
"No." I scoff. 

"Guess I lost my touch." He hums, sidestepping a dead squirrel on the road and heading onto the pathway. I can sort of remember where we are. Recognise the route - somewhat at least. The only thing I really need Gray for at this point is protection. From creeps and savages who want to cut my hair or something.

"You don't play soccer but I bet you played some sort of sport." I change the focus from me to him. He was right when he said I'm a flight person when things become personal. And things got personal - even if it took him correctly guessing my favourite colour for me to realise it. 

"No, actually."

Then how are you in such good shape? What, have a gym membership in the zombie apocalypse?

"Were you a nerd?" I ask. 

"Stereotypes Mars," He tuts and shakes his head, "Don't feed them."

"I bet you read books like Lord Of The Flies for fun." I smirk. 

"In all seriousness, that book is actually pretty good." He defends. 

"Ha! Nerd." I push my hair over my shoulders. Maybe I should cut it. 

"What sport did you play then?" He asks, like he just knows I did. Which, fuck him, I did.

"Ice Hockey." I answer.

"Not dodgeball? What with how much you like to dodge questions and-"

"Enough with the metaphors nerd, we're not in English right now. Or anymore, ever. You can rest. No more homework." Which, unironically, I'm actually pretty grateful to the zombie apocalypse about.

"Do you call everyone smarter than you a nerd?"

"Do you kiss your bike before you go to bed?" I retort. 

He just shakes his head and smiles at the ground before wiping it away and looking up again. I think he likes me. Somewhat. Is entertained by me at least - something he clearly doesn't get to experience much since he has like no fun. I think he also hates me for it. Which I like. I want him to hate me. I want him to feel how I feel about him. 

Eventually we're back in The Slums close enough that I can see the giant barrelling arena. Luckily we don't head towards it, instead to a different building. Gray sighs and puts his helmet back on (I ignore the pang of disappointment) and soon we're in the midst of other human beings. 

What happens next, is sort of daunting. 

People still clear the way for him. Even though he doesn't have a gang of bikers with him for support - and even though he doesn't have any weapons on him. They still treat him like some untouchable force. It makes my fantasies about killing him even more rewarding. Killing someone so untouchable? Now that's better than whatever a widow could give me. Fuck, I miss that bat.

"Stay close." Gray grabs my forearm lightly, only for a moment to pull me closer to him before he's sauntering through the crowds of people again. Still, they're foul and dirty. Making remarks as we maneuver through them. It's clear that despite the nasty words thrown towards us none of these people would try and make a move. It makes their comments all the more pathetic. 

"You taking me to your nice little cul de sac?" I ask him, joking to fight off my nerves caused by the prying eyes. 

"No, just my happy-family-home." He says. With the helmet on he seems much more serious despite the joking words. I want his helmet off. Right now please.

"I'm so excited to meet the parents." I mutter unenthusiastically.

Gray scoffs as if I've just said the funniest thing in the world, "I wouldn't be."

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