Letter 2

15 3 6


Letter 2
Unknown Sender


Hello Floor-board,

You know? Cause your name is Floris? Get it? Okay I'll stop. Just so you are aware, I think I'm HILARIOUS.

Moving on, I have more poetic stuff since you liked it so much last time.

The worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt.

I kind of intertwined your love for the world and my love for nature ya know? So how are you Flor? Is Uni still terrible? Is Uni capitalised? I'm saying that it is. Like Uni isn't the name but it's what everyone calls it.

I've learned that the wanker down the street is named Jared and he's our age. I don't care how old he is; he's still a fuckin arse. BUT Thea won't say anything about his behaviour because of his age. So...if you don't mind, if he starts taking advantage of the fact that she won't tell him off, yell at him for me.

T is 15 for fucks sake and shouldn't be here with me anyway. She should be home with mum and dad but NO. Somehow I'm the better parent at 21 years old. They drive me nuts.

Uhh I think I'm done now, bye. <3

Requested mailing: April 29th, 2018
Accepted mailing: May 5th, 2018


Quote by : Sylvia Plath

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