Her Swirl

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Stumbling over herself , determined to get everything into the elevator and up to her apartment in one trip Tiffany struggled with her enormous amount of bags.
"Why must you torture yourself and me Miss Williams." Tiffany's doorman Bradley said watching her struggle with her self righteous pride.
"I've got it Bradley, trust me I've got—" Crash. As if to show him just how much she did not in fact have it, her bag ripped exposing all her recent Target on-the-whim retail therapy finds.
"Oh my god!" Tiffany shrieked before diving to the ground trying to save her items.

"Miss Williams relax, I'll help you." Bradley responded nonchalantly as he kneeled to the ground chuckling at the clumsy mess Tiffany was making of herself.

"You don't have to help me Bradley." She responded quickly added the fallen objects to other Target bags that remained in take.

"You know it's my job, and even if it wasn't my job I'm not a total asshole I would still help you." Bradley responded following Tiffany's guide sticking the last of her items into an Aldi's reusable bag.

"You've lived in these apartments for two years now, I would have thought you would have bought a trolley on one of your amazon splurges by now." Bradley chuckled as they both stood back up. Tiffany frown slightly.

"I have you know, I do not go on amazon splurges Mr. Bradley." He didn't respond, instead he nodded gesturing her to walk in front of him to the elevators.

"Whatever you say. Maybe the next time your up there, you'll add one to the cart." He finally said with a wink as the lobby elevator doors opened for Tiffany to walk through. She only scoffed in response as the doors closed in her face.

Tiffany Williams, a fiery blonde curly head ebony woman that lived on the 10th floor of the building Braley manned for the past two and half years. He still remember's when Tiffany first moved in. She was a clusterfuck of a clumsy woman then too. Beyond beautiful with bright brown eyes and long dark eyelashes. Tiffany was beyond beautiful to Bradley, hell she was beautiful to anyone that laid eyes on her male or female. Tiffany acted as if she was the only one so oblivious to her beauty. Despite her beauty, Tiffany was very shy and reserved, she only opened herself up to people she new and trust, atleast that's what Bradley's observations led him to believe. Over the course of the two years Tiffany had been living at The Atrium, he never saw any male "gentlemen callers" if you will go to her door. Not that he was stalking or keeping tabs on her, again he was just observant. But maybe that just meant she was a lesbian. Tiffany had plenty of equally beautiful ladies over her apartment all of the times, any of them could be her mate.

Bradley continued to daydream about Tiffany and her clumsy, possibly lesbian unique self for the remainder of his shift. A little over an hour after helping Tiffany with her bags, her Bestfriend arrived in the lobby being her usual cheerful self. Bethany.
"Hiiii Bradley." She waved with a smile stopping in front of him,
"Evening Miss Bethany. How are you?" He asked with an equal smile.
"I'm doing fabulous as always. Is Tiffany here?" She asked.
"Now you know I can't tell you that. But if she's expecting you maybe she'll open the door." He winked.

"Your adorable. See ya later's Brads!" She patted his chest twice before proceeding to the elevator taking her bubbly personality with her.

"Man oh man that chic in apartment 10H has all the hot friends." Cooper, Bradley's new replacement for the door said as he approached Bradley dapping him up.

"Oh shut up man. You good for the evening?" He asked running his fingers through his brown, wavy hair.

"Yeah, I've already made my rounds for this hour so we are all good to go. Any plans for the evening?" Cooper asked straightening his tie.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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