"Wow, that's a lot for a young person to go through," David said sympathetically and she nodded.

"But it was worth it, I found a family, Lila, you, Emma, Henry, and so many others. I got to experience a normal life during the curse and I'm thankful for Regina," she admitted. Sammy had always been grateful that Regina had casted the curse and maybe once she was able to leave Storybrooke she could explore the world she brought them to.

He looked ahead and ran forward a little to catch up with the other two, "I think we're almost at tink's," he announced. Lila moved some leaves out of her face as she followed Mary Margret.

"I see why she picked this area. Nice quiet jungle," Lila said, taking it in. It reminded her of the forest by the Camp. It was more wild and more tropical, but it had the same energy.

"Might make a good spot for a hut, don't you think?" David suggested and Lila could see Sammy trying not to look so disappointed. "Or a tree house, if you prefer. Mary margaret. Snow!" He yelled. "When are you gonna start talking to me again? When we're storming Pan's camp? When we're grabbing henry? When?! You need to say something!"

She turned around and marched up to him. "Why? You didn't. You didn't tell me anything!" She snapped.

"It wasn't important at the time!" Lila reminded her. "He was just trying to do what he thought was best."

"She's right, at first, I was hoping that I could find a cure for the poison," he admitted. "And if I couldn't, then I figured there was no reason to worry you."

"Okay. But then you did find a cure, And you still didn't tell me!" She yelled.

"I know."

"So what, afraid of worrying me again?"

"No. I-I-I didn't think–"

"No, you didn't– you didn't think? You didn't think I had a right to know You could never leave this island?! Why didn't you tell me?" She yelled at him. Lila was starting to back away and went back to Sammy.

"Hey," the demi-god whispered. "We're going to get him home, I promise. There's a cure for almost anything. The water has magic, just the wrong kind."

"But maybe magic isn't always the answer," Sammy told her, crossing her arms. "It's done so many bad things."

"But it's done so many good things, it all depends on the holder," Lila reminded her.

Sammy scoffed, "remind me how many people you've killed. How you enjoyed it? What even is your name? Lila, Leanne, how about Circe?"

"You're not mad, not at me," Lila reminded her. This just made Sammy even more pissed.

"What are you acting like you know everything, like you're self righteous?" Sammy asked her, snapping at her.

"Because, I love you!"

"Then why am I not enough for anyone?" Sammy asked sadly. Lila walked forward and let Sammy fall onto her crying. "I don't want him to leave."


They finished their journey to Tink's treehouse and waited by the ladder for her.

She came by holding a bag of coconuts. "I was wondering if I'd see you again. But if you've com to talk me into helping you Before you've found a way off this island, I still–"

"We found one– and we're about to find a back up," David rushed forward explaining.

"I'm not sure I like the sound of "about to." Who are they?" She asked, gesturing to Sammy and Lila.

"Pan's shadow, Emma went with Hook and Neal to capture it. This is Neal's daughter Lila and Sammy. That's our way off the island," Mary Margret told her. "Lila can create portals, we're getting the shadow to ensure our safety home."

"Capture pan's shadow?" Tink laughed. "Yeah, I'm not lifting a finger Until I see some proof that you've actually succeeded."

Lila's dad ran over holding up a coconut, out of breath. "Here's all the proof you need. It's been a long time, tink."

"Bae? Is it really you?" She asked, walking over to him, surprised.

"Yeah. Most people call me Neal now," he explained and she looked over at Lila.

"Your daughter?" she asked and he nodded with a proud smile.

"We did it. Are you finally ready to do your part, Tink?" Hook asked the fairy.

"Yes. Yes, I am," she answered, heading for the ladder to her tree house. Everyone was quick to follow, they were finally getting Henry and getting home.

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