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Magnuvia began its colonization a century prior under King Stephanus (great-grandfather to Asteria and Stephan). After unsustainably harvesting magic from Magnuvia's once plentiful forests, Magnuvia began its expansion into Flumensia. Flumensia's magical resources sustained Magnuvia for a decade before Magnuvia moved southward to colonize Landiani. The Landiani had been fighting off invaders for the past decade during Magnuvia's colonization of Flumensia, but their defenses finally fell, and the country was colonized. Only a year later, Magnuvia began its colonization of the mountainous country of Kilneu. Magnuvia warred with the country for five years, but eventually Kilneu also fell to Magnuvia's command. Magnuvia has begun to expand southward and northward to other countries in order to harvest more magic. Arihi remembers when Tabafaga to south was colonized as a kid. Magnuvia is currently colonizing countries to the north of Kilneu.

The world is comprised of magic deposits. In Magnuvia, these magic deposits were once stored in the country's dense forests. Flumensia's magic deposits are stored in its bountiful lakes and rivers, Landiani's sea and jungle caves hold its magic, and finally, the Kilneu Mountains are the main source of magic for Kilneu. Each country utilizes this magic in different ways, the majority of which is to live in harmony with the land and to improve the livelihoods of its people. No one is born with magic, but many can learn how to utilize magic with proper training and practice through ingestion. In Magnuvia, Prince Stephan is much more trained with magic compared to his sister, Asteria.


Centrally located, Magnuvia is the colonizer of its three surrounding nations (Landiani, Flumensia, and Kilneu), and also Tabafaga to the south. Magnuvia is currently trying to expand its colonization to the countries northward of Kilneu. Magnuvia was once a country abundant with great forests that had ample magic deposits, but around a century ago, the Magnuvians began harvesting too much magic in order to industrialize their nation. This depletion of magic led the Magnuvians to create greater weapons and improve the effectiveness of their military, and they began their colonization of surrounding nations in order to harvest more magic. A few spare magic deposits remain in Magnuvia, most of which are heavily protected by the king. The largest expanse of magic is located in a protected forest near the eastern border of Flumensia. The country's capital is Magewell, where the royal family resides. The country is run by a monarchy, with King Ruben serving as the current ruler, and his youngest child, Prince Stephan, serving as next in line for the throne. Magnuvia regularly recruits soldiers and servants from other countries. Many are given the choice to serve in the army or become a servant. This decision solidifies them as a loyalist and helps protect their families and country. However, in greater times of need, Magnuvia will also force citizens of its colonized countries to serve the main country. The men are recruited more often than women to serve in the Magnuvian army.

Located in the northern region of Magnuvia, Magewell is the nation's capital and where the royal family resides. It is the largest city in Magnuvia and is primarily comprised of servants, soldiers, and high-ranking civilians. The Guildriden Gulf lies to the north of Magewell, with a port that can transport soldiers and civilians by boat to Kilneu, Gracesard Isle, or Flumensia.

The second-largest city in Magnuvia is Arkford, located in the south near Landiani's border. The second largest military base also exists in this city.

Esterpool is a small rural settlement, once a private country townhouse for the royal family, where the Princess Asteria of Magnuvia currently resides. Esterpool is one of the few remaining natural areas of Magnuvia. Remnants of the forest remain and natural grasslands that once made up the country still exist there. The largest supply of Magnuvian agriculture is also grown in Esterpool.

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