Chapter 2

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*Back to the present*

I took a deep breath as we pulled up onto the driveway.

"I've got the keys, let's take the stuff in now," Ashtyn said, and I nodded.

We didn't really take much, because we were brought here on such short notice, and we already had a lot of things here, if our dad didn't throw them away.

I went to the boot and got out my box of things, and Ashtyn went to open the door.

"Oh fuck, Jade, it's so dusty in here. Everywhere is covered in dust. There is no way were taking in our clean stuff in this shit," Ashtyn yelled from the front door.

"Okay, then go clean it up. Use a wet cloth because the vacuum probably won't work, and it would just make it fly around anyways," I called back, "I'm going to quickly go see if the skate park is still around. I'll be right back." I left quickly, knowing fully well that Ashtyn knew that I wasn't going to come back soon.


When I got there, I saw that they had added a park and a small mall beside it. There was also a beautiful water fountain.

"I've never seen you around before. You must be new, because I come here every day. I'm Sadie, nice to meet you. Want me to show you around?"

"Hi, I'm Jade. I actually used to live here, but I moved away, and now I'm back," I smiled, "This place has changed a lot."

"Come on, I'll show you around. You'll love it here, it's my favourite place to hang out. I'm actually supposed to meet a friend here, but she's not here yet, so we have time. I'll show you the mall. It's very small, but it's really nice."

I smiled. Sadie was such a chatterbox, but she seemed nice and fun. She reminded me of my old best friend Ava, from when I used to live here.

"Hey, do you know a girl named Ava Roberts?" I asked, hoping to see Ava again. I had missed her so much, and I couldn't talk to her, because my mum had forbidden us to talk to anyone in our past lives. She wanted to forget everything that happened, and start a new life.

"Ava Roberts?!" Sadie exclaimed, shocked, "Why would you want to meet her? She's the meanest and biggest slut of the school! She's the queen bee, and most people suck up to her, but I don't, so she tried to make my life so miserable. I hate her so much, Jade. Trust me, it's better off not knowing her."

Now, it was my turn to be shocked. How could Ava be mean? I remember her crying every single time someone died in a movie, or the time when she insisted on inviting our biggest enemy Peyton Reid to her party, because she didn't want her to feel left out.

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to believe it.

"Yes, she is always embarrasses me, does pranks on me and talks shit about me, without bothering to even do it behind my back. Seriously, she will make life hell for you."

"I'm really, really sorry for that, Sadie." I gave her a hug. "But I really need to talk to her. I used to be her friend before I moved away without telling her, on the day before her birthday party. I can confront her about being a bitch to you as well."

"You were her friend?!" Sadie exclaimed, "How could you be friends with a bitch like her?"

"Ava used to be really nice and sensitive, okay? She was my best friend, you know. She might've changed, but I still need to at least apologise to her for leaving her."

"OMG, Sally, what are you wearing? I have the exact same shirt, except my dog threw up on it!" I heard someone say from behind us.

A girl walked towards us, with two minions following behind. One was laughing with the lead girl, while the other was on her phone, barely paying attention to what was happening.

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