The Good and The Bad

Start from the beginning

"No meat!" Bobbi said again, shaking her head.

"Do you ever eat meat?" she asked her.

"No, she doesn't," a strong male voice responded.

Both girls looked over to see a very sleepy Riggs standing in the kitchen entrance. He walked over to them, running his fingers through his hair. Bobbi jumped down from the stool and ran into his arms. "Daddy!" she yelled, as he picked her up.

"Hey Bug, what are you doing up so late?" he asked, giving her a big hug and kiss.

"My tummy hungry. Auntie Ronica making us food!"

Riggs lifted an eyebrow towards Vern. "Auntie Ronica? Seems someone is considered family now."

Vern gave him a sarcastic smile while placing the plate in the microwave. "Well, we always knew deep down that it was bound to happen sooner or later."

Riggs placed Bobbi in one of the chairs at the kitchen table. He walked over and began inspecting the various containers of food on the counter. Grabbing a plate, he started to dish up after Vern. When the microwave dinged, Vern handed him Bobbi's plate, then placed hers inside.

Walking over to the table, Riggs placed the plate with a fork in front of Bobbi. "Now behave and try to eat this without getting it all over the place, okay Bug?"

Smiling at her selection of food, Bobbi began to dig in. "Okay, Daddy!"

Standing in the kitchen, Riggs gave Vern a tight hug, thanking her for taking care of Bobbi when they needed her. "So, who gave you the name?" he teased after letting her go. "Did you give it to yourself?"

"No. She woke me up saying it. I had no idea she was going to gift it to me."

"Gift you what?" Damen asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Damie!" Bobbi yelled, jumping out of her seat.

Damen quickly caught her in his arms. He picked her up and held her tight before sitting down in the chair with his sister in his lap. "Hey Bug, why are you awake? It's really late."

"I hungry and Auntie Ronica said I could eat." She reached over and picked up her fork full of food. On its way to her mouth, some of it fell on the floor. Damen took it from her and began feeding her.

"Oh, that's the gift," he remarked, nodding his head. Looking over his shoulder, he asked one of them to make him a plate too.

"So, this is where the party is," Oliver smiled as he and Rodger walked into the kitchen. He made a beeline for Bobbi, planting a kiss on her head. "Kind of late to be having a family dinner, but I'm down for it." He and Rodger both grabbed plates and began serving themselves.

After a few minutes, all you could hear in the kitchen was silverware clinking against plates and the laughter of the people sitting around the table. No one spoke about the night's events. They were all thinking the same thing, what if it triggers Bobbi? Instead, Rodger began showing them a different side of himself. He started with one bad dad joke after another. Pretty soon they were all chiming in, trying to outdo the person sitting next to them. Little Bobbi didn't understand a lot of what they were saying, but she did enjoy their laughter. She stayed content in her brother's lap, allowing him to feed her. He continually gave her squeezes around her waist, even tickling her sides off and on. The sound of her giggles made him continue doing it. Once a bottle was placed in her mouth, Bobbi began getting tired once again. She laid her head against her brother's chest and quickly fell asleep.

"I loved this," Damen announced to everyone at the table.

"What? The feeding and cuddling?" Riggs asked.

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