Letter 5

17 3 4


Letter 5
Unknown Sender


(It's ripped...a lot. It's almost impossible to read, but the main point is clear.)


That's what you go by online right? You'll always be Floris Damen to me. Same old Dutch dumbarse with an obsession with computers and a piano.

[The next sentences are smudged beyond comprehension]

Moving on, words.

I will never be a poem,
beautifully written and composed
I will never be a song,
remembered and euphonious
I will never be be novel,
coherent and captivating

I will forever be the unwritten thought
The half finished story
The long forgotten melody

That's it. That's all I got. Anyway, Thea talked to me the other day. What's this about you getting into a fight? Care to explain? I know that you

[The page is torn here]

[This warped piece is taped to the bottom, hanging on by pure desperation]

Thank you for agreeing to be my valentine despite me being stuck in here. It means a lot.

That's all for now. I love you, stay safe.

Requested mailing: February 10th, 2019
Accepted mailing: February 14th, 2019


Quote by : Abigail Smith

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