The Withdrawals

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Bobbi didn't want to open her eyes. The bed she was laying in felt too soft and inviting to have it come to an end. Her head was still swimming from whatever it was that entered her veins, but her stomach was beginning to tell her it was in need of some help. A gurgling from deep within began to get louder and bubble up to the surface. Before she knew it, she was turning onto her side, ready to vomit.

Riggs heard the sound and grabbed the small metal trash can he had previously placed next to the bed, in preparation for this exact situation. As soon as she turned, he lifted it up for her to use, while simultaneously holding her hair back. He watched her closely to see if her eyes ever opened. They did not. This was just the continuation of the usual.

After she was spent, he cleaned her up and tucked her back in. Once he emerged from the bathroom, he headed back to the large stack of cases he had sent over. Most were filled with first aid equipment, clothing, and household items. The sealed coolers, however, were filled with the food and liquids needed for both of their survival.

Unloading the food into the kitchen first, he began filling up the cupboards for their extended stay. He could hear a soft rustling coming from the bed across the room. He looked over to see two beautiful blue eyes staring at him from under the covers.

"Where are we?" she asked without moving.

Continuing his task, he answered her with a softness in voice, only reserved for his close friends and family. "We're in a cabin deep in the woods. Your brother bought it about a year ago as a place to get away from it all." He finished what he was doing and made his way over to the bed to sit next to her. He felt her cheeks and forehead, seeing if she had a fever. "How are you feeling, Bug?"

"Cold," she answered with a shiver.

"I know. It's a bit chilly in here. I have the fireplace going, but we may need to get a space heater. I'll put it on the list for the next supply drop."

Taking a moment to get her bearings, Bobbi surveyed the one room cabin. It was spacious, not cramped at all, but it was still only one room. The bed was a nice King size four poster, pushed up against the wall to the right of the door. She could see the kitchen on the back wall and the fireplace directly across from her. Sitting in front of the roaring fire was a small sofa and coffee table. To the left of them, was a small dining table with two chairs. A large pile of blue and gold footlockers was piled up by the front door.

To her right was the only anomaly in the picture. A wall jutted out of the side wall where the bed was. She assumed it was the only privacy in the entire place. The bathroom must be behind it.

"Why am I here?" she asked Riggs.

"Because you can't be left alone. Your brother and I don't think you've been making very good choices lately. This is where you're going to be until we can get you cleaned up."

Closing her eyes once more, she gave him a barely noticeable nod before falling back to sleep. He knew this was just the first wake-up. There would be at least one more with the same questions asked, before she was fully awake and could comprehend her situation.

Returning to his previous endeavors, he continued emptying the large stack of cases, then taking the empties to the outbuilding in the back to give them more room. After everything was finished, he decided to try to get another feeding into the sad looking girl in the bed behind him. Pulling open the cupboards, he grabbed a baby bottle and begin filling it up with broth he had let warm on the stove top.

Placing her once again into his arms, he held the nipple against her lips to see if she would open. When she did not, he began dragging the rubber nipple lightly across her bottom lip, allowing some of the juice to seep through. Once her body recognized what it was, her mouth fell openly voluntarily. She latched on without knowing what she was doing.

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