Chapter 30

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The following morning, I am slightly saddened by our departure from Okchester. As Asteria and I settle down on the train in the early morning, I look back fondly on the one evening spent here. Getting to converse with Lagi, though it would be upset my mother to know that it ever occurred, was an unexpected gift. Cooking for Asteria made me feel warm inside. The quiet evening spent with her only increased my affection for her.

I look at Asteria now. Her face is turned out the window, and she appears deep in thought. Though I know she is feeling anxious and somber, as she shared with me earlier in the morning when we packed, I wonder how she can look so beautiful even in this emotional state.

Aware that the guards are seated near us, I reach out and briefly grab her hand. She turns to look at me, surprised.

"It will be okay," I murmur quietly, then quickly let go of her hand. She nods and turns to stare back out the window, and we maintain our silence for the rest of the journey.

Asteria is no doubt thinking of her family, and I am just as equally thinking of mine, and the sister I may soon see again.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Hiding my awe when we arrive to Magewell is difficult. I force my surprised expressions down when the train pulls into the station. Though I have been to Arkford, the second most populated city in Magnuvia, it pales in comparison to Magewell. Tall brick buildings line the city, and loud automobiles crowd the street. There are more people traversing the sidewalks than I ever seen in my time in Magnuvia thus far, and they appear high-spirited and lively. In the distance, I can see the ocean blues of the Guildriden Gulf, and I remember suddenly that Magewell is technically a port city.

Though the motorcars, crowded streets, and a glimpse at the ocean are quick to grab my attention, nothing distracts me more than the large castle towering over the city's buildings, surrounded on all sides by large stone walls. The castle is made of dark stone with towers that rise high into the sky. It is the grandest building I have ever laid my eyes on, and one in which I will soon get to see firsthand.

I must fail to hide my surprise, because Asteria speaks up.

"It's quite the sight, isn't it?" Asteria asks.

"I had forgotten what the castle looked like," I say.

"Quite grander than Esterpool," Asteria says. There is a sadness in her voice which I wish I could reach out and crush. Her mood has only declined the nearer we have gotten to Magewell, and I only hope I can lift her spirits at some points during the visit.

"I will be excited to see Her Highness's royal childhood bedroom," I tease.

Asteria finally cracks a smile. "Ah, I do hope I cleaned up the last time I was there."

When the train pulls into the station, there is a much larger crowd than what we saw in Okchester. Gazing out at the sea of people, they look just as cheerful, but I suppose any normal citizen of Magnuvia would be eager to gaze at a royal. I suspect that King Ruben and Prince Stephan don't often wander down the streets of Magewell. Why should they, when the castle looks like it could be its own city.

When we make our way out from the train, Asteria does not run down to greet the crowd or even wave like back in Okchester. She keeps her head down, even as civilians call to her, and the royal guards quickly rush us to an automobile waiting to take us to the castle gates. When we are seated, I can feel Asteria trembling against me. Stealthily, I slip a hand underneath her back and rub up and down slowly, my gaze concentrated out the window rather than on her. Though I cannot see her expression, I feel her limbs begin to still, and slowly, I move my hand away when she appears more relaxed.

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