Part 1 ~ Chapter 2

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Later on that evening, Astrid and I were watching over Kala in my room as she played with one of my blankets. She was rather bubbly considering she was close to dying merely hours ago. I stifled a laugh when she got tangled in the furs and chirped at me for help. Astrid just shook her head with a smile from where she was leaning against the wall near the window of my room.

"Well if you weren't wiggling about the way you were, this wouldn't have happened." I said as I got up from my desk and helped her get free of the confines of the blanket she found herself wrapped up in. "There. Be careful. You're not fully healed yet, little one."

"Hiccup!" I heard my father shout from the first floor of the hut as the door closed roughly behind him.

I sighed and rubbed Kala's head, trying to gather the courage to go talk with him.

Astrid came over and rested a hand on my shoulder. "I'll keep an eye on her."

I smiled gratefully at her and nodded, then made my way downstairs. "Yes, Dad?"

"I need to speak with you, son." He said as he laid a bundle of something atop the table and rolled his shoulders to get rid of the tension.

"Okay? What about? Also what is that?" I asked as I made my way over to the table to get a closer look.

"The pelt of that Night Fury you shot down."

My eyes widened and I looked at him. "You killed it?"

"Well of course I killed it, Hiccup. Did you honestly think I'd allow a beast like that to roam my island or cause damage to the village? Absolutely not. That thing was too dangerous to lock up anyway." Dad explained.

I glanced upstairs worriedly then looked back at my dad as he undid the pelt and laid it out on the table. He must have noticed my worry, because he sighed and looked at me.

"Oh don't get all worried, son. I won't harm that pet of yours. Just keep it out of trouble or else I'll kill it like I did this one." He said as he gestured to the pelt on our table.

I glared at him slightly. "She's not a pet."

"Oh really? Then enlighten me, Hiccup. What is that dragon to you, hm?" Dad asked with his arms crossed.

"I-I don't know! I'm just protecting her! But she's definitely not a pet!" I retorted, my hands balling up into fists.

Dad sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Odin give me strength.." He muttered as he looked up then looked back at me. "We're getting off topic. Dragon Training. You start in the morning."

My eyes widened yet again as it fully sunk in. "What? But Dad!"

"You'll need this." He said as he passed me an axe that was way too large for me.

I struggled under the weight of it a bit and fumbled slightly as I tried to get a proper hold on it.

"I don't want to fight dragons." I blurted out of frustration.

"Come on. Yes, you do." My dad reasoned.

"Rephrase: Dad, I can't kill dragons."

"But you will kill dragons."

"No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't."

"It's time, Hiccup."

"Can you not hear me?!" I growled out, very frustrated by this point.

"This is serious, son! When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you." My dad said as he pointed to the axe he handed me. "Which means you walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us. No more of...this." He said as he gestured to my entire body like Gobber had done just hours before during the raid.

HTLANF AU: How to Raise Your Night FuriesWhere stories live. Discover now