your brows as you halted over your steps before saying, "Then let's do it the day after tomorrow." You were about to take a step when you sensed a warm grip on your wrist making your heart race up with just his touch.

Your breath hitched knowing what just happened as you gazed before yourself at the door before blinking twice before you heard his octave's deep voice, "Let's do it today." You closed your eyes and gulped down a lump in your throat.

Biting down onto your lower lip you leisurely turned around and looked straight into his orbs while he was already looking at you, holding your hand, softly yet firmly.

Wiggling your orbs from his hold and back into his orbs as his expressions weren't vacant like usual.

You could sense his dark orbs which had a glimmer at the fringe and how he wanted you to be there with him. His cocoa orbs were radiating the desire and fancy for you to stay there.

Your heart skyrocketed as he slid his hand to your palm before holding onto your fingers.

You could feel a herd of elephants jumping inside your stomach before he pulled you lightly toward him.

You took a step near him in reflex while gazing into his eyes all this while. You licked your lower lip while biting on it onto the fringe.

Wiggling his orbs from your petals and back to your hazel orbs, shimmering under the amber rays of the lamp. "Okay, let's have a discussion then." You declared as he raised his eyebrow, nodding lightly.

"What has happened to him? He is acting differently as usual." Taehyung stared back into your orbs as you gazed down at your and his hand before sliding it out of his grip, "Grab a seat." You said as he dragged one of the chairs beside the one on which you were sitting, priorly.

You watched him in befuddlement while furrowing your brows before asking, "What are you doing?" You gazed up at him as he said, "I didn't bring my laptop." You blinked with your lips parted as you asked, "Did you really come for the discussion without your laptop and documents?"

You raised one of your eyebrows as he cleared his throat while placing his fist in front of his mouth, "I came in a hurry." He muttered looking somewhere else as you let out a huff before rolling your eyes at him making him raise one of his eyebrows at you.

You were about to take a seat on your chair when you sensed his grip on your shoulder before he twirled you around as a squeal left your mouth while the back of your thighs collided with the desk. You opened your clenched shut eyes which met his dark gaze.

Your chest bobbed up and down at an uneven pace as he stared down at you before you muttered, "What was that for-" He interrupted you in between, "Don't ever roll your eyes at me." He declared while standing before you, just an inch away.

You leaned back, propping your palms on the periphery of the table while your heart was hammering inside your rib cage but you didn't let it overtake your confidence.

Summoning all the courage you said, "And what if I do?" Looking down on his chest hindering under his suit jacket.

You gulped down while he traced down your neck before gazing back into your orbs before he leaned in, placing his hand on either side of you on the desk.

His breath trickled down your lips and chin as you could feel your throat burning up with the propinquity you both were sharing.

"Let go of me." You asked as your breath hitched while he was leaning near you before he glided his hand onto your waist and pulled you toward himself.

You could feel your adrenaline gushing while his large palm on your back was doing things to me.

Shivers ran down your spine as you stammered as you took in a deep breath before you heard his sonorous voice in the serene atmosphere, "Look into my eyes and say it." He declared while gazing down into your orbs as you had your hands rested over his sturdy chest.

Waiting for you to gaze back into his orbs as he leisurely elongated his other hand to your neck, the tip of his index finger skimmed your warm skin making you close your eyes.

You clamped onto your lower lip within your teeth before gulping down again.

Your chest was heating up and your stomach churned just with his slight touch over your skin.

Feeling his touch, skimming up to your chin before propping his index finger under your chin and pulling it up to make you look at him.

Your hazel orbs came into his view as you opened them, reluctantly. "Say it while looking into my eyes." He declared, gazing down at you as you could feel his chest against yours as your heart was hammering against yours.

"Let... Let me-" You stammered as he interrupted, "Yeah, say it if you really mean it." He declared while feeling your heartbeat against his chest, "I know you really don't want me to let you go. I just know by looking into your eyes. They say it all."

If you ask, I would be yours by mind and
with all my heart.

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now