
"What if I post a sex video, maybe I'll earn thousands!" Naruto and I laugh

"You can." Sasuke said as both Naruto and I stopped laughing and turned to face him.

"Really?!" Naruto yelled excitedly


"Ooh~ I volunteer!" My drunk self spoke

I think it's our 8th bottle? 9? Nah, who cares.

"Are you sure? I can hire people y'know?" Naruto said

"Yep! I'm freaking sure. But you must pay me, my body is not for free, boy." I laugh

"Fuck yeah! All we need is another person of your choice, oh! I know someone-"

"No!" Sasuke yelled startling us both

"What?" I ask

"I'll do it with you. If you don't mind. I'm not comfortable with you being touched by someone else." Sasuke explains

Naruto and I blinked at him and at his sudden outburst, "Ok! At least I'm comfy with you." I smiled

End of Flashback~

Yeah I know, we planned something while we were all drunk. But hey, we earn money and we lived rent free in Sasuke's luxurious penthouse. We tried paying him with house bills and stuff or even groceries, Sasuke would take the money from us but then deposited the money back to our own banks.

Naruto and I found it last week…

And with so much convincing from us both, we somehow break into Sasuke and let us pay him. But he only agreed to pay him a dollar and nothing more than that.

My teenager self wouldn't believe me if I told my younger self that I could live in a million dollar penthouse rent-free, unlimited luxury foods, and thousands of free vacations for a dollar.

Don't be mean to me, I swear I never forgot to pay him in advance. So he gets 2 or 3 dollars from me monthly. I'll give myself a pat on the back for well done.

Have I mentioned that one time I heard Naruto gagging in his room when he was editing our video? It was a core memory I swear, it was so damn funny.

I remember him saying, "I never imagined editing my best friends' sex video for a living!"

Hey, it wasn't Sasuke and I's idea in the first place. Hahaha

I giggle from my thoughts not noticing both boys were looking at me worriedly, "I'm done. I'm gonna start editing the vid. Goodnight both of you, love you guys." Naruto got up from his stool and place his plate in the sink, he kissed my head as he passed by me "Don't forget to wear some pants, you might catch a cold." Naruto said before disappearing inside his room

As I finished my 7th pizza, I noticed Sasuke seemed to be waiting for me to finish. I put both of our plates in the sink and wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, I turned around and  jumped a bit as I saw Sasuke leaning his body on the wall watching me. I wiped my hands dry then walked towards this greek god-like human.

He cupped my cheeks and gently placed a soft kiss on my lips making me smile. "Are you sore, want me to carry you back to your bed?"

Yeps, this loving, caring, sweet, pretty boy is Sasuke Uchiha. Though he doesn't seem like his usual cold, mean, rude, arrogant self. I can promise you he's the same Sasuke Uchiha.

"Where the fuck is your pants?" He frowns

I take it back.

"I don't have one when you carried me" I smiled

"How come I didn't fucking noticed it?" His frown deepens, making me smile more.

In a blink of an eye, I was lifted from the ground and my legs are now wrapped around his waist. My arms instantly wrap around his neck since I don't want to fall. He'a freaking 6 '3 and my beautiful self is just 5' 6. Oh and Naruto is 6 '1.

Yeah I'm a petite type and skinny. Not malnourished skinny, just like… Bella Hadid's body type. Yeah, I'm proud to have an ideal body figure and nice skin but I'm only comfy showing it to Naruto and Sasuke and no one else.

After getting ready for bed, I saw Sasuke on my bed scrolling on his phone. I hurriedly went beside him under the covers and cuddled close to him. Him and his warmth will be the death of me.

He pulled me closer to his bare chest and planted kisses all over my face, "Get some rest." He whispers and I sleepily nod my head. He pulled me unbelievably close to him and buried my head on the crook of his neck, his rich cologne invading my nose bringing me to instant sleepiness.

"Goodnight, baby." I heard him say faintly before darkness took me to dreamland.


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