Isn't It Interesting

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L̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶2̶7̶
Isn't It Interesting
How A Story Ends?
F̶r̶o̶m̶:̶ ̶Z̶


Fundy had remembered opening the perfectly wrapped box to a neatly folded letter on top of another box. He could already tell something was wrong. Every letter had came slightly crumpled and the envelope was always slightly bent.

This? This was too perfect. This was unsettling perfect. Almost like she never put it in the envelope.

With trembling fingers, Fundy opened the seal and read the letter.


Dear Flor, if you're reading this the surgery didn't go to plan.

I don't know what happened but best case scenario, I'm only in a coma. When you tell Thea she'll cry for a couple days then try to disappear. Don't let her. Also don't tell her until after Christmas, I don't want to ruin the holiday for her.

Her Christmas presents are in the top shelf of my closet to the right. Tommy's present is on the left and yours should be attached to this envelope.

Know that I love you, Floris. Don't shut down. The kids need you.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I guess it was never meant to be.

Your love, Z

Requested mailing: December 22nd, 2019
Emergency mailing: December 24th, 2019


Fundy placed the letter in the box that he held so close to his heart since the first letter came.

The first tears fell as he looked back at the new box; his Christmas present. Slowly, he cut through the wrapping paper to find a velvet box. After taking a deep breath, he opened it.

Inside were dozens of drawings. Some were flowers, some were landscapes, some had doodles of animals, and some had hand painted pictures of Z and Fundy and Tommy and Thea. Their family. Inside, there was also a note.


Keep doing the things you love. Don't let anything or anyone hold you back. I love you.



Fundy did just as she asked. He gave Thea and Tommy their presents on Christmas. The day after, he told them. Tommy held Thea as she broke down. Fundy tried his best, he really did, but with Z gone nothing could stop Thea's parents from taking her. When Thea left, right before new year's, Tommy had to go back to Nottinghamshire due to Covid.

And Fundy was left alone. Alone for the first time since that bubbly little family walked into his life.

How would he ever recover?

Would he recover?

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